issues Search Results · repo:ushahidi/tenfour language:PHP
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225 results
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inushahidi/tenfour (press backspace or delete to remove)Please describe the problem.
When there are typhoons/hurricanes in Taiwan, the farms receive help from various volunteers that can be difficult for
NGO s managing the volunteer to manage due to various ...
Back-end issues
Design: Interaction
Design: UI
Design: Usability + Inclusion
Design: User Research
Design: UX
Feature: Check-In
Feature: Notifications
Feature request
Open Design issue
P2 - Normal
- Opened on Nov 21, 2019
- #225
Please describe the problem.
When volunteers offer to help with post-disaster recovery, they may lack certain skills in order to perform specialist
activities le.g. operating heavy machinery or crop skills ...
Back-end issues
Design: Interaction
Design: UI
Design: Usability + Inclusion
Design: User Research
Design: UX
Feature: Groups
Feature: People
Feature: Profile
Open Design issue
P2 - Normal
- Opened on Nov 21, 2019
- #224
Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. I m frustrated when I can t find specific examples of how
a medical team, School, organization/company, mental health facility or other use ...
Design: User Research
Feature: Onboarding
good first issue
P2 - Normal
- Opened on Oct 11, 2019
- #223
Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. I m frustrated when there is totaly coverage breakdown
(cell and internet) and people in crisis need to rely on other communication methods. ...
Back-end issues
Design: Usability + Inclusion
Design: User Research
Design: UX
Feature: Check-In
Feature request
Open Design issue
P3 - Low
P4 - Wishlist
Tech debt
- Opened on Oct 11, 2019
- #222
Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. I m frustrated when I can t broadcast my location (when I
choose to) so that the admin s of TenFour can see where I am in order to best help ...
Back-end issues
Design: Interaction
Design: UI
Design: Usability + Inclusion
Design: User Research
Design: UX
Design: Visual + Graphic
Feature: Check-In
Feature: People
Feature request
Open Design issue
P2 - Normal
- Opened on Oct 11, 2019
- #221
Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. I m frustrated when I can t do a bulk of work in offline
mode e.g. adding new people, changing profile details, scheduling check-ins etc. ...
Back-end issues
Design: Interaction
Design: UI
Design: Usability + Inclusion
Design: User Research
Design: UX
Design: Visual + Graphic
Low priority
P3 - Low
P4 - Wishlist
Tech debt
- Opened on Oct 11, 2019
- #220
Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. I m frustrated when I have to check for myself whether
someone has responded to a check-in on TenFour.
Describe the solution you d like As ...
Back-end issues
Design: User Research
Design: UX
Feature: Check-In
Feature: Notifications
good first issue
Open Design issue
P2 - Normal
- Opened on Oct 11, 2019
- #219
Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. I m always frustrated when...I cannot plan and customize
the way that certain communications are sent out in TenFour and it just blasts my ...
Back-end issues
Design: Usability + Inclusion
Design: User Research
Design: UX
Feature: Check-In
Feature: People
Feature request
Open Design issue
P2 - Normal
Tech debt
- Opened on Oct 11, 2019
- #218
Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. I m frustrated that there is no emergency contact or next
of kin listed for a person on my tenfour account
Describe the solution you d like ...
Back-end issues
Design: Interaction
Design: UI
Design: Usability + Inclusion
Design: UX
Design: Visual + Graphic
Feature: People
good first issue
Open Design issue
P2 - Normal
- Opened on Oct 11, 2019
- #217
From tenfour-archive created by Erioldoesdesign: ushahidi/tenfour-archive#1570
Add in the medium icon with a link to TenFour s medium blog to the .org hompage/global page: ...
Design: Interaction
Design: UI
Design: Visual + Graphic
good first issue
P3 - Low
- Opened on Sep 9, 2019
- #216

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