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UXL Foundation Charter


The landscape of computing has changed, and increasingly architectures are heterogeneous, consisting of multiple types of processors from different vendors. The top supercomputers are now dominated by architectures that predominantly use GPUs. Data centres and embedded/edge systems are integrating CPUs and GPUs from multiple vendors alongside specialised processors for domains such as AI. This change has reached all industry verticals from finance and healthcare through to autonomous vehicles and manufacturing. What this means is that there is a growing demand for software acceleration using architectures that consist of different types of accelerators from multiple vendors.

Multiple types of processors are used to bring acceleration to different types of software, in particular for AI. Large data centres and clusters are increasingly using large numbers of GPUs to accelerate data intensive workloads including those used in AI.

Multiple types of processors are used to bring acceleration to different types of software, in particular for AI. Large data centres and clusters are increasingly using large numbers of GPUs to accelerate data intensive workloads including those used in AI.

The Challenge

The emergence of heterogeneous architectures poses two main challenges for software developers:

  1. Easily developing software that can be used with different architectures and vendors of accelerators such as GPUs and AI processors
  2. Achieving good levels of performance across architectures and vendors

The UXL Foundation

The goals of the UXL Foundation aim to address these challenges by:

  • Building a multi-architecture multi-vendor software ecosystem for all accelerators.
  • Unifying the heterogeneous compute ecosystem around open standards.
  • Enabling collaboration around open-source projects for accelerated computing.

We want to make it possible for developers to write source code once and deploy it across accelerators, regardless of vendor, and this requires the collaboration of organisations designing the latest processors and software developers building the latest innovations. We intend to create the environment required for cross industry participation on the specification and open source projects that are governed by the UXL Foundation. This is achieved through adopting best practices for open source development and providing the structure for open discussion and decision making. The UXL foundation is part of the Linux Foundation and is founded under the principles of open governance, the details of which are outlined in the GitHub repository.

UXL Foundation Projects

Initially a set of C++ projects and specifications have been contributed to the UXL Foundation, and these form fundamental building blocks that cover accelerated operations needed by the majority of software applications and frameworks.

  • For GPU acceleration, the projects use the SYCL open standard, a programming model defined by the Khronos Group. SYCL makes it possible to write kernels that can be run in parallel using standard C++ code and compiled for a range of processors.
  • For CPU acceleration most of the projects use oneTBB, an open source framework that brings multi-threading capabilities.
  • The oneAPI specification defines the APIs for the UXL Foundation projects.

The oneAPI specification defines the interfaces for these projects.

A list of specific areas where the community can contribute to projects is being added to the project issue trackers under the “Help Wanted” label. Proposals for large changes or additions to the projects can be made through the Open Source Working Group, and discussions can be had on the Slack channel.

The current work packages are tracked on the Open Source Working Group GitHub repository.

Accelerated Building Blocks


Open Source Development

Making open source code available is not enough to build a sustainable open source project with many contributors, maintainers and users. There are a set of fundamentals that an open source needs, such as open decision making and build infrastructure in order to be successfully adopted across the community. There is an ongoing work package to implement consistent best practices across the UXL Foundation projects, this is tracked in this GitHub project board.

Math Domains - The oneMKL project

The oneAPI specification defines the oneMKL API covering BLAS, LAPACK, RNG, DFT and SPARSE math domains. The open source oneMKL interfaces project implements the specification, providing a standard API for these math domains. The project uses industry standards where available, such as for BLAS, to define the API arguments. The project integrates with multiple back ends to enable deployment to different processors:

  • Intel oneMKL optimized library for Intel CPU and GPU
  • Nvidia cuBLAS, cuSOLVER, cuRAND, and cuFFT optimized libraries for Nvidia GPU
  • AMD rocBLAS, rocSOLVER, rocRAND, and rocFFT optimized libraries for AMD GPU
  • Open source NETLIB LAPACK library for x86 CPU
  • Open source portBLAS and portFFT SYCL code for x86 CPU, AMD GPU, Intel GPU, Nvidia GPU

A matrix of targets available and domains is available in the project README.

Contributions to the oneMKL Project

Broadening support for processors

New back ends to target different processors (including new host CPUs such as RISC-V) can be added to the project. There is public documentation on how to do this. Pull Requests can be made with additions for integrations with vendor libraries or open source code. In addition to new backend work, testing resources for existing processor targets is needed to ensure these can be treated as supported targets. Alongside this, the community can contribute to helping make the project easy to install as well as showing what level of support is available for different processors based on the different math domains.

Public Build and CI

During 2024, a work package to set up initial public build infrastructure for the project is in progress. This will document how new community managed build machines can be added. Please contact the Open Source Working Group to contribute build resources for the oneMKL project.

Open Source Contributions

Some open source implementations of the math domains are available for CPU and GPU but there are gaps that exist and the open source implementations could be further optimized for specific processors. Alongside this a documented approach for how to consistently add new hardware targets for the library would help adoption.

Acceleration for AI Applications and Frameworks - oneDNN

The oneAPI specification defines the oneDNN API covering convolution, matrix multiplication, pooling, batch normalization, activation functions, RNN and LSTM. These are currently the most commonly used operators for AI software, used by frameworks such as TensorFlow and PyTorch. The open source oneDNN project implements the specification and provides a standard API for commonly used operators on:

  • Intel GPU
  • x86-64, aarch64, IBM Power, RISC-V 64 CPUs
  • Nvidia GPU (experimental)
  • AMD GPU (experimental)

oneDNN is currently used by a variety of AI projects including TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Paddle Paddle amongst others for software acceleration on a variety of processors, including both CPUs and GPUs.

