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Permissions policy

This document describes the permissions that members of the collective have across several services.

Whether to grant permissions is determined by optimizing for the following conflicting requirements:

  • Limiting access to reduce risk
  • Increasing access to improve the bus factor
  • Enabling persons to move forward without undue delay

This document is developed by the unified collective core team.

Table of contents


GitHub permissions are automated in github-tools.

Members are required to have a GitHub account.

GitHub organization

Maintainers of the collective core team are owners of all GitHub organizations.

Maintainers of the collective moderation team are members of all GitHub organizations.

Members of an organization team are members of their respective GitHub organization.

GitHub teams

The GitHub organization consists of GitHub teams:

  • members — includes members; maintained by the lead; triage permissions
  • contributors — includes contributors; maintained by the lead; triage permissions
  • maintainers — includes maintainers; maintained by the lead; write permissions
  • mergers — includes mergers; maintained by the lead; write permissions
  • releasers — includes releasers; maintained by the lead; maintain permissions
  • core — includes collective core team maintainers; maintained by the lead; admin permissions
  • moderators — includes collective moderation team maintainers; maintained by the lead; admin permissions

Maintainers of collective teams may not use their administrative permissions, except when explicitly allowed by collective governance documentation, or when edge-cases occur that are not yet covered by collective governance documentation.


npm permissions are automated in npm-tools.

Releasers are required to have an npm account. Members without a known npm account are disregarded in this section.

npm organization

The lead of an organization team is an owner of their respective npm organization.

Maintainers of the collective core team are admins of all npm organizations.

Maintainers of an organization team are members of their respective npm organization.

npm teams

The npm organization consists of npm teams:

  • mergers — includes mergers; read-only permissions
  • releasers — includes releasers; read-write permissions


The unified collective on OpenCollective is governed by the collective.

Maintainers of the collective core team are admins of the Collective. Maintainers of the collective moderation team are core contributors of the Collective.

Maintainers of collective teams are required to be listed on OpenCollective.


The unifiedjs account on Twitter is governed by the collective. It is owned by @wooorm and @johno.


The and domains are governed by the collective. They are respectively registered by @wooorm and @johno.


Email is provided by Mailgun and @wooorm has access to it. The reason for this is financial in nature: it is free of charge.

This provides us with collective email addresses that forward to actual email addresses, and functionality to send from an actual email client (such as Gmail) as a collective email address.

Maintainers of collective teams have personal addresses:

The following collective email addresses are in use:

  • — forwards to maintainers of the collective core team
  • — forwards to maintainers of the collective core team
  • — forwards to maintainers of the collective moderation team

Maintainers of collective teams are required to read emails sent to them and, when needed, to respond.


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.