Tags: urcomputeringpal/actions-runner-controller
Fixing Docker Build and Push for Runner Image (actions#115) A new image tag for the runner stopped being published on master merges from changes in actions#86. This fixes that in the following ways: - Tests the GH workflow on PRs w/o pushing the images - Runner and Docker version are moved from Makefile to GH Actions workflow and are passed in as build args - GHA workflow runs on PRs, and if the workflow file itself is changed (i.e. version bump) or the runner Docker source changes (excluding the Makefile since thats just for local dev) - Images are pushed on push (i.e. a merge)
Merge pull request actions#110 from summerwind/ensure-controller-gen-… …code-manifests-sync Ensure controller-gen is up-to-date and the code and the manifests are in-sync
Merge pull request actions#82 from summerwind/add-hra-crd-to-kustomiz… …ation Do include currently missing HRA CRD in the released manifests
Merge pull request actions#76 from summerwind/fix-crash-on-startup Fix crash on startup after the HRDA addition
Merge pull request actions#66 from summerwind/org-runner-autoscale feat: Organizational RunnerDeployment Autoscaling
Merge pull request actions#63 from summerwind/runner-v2.267.0 Update runner to v2.267.0
Merge pull request actions#50 from summerwind/runner-validation-webhook Add validation webhooks
Merge pull request actions#45 from summerwind/share-work-dir Share runner's working directory with docker sidecar
Merge pull request actions#36 from summerwind/runner-v2.169.1 Update runner to v2.169.1