The oneDNN project is looking for code owners and maintainers for some hardware targets, see the oneDNN Maintainers file for details.

Contributions to bring more processor targets to oneDNN, as well as support to bring the Nvidia and AMD GPU targets out of experimental status are welcome. Resources for public build and CI infrastructure are required both to expand the testing of existing target processors and to help bring target processors out of experimental status (in particular Nvidia and AMD). Join the Slack channel to discuss contributions and see the oneDNN Contributing file for details.

Parallel ISO C++ - oneDPL

Based on the ISO C++ standard definition for parallel routines and algorithms, the oneAPI specification defines the oneDPL interfaces and execution model to integrate the SYCL programming model. Developers use a SYCL queue and memory management alongside the ISO C++ parallel routines and algorithms. The open source oneDPL project implements the specification and uses SYCL code to bring portability for the project across architectures and vendor processors including GPUs, FPGAs and CPUs. Currently the project only lists Intel processors as targets, but since the code is implemented using SYCL it can be compiled and used with other targets supported by the DPC++ compiler such as Nvidia and AMD GPUs. Contributions to extend the project and/or optimize it for more processor targets are welcome. Resources for build and CI infrastructure to cover testing and building on more target processors are required. Join the Slack channel to discuss contributions.

Accelerated AI Data Analysis – oneDAL

The oneAPI specification defines interfaces for oneDAL, used in big data analysis through optimized data ingestion alongside algorithms. The open source oneDAL implementation provides accelerated algorithms used by machine learning packages such as SciKit Learn. These can be used on CPUs and GPUs through a range of backends, and the project has some dependencies on oneTBB for CPU multi-threading and oneMKL. The project lists Intel CPUs and GPUs as supported targets but the project can be used with Arm CPUs and work is under way for RISC-V CPUs. The project team is implementing SYCL kernel code for the algorithms and once available brings the potential for much broader processor target support. Contributions to extend the project or optimize it for more processor targets are welcome. There is also an opportunity to bring more infrastructure for build and testing on more Arm processor targets.

Multi-node deep learning – oneCCL

The oneAPI specification defines interfaces for oneCCL, used to define concepts and objects that operate on data. This includes operations The open source oneCCL project implements the specification and provides efficient communication patterns for deep learning. This is designed for use on systems that consist of multiple nodes where work is distributed and effective data transfer can help to accelerate the software. The project is integrated with PyTorch and Horovod Currently the project only lists Intel CPUs and GPU processors as targets, but there is potential for the project to be used with other targets. Contributions to bring more processor targets to oneCCL and resources for public build and CI infrastructure are required.

CPU Multi-threading – oneTBB

The oneAPI specification defines the interfaces for oneTBB used for multi-threading on CPUs. The open source oneTBB project implements the specification and broadly speaking can be used with any x86 and aarch64 processor, but specific support is provided for Intel CPUs listed on this page, and community supported processors are also listed. Other UXL Foundation projects use the oneTBB project for achieving acceleration on CPU devices, specifically oneDAL, oneDPL and oneDNN. There are many software projects around the world using oneTBB to accelerate software on CPUs. Contributions to test a broad range of processor targets with oneTBB are welcome in the form of CI or build infrastructure. The project does not currently test RISC-V CPUs and some functionality is missing.

Hardware Enablement - oneAPI Construction Kit

The oneAPI Construction Kit can be used to bring SYCL and oneAPI to new and specialist accelerators. The oneAPI Construction Kit works by enabling the CPU to offload compute-intensive kernels to the custom accelerator. The project includes a reference implementation using RISC-V.

The UXL Foundation Work Areas

This section outlines the main areas where contributors can help the foundation and projects to achieve their goals.

Hardware Support

The UXL projects aim to support a broad range of processors from different vendors. This table shows the current status for each project. Contributions can be made to the projects to bring new target processors and/or to provide build and testing resources for targets to improve support for these. Project

Potential contributors can contact the project team through the Slack channel or mailing list to talk to the project maintainers and the community about helping with this work.


Broad distribution of the UXL projects across Linux distributions and through commercial releases such as the Intel oneAPI Base Toolkit relies on robust testing across hardware, operating systems and driver level software. This requires infrastructure hosted by the foundation and community members including processor vendors and Linux distributions. A work package for public build infrastructure is ongoing and community contributions are welcomed to this effort. Contact the Open Source Working Group through the Slack Channel or mailing list.

Open Source

The UXL Foundation is based on the principles of open source software and as such all projects try to use open source components where possible. For some projects, such as oneMKL, open source code can be contributed to ensure there is an open source implementation alongside any closed source vendor libraries. This ensures that developers can use the functionality they need across targets and have access to fully open source versions of the projects. Use the Slack channel or mailing list to talk about what open source contributions could be made to different projects.


The UXL Foundation projects have been optimised for some targets but there is always work to do to optimise the code more for different targets. The projects may have issues for these items, but if not please talk to the project teams through the Slack channels or mailing list.

Software Integration

The UXL Foundation projects sit low in the software stack providing building blocks for many other applications, libraries and frameworks. It is important that there is a level of compatibility and integration for the UXL Foundation projects. Collaboration with key open source projects is important. If your project is working with UXL Foundation projects please bring your feedback, issues and ideas to the projects through GitHub or the SIG meetings. Get in touch via the Slack channels or mailing list.