The monorepo for Cloudy, Self-updating tech docs that sync with your codebase. You can access the live product at
We're a two person bootstrapped team.
We just launched on PH today 12/03/2024. If you see value in what we're building, please support us by upvoting, commenting, and sharing with others. Would mean a lot!
⚠️ Although this repo is open source, we are currently not ready for self hosting or have a clear guide on how to run it locally. This is a WIP and we will update this README with instructions on how to run it locally when we are ready.
This monorepo contains the following apps:
- app - The SPA React app that runs the main Cloudy frontend.
- supabase - The database and Postgres functions.
- web - The Next.js app that contains the marketing site and the serverless functions hosted on Vercel for the API.
⚠️ Attempt running Cloudy locally or self hosting at your own risk for the time being.
- Node.js 18.x
- Docker
npm install -g turbo
npm install
Jenn will give you the env files, some keys will be missing, you'll need to set it up yourself. The local supabase keys will come from the below:
cd apps/supabase
npm run dev
Supabase will be run in the background. You can access the Supabase dashboard at http://localhost:54323. You will need to copy the supabase anon key, and the service role keys which is shown in your terminal.
Put it in the apps/app/.env.development
and apps/web/.env
turbo dev
npm run db:sync
npm run db:sync:local
Because Supabase is run in the background, you'll need to stop it when you're done.
cd apps/supabase
npm run stop