Digital Craftsman (Developer)
private readonly Student _maxime = new Student
pronouns = "he" | "him",
studying = "computer science and engineering"
Programming_languages = {"C#", "C", "VHDL", "JS", "TS", "Python", "Haskell", "MySql"},
tools = {"Git", "Docker", "ModelSim", "Quartus®", "STM32CubeIDE", "Altium Designer"},
languages = {"Swedish", "Danish", "English"},
non_coding_interests = new Hobby
Guitar = true,
Piano = true,
Sewing = true,
Plants = true,
Chess = true,
Gym = true
challenge = "Currently attempting to refactor my life to be as efficient as my code, but i keep getting stuck in infinite loops at the grocery store and segmentation faults in my social life."