Winky Sans looks like the sober, grown-up cousin of Comic Sans. Informal and personable, but not silly.
Based on Aniva Sans, the letter shapes are rounded and thickened at the endings, and little irregularities were added, wich results in the impression of handwriting.
Winky Sans is a variable font with a weight axis that ranges from Light (300) to Black (900) and has matching italic styles. Watch out! Like flowing ink on paper the forms grows in all directions. While the slim weights might have been written with a fineliner, the black style look like ink blots from a broken pen.
See also Winky Rough, an alternative version of the font imitating dried ink on rough paper.
typofactur is a German type foundry run by the graphic designer Simon Atzbach. Find out more at
Fonts are built automatically by GitHub Actions - take a look in the "Actions" tab for the latest build.
If you want to build fonts manually on your own computer:
make build
will produce font files.make test
will run FontBakery's quality assurance tests.make proof
will generate HTML proof files.
The proof files and QA tests are also available automatically via GitHub Actions - look at
When you update your font (new version or new release), please report all notable changes here, with a date. Font Versioning is based on semver. Changelog example:
22 December 2024. Version 1.000
- initial release
27 December 2024. Version 1.002
- accents bolder
- analog to Winky Rough
03 January 2025. Version 1.003
- Z and z
- commaturdenmod added
- jacute without dot
03 January 2025. Version 1.004
- schwa
03 January 2025. Version 1.100
- kerning with Kern On
- Italic added
- commaaccentcomb
04 January 2025. Version 1.101
- dottedCircle added
- no ligatures
- no commaturnedabove
05 January 2025. Version 1.200
- Italic 9° instead if 12°
- Schwa, H, H.salt
- glyphspackage instead of glyphs
- mark ogonek in dottedcircle
05 January 2025. Version 1.201
- fractions
- kerning with Kern On
- L
26 January 2025. Version 1.202
- position brevecomb
- commaaccentcomb thicker
- ogonekcomb thicker
- dotaccentcomb bigger
- hungarumlautcomb: thicker and position
- spacing: 4, A, V, Y
26 January 2025. Version 1.203
- italic angle: decomposed components exclamdown, questiondown, parenright, braceright, guillemotleft, guillemotright, guilsingleright
- spacing backslash, quotedbleft, quoteleft
26 January 2025. Version 1.204
- italic angle eth
15 February 2025. Version 1.205
- kerning dcaron, lcaron, tcaron
- size periodcentered, bullet
- Ldot and ldot added
- spacing period, comma, exclam, exclamdown italic
- Hbar italic
- Thorn thin
- Germandbls thin
- spacing L, Ldot
- Ldot, ldot no decomposed
This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1. This license is available with a FAQ at
This font repository structure is inspired by Unified Font Repository v0.3, modified for the Google Fonts workflow.