A cross platform build and release agent for Visual Studio Team Services and Team Foundation Server 2015 and beyond. This will be replacing/combining the existing closed source windows build agent and the existing xplat agent
Supported on Windows, OSX and Linux. Written for the .NET Core CLR as one code base in C#.
Will run all existing tasks (typescript/javascript and powershell) including our in the box and your custom tasks written with our vsts task SDK.
A preview is available for Linux/OSX for VSTS. A release is coming soon with more capabilities than the deprecated node agent: Auto Update, Cancellation, Run as a svc on OSX and Linux, and Gated support.
What's missing from the preview? Run as svc on OSX, TfsVC support, RM, test publishing (all being worked on). On-prem NTLM support is in the works so preview with VSTS.
A preview for windows is coming soon (finishing powershell handlers and tfsvc support)
Build & Test | Preview | Release | |
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v0.7 | Soon | |
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v0.7 | Soon | |
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Soon |
VSTS only for now. On-prem coming with NTLM support in the works.
Create a PAT token. Step by Step here
Add the user you created the PAT token for to both:
- Agent Pool Administrators (allows to register)
- Agent Pool Service Accounts (allows listening to build queue)
TIPS: You can add to roles for a specific pool or select "All Pools" on the left and grant for all pools. This allows the account owner to delegate build administration globally or for specific pools. More here The PAT token is only used to listen to the message queue for a build job When a build is run, it will generate an OAuth token for the scoped identity selected on the general tab of the build definition. That token is short lived and will be used to access resource in VSTS
Download the appropriate agent from github releases
From the cmdline:
~/Downloads$ curl -kSLO https://github.com/Microsoft/vsts-agent/releases/download/v0.7/vsts-agent-linux-1.999.0-0405.tar.gz
~/$ mkdir myagent && cd myagent
~/myagent$ tar zxvf ~/Downloads/vsts-agent-darwin-1.999.0-0405.tar.gz
~/myagent$ ./run.sh
That's It! Your agent is running interactively and ready for builds
Other detailed configuration options are covered here
Install .NET Core Required for our Build
Git for Windows Install Here _(needed for dev sh script)
From src:
): Run first time and any time you change a project.json
): build everything
): run unit tests
results in: Test/bin/Debug/dnxcore50/{platform}/testResults.xml
): build and test
): deletes build output for each projects
): Creates a full layout in {root}/_layout
Does a clean, restore, build, publish and copy
Default is Debug. Passing Release as argument is supported (dev l Release)
) {dirname}: Builds and publishes just one dir. Patches the layout
update {dirname}
Use if you change code in an assembly and don't want to wait for the full layout.
): Precheckin validation. Runs git clean, layout and test.
Using Visual Studio 2015
Using Visual Studio Code and Mono Debugger
We use the dotnet foundation and CoreCLR style guidelines located here