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Obfu[DE]scate is a de-obfuscation tool for Android APKs that uses fuzzy comparison logic to identify similarities between functions, even if they have been renamed as part of obfuscation. It compares two versions of an APK and generates a mapping text file and an interactive HTML file as outputs!


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πŸ€– Obfu[DE]scate: A De-obfuscation and Comparison tool for Android APKs. πŸ“±

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Obfu[DE]scate is a Python tool designed to simplify the process of de-obfuscating and comparing two versions of an Android APK - even if the functions have been renamed as part of obfuscation. With fuzzy comparison logic, Obfu[DE]scate can identify similarities between functions and help you uncover changes between APK versions.

➑️ Getting Started


Getting started with Obfu[DE]scate is easy! Follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  2. Install the dependencies manually or via the included requirements file using the following command:
pip install -r REQUIREMENTS.txt
  1. Download APKTool for your system from their website. and make sure it's installed and available in your PATH.

Obfu[DE]scate has been tested on Windows 11, but should work on other systems as well.


Obfu[DE]scate provides several command-line options to customize its behavior:

Shorthand Parameter Description Required
-a1 apk_file_path_1 The path to the original APK. This is the APK that the second APK will be compared against (i.e. an older version of the APK) True
-a2 apk_file_path_2 The path to the newer APK. The output will show changes between APK 1 and this APK. True
-cp class_path A reverse domain notation path that will be used to filter reviewed functions (i.e. provide com.example.class to only compare functions on this path). False
-o output_dir A directory to save the output mapping, html, and dissasembled APKs to. False
-apktool apk_tool_path If APKTool is not on your path use this parameter to tell ObfuDeScate where APKTool is located. False

To compare two APK files, simply run Obfu[DE]scate with the following command:

python -a1 "old_example.apk" -a2 "new_example.apk" -cp "com.example.path"

In the above example, Obfu[DE]scate will review all functions in the old_example.apk APK at the class path com.example.path and compare them against all functions found at the same class path in new_example.apk.

πŸ”Ž Outputs

Obfu[DE]scate generates two output files: a mapping file in newline-separated list format, and an interactive HTML file. These output files include:

  • mapping.txt - A newline seperated text file with each line relating to an identified match between a method in APK1 and APK2. The format for these lines are such as: -> .
  • output.html - A HTML file that when opened in a web browser lists all functions in APK1. These are dropdowns that when clicked show the matched method in APK2 (if any), the confidence of them being a match, and the codeblock in SMALI for that method from APK1 and APK2.

πŸ™ Contributions

Obfu[DE]scate is an open-source project and welcomes contributions from the community. If you would like to contribute to Obfu[DE]scate, please follow these guidelines:

  • Fork the repository to your own GitHub account.
  • Create a new branch with a descriptive name for your contribution.
  • Make your changes and test them thoroughly.
  • Submit a pull request to the main repository, including a detailed description of your changes and any relevant documentation.
  • Wait for feedback from the maintainers and address any comments or suggestions (if any).
  • Once your changes have been reviewed and approved, they will be merged into the main repository.

βš–οΈ Code of Conduct

Obfu[DE]scate follows the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct. Please make sure to review. and adhere to this code of conduct when contributing to Obfu[DE]scate.

πŸ› Bug Reports and Feature Requests

If you encounter a bug or have a suggestion for a new feature, please open an issue in the GitHub repository. Please provide as much detail as possible, including steps to reproduce the issue or a clear description of the proposed feature. Your feedback is valuable and will help improve Obfu[DE]scate for everyone.

πŸ’› Thanks

This tool wouldn't work without APKTool! Secondly, many of the examples in this README use the app as a base, check it out here.

πŸ“œ License

GNU General Public License v3.0


Obfu[DE]scate is a de-obfuscation tool for Android APKs that uses fuzzy comparison logic to identify similarities between functions, even if they have been renamed as part of obfuscation. It compares two versions of an APK and generates a mapping text file and an interactive HTML file as outputs!




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