This Dockerfile contains definitions for creating docker container images for running the "Unison Code Manager (ucm)".
See my dockerhub page for a list of docker images I have publised:
To build from the lastest release (as of this writing: (M1i)[]):
docker build --target RELEASE -t unison:M1i .
If you want to build from a different tag
To build from a different tag (perhaps from the previous release):
docker build --target RELEASE --build-arg release=M1h -t unison:M1h .
To build from the current master branch from (github)[] from source:
docker build --target HEAD -t unison:latest .
This will checkout the current master branch from git, install stack, and build unison from source, then will create a minimal container without the build environment, just containing the resulting binary.
In order to use these images, You should create a local directory which will contain your unison codebase:
mkdir codebase
and run a docker container with your codebase directory mounted to
. If you are starting from an empty directory,
you will need to first initialize the codebase:
docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd)/codebase:/opt/unison/codebase stew/unison:M1i init
Subsequently, if you run a container without the init
argument, you
will be dropped into a ucm
shell which will be watching for .u files
in your codebase directory:
$ mkdir codebase
$ docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd)/codebase:/opt/unison/codebase stew/unison:M1i init
Initializing a new codebase in:
$ docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd)/codebase:/opt/unison/codebase stew/unison:M1i
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Welcome to Unison!
I'm currently watching for changes to .u files under ~/codebase
Type help to get help. π
Enter pull .base to set up the default base library. π
If you have just initiliazed a new codebase, You will want to pull the
definitions into your codebase by running pull .base
.> pull .base
β git clone --quiet --depth 1 '' /opt/unison/.cache/unisonlanguage/gitfiles/q0rume4r1p1lc5tut0gcbbcvndjgr8ai0qst6ej9bdjr1vcgmtueo0103oi4k
β git -C /opt/unison/.cache/unisonlanguage/gitfiles/q0rume4r1p1lc5tut0gcbbcvndjgr8ai0qst6ej9bdjr1vcgmtueo0103oi4kt4tr0m1vok5sbkk91g1qcr2og9pit3rp8ceeq752r8/HEAD rev-parse
Here's what's changed in .base after the merge:
Added definitions:
1. ability Abort (+2 metadata)
2. ability Ask a (+2 metadata)
3. unique type Author
4. builtin type Boolean
5. builtin type Bytes
6. builtin type Char
So now, outside of the docker container, you can use your local editor to create a file ending in .u
in your new codebase
directory and ucm
will pick up the changes:
Outside the container, run:
$ echo "type Foo = Int | String" > codebase/scratch.u
And you should see ucm pick up the new definitions:
I found and typechecked these definitions in ~/codebase/scratch.u. If you do an `add` or
`update`, here's how your codebase would change:
β These new definitions are ok to `add`:
type Foo