Web Frontend Developer in Japan.
I have experience from legacy to modern front end.
The following is a list of only those that I have experience using in my business.
- Node.js v0.8.0~, ..., 20.12.2
- HTML/CSS (Prefer the FLOCSS pattern for MPA and static sites, and loosely coupled, maintainable designs based on Atomic Design for SPA and other component-based designs)
- Sass
- JavaScript 5.1, ES2015(ES6)~
- TypeScript
- Astro@1.0~, v2.x, v4.x
- React@17.x~
- Next.js
- Vue.js@2.5.2~, v3.x
- Nuxt.js
- Svelte@3.29.4~
- Webpack@3.9.1~, v4.x, v5.x
- FireBase
- Linux
- AWS (Mainly capable of building hosting environments for products and serverless architectures)
- S3
- CloudFront
- Amplify
- EC2
- Lambda
- API Gateway
- Serverless(SAM)
- Docker (Building a simple DB and CMS environment.)
- Gulp
- Alpine.js
- Ansible
- Vagrant
*I haven't used it much lately.