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Codeplay's reference RISC-V target, for RISC-V implementation. The intention of this target is to provide a flexible way of communicating with a variety of customer RISC-V targets, with different RISC-V configurations. This target supports multiple different variants by using an abstract class (HAL), which is used to configure the target and act on commands such as enqueuing kernels and allocating and reading or writing to memory. The current version has only been tested with an x86_64 host CPU.

The current in-tree targets are variants of Codeplay's reference architecture(RefSi). This comes in two variants G and M1. The riscv target matches G and has no need for anything architecture specific except for what is needed to support riscv. M1 has additional hardware features, such as DMA.

The riscv target uses a common utility riscv compiler library which can be used or derived from for different targets.

The RISC-V target can also be built with just the compiler aspect changed. This is shown with M1 under examples/refsi/refsi_m1 of the oneAPI Construction Kit.


The HAL is an abstract class which is required to be used with this target. This abstract class will be accessed through a shared library which will be opened at runtime. This is done in hal.cpp, riscv::hal_get(), where it uses dynamic loading. This provides a hal_t class. From this hal_t class, we can get information about the general HAL target (hal_info_t), more detailed information about the devices (hal_device_info_t) and create or free a HAL device (hal_device_t).

.. seealso::
   For more detailed information on the HAL, see the :doc:`specification
   </specifications/hal>` and `:doc:`dynamic loading

From the target's viewpoint we mostly interact with hal_device_info_t for information and hal_device_t for actions. hal_device_t gives us the following:

  1. A method to allocate memory and read and write to memory
  2. A method to load a kernel (as an ELF file)
  3. A method to enqueue a kernel across a range and a set of arguments.

All methods are currently seen as blocking (or effectively blocking). The HAL does not specify anything about the contents of the ELF file in itself, but the current compilation makes assumptions that the ELF file will have a certain interface to the arguments for each kernel function see RISC-V standard function arguments.

Is a base class which is not RISC-V specific, and there is a RISC-V specific one which is derived from this. The HAL is used in the following way:

1. hal_device_info_riscv_t provides information about the type of RISC-V processor. This includes extensions and ABI information. This information is used in modules/mux/targets/riscv/source/kernel.cpp to help it build a linked ELF file for this particular processor configuration. At no other point does any of the target reference anything specific about RISC-V.

2. hal_device_info_t is expected to give a lot of information which can be used to populate oneAPI Construction Kit's device information. This is not specific to RISC-V. This includes information such as global memory size, address size etc.

3. specialized kernel is used to process the incoming arguments and create a list of HAL arguments for enqueuing a kernel.

4. In queue.cpp, enqueuing of a kernel across a range is done by using the previously created list of HAL arguments, loading the kernel and calling the HAL enqueue of NDRange.

5. In queue.cpp, reading, writing and filling of buffers happen by calling the equivalent method on the HAL.

6. In memory.cpp, we support reading and writing of memory by calling the equivalent function on the HAL.

The HAL is versioned with respect to any API changes, so if something changes in the interface the version must too. The version in hal.cpp of expected_hal_version must match the HAL device. This may be as simple as a recompile depending on the change.

RISC-V standard function arguments

The generated linked ELF file is expected to contain functions that have a defined format. For each kernel we have:

<function_name>(void *argsStruct, WorkGroupInfo *)

argsStruct is actually a block of memory which represents all of the arguments. Each one is placed in order into the memory and is aligned to a power of 2 greater than or equal to the size of the argument. For example if we have a short, followed by a uint, the uint would be 4 byte aligned and start at 4 byte aligned offset and short would be aligned to 2 bytes. short8 would be aligned to 16 bytes.

The second argument tells us about the current workgroup that is to be acted on. The kernel function should work on the whole workgroup for each call to the kernel function.

.. seealso::
  For more information on this struct see the documentation in the HAL
  repository of oneAPI Construction Kit.

The standard RISC-V ABI is used currently, regardless of any HAL choices.

RISC-V Device

The information reported by a RISC-V device can vary depending on the build configuration of oneAPI Construction Kit. See the :ref:`developer-guide:Cmake Options` for details on the effects of RISC-V specific CMake options.

Build Options

Currently recommended build options include:

$ cmake -GNinja \
  -DCA_LLVM_INSTALL_DIR=<llvm_install_dir>/llvm_install \

This will build a 'G' compatible version. To build a 'M' compatible version we can keep the same mux target, but use a different compiler target as the 'M' target has additional features. This is done by adding to the build options:

$ cmake -GNinja \
  -DCA_LLVM_INSTALL_DIR=<llvm_install_dir>/llvm_install \

CA_EXTERNAL_MUX_COMPILER_DIRS tells us to also use an additional compiler directory. CA_MUX_COMPILERS_TO_ENABLE tells us to only enable this compiler directory; this is needed to stop it also building the riscv target as well and both being attached to the mux target.

The default HAL is hal_refsi and it looks for it in examples/refsi/hal_refsi. However if a directory CA_RISCV_EXTERNAL_HAL_DIR is given it will look there. This will currently also require CA_HAL_NAME to be set if the name differs from the default.


The installed LLVM must have RISCV as an enabled target and build lld with -DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS='clang;lld'.

The following build options can also be useful:

Defines the default HAL which should be linked in. This will be used to link with the shared library, which should be of name libhal_<CA_HAL_NAME>.so.
Is used to help the Mux target set up aspects which have to be done at build time. It can also be picked up by the HAL being built to configure the HAL if needed. These aspects include the 32/64 bit capabilities and floating point and double support. This is largely needed to create the :doc:`abacus builtins<builtins/abacus>`. This string should match the RISC-V string which it is related to.
Disabled due to not supporting images but some prebuilt kernels not checking the support.
Is a bool (defaulted to true), which can be used to allow loading of a different HAL to the default at runtime, as described in the dynamic loading documentation in the oneAPI Construction Kit HAL repository.
Is a bool (defaulted to false), which can be used to set environment variables for debug purposes to demonstrate the execution of a kernel on RISC-V. Note for a Refsi M1 example build this will be CA_RISCV_M1_DEMO_MODE.


ICD support is optional.

Environment Variables

The following environment variables are currently supported:

Used for setting the vectorization factor - see Compilation.
Allows overriding of the HAL to be used at runtime. Only supported if built with -DCA_HAL_LOCK_DEVICE_NAME=OFF - see the dynamic loading documentation in the oneAPI Construction Kit HAL repository for more information.
Link builtins before the vectorizer is run if set to 1. This is particularly important for use with scalable vectorization for which the builtins do not create scalable vector equivalents. When scalable vectorization is enabled this will default to true, otherwise false.
Used to dump the generated IR at the beginning of the "late target passes" stage to stdout. Demo mode or debug mode only.

Additionally the following may be used by HALs to override their local setting, although this is not mandatory.

Sets the minimum reported minimum VLEN bits - see Compilation. This may override the VLEN if a HAL supports it. This should only be used if the actual VLEN used in the device is updated.
Path to elf file for dumping built executable. Demo mode or debug mode only.
If defined, output final assembly produced to stdout. Demo mode or debug mode only.

RISC-V Binaries

RISC-V can generate and accept binary executables, possibly containing multiple kernels each. They use ELF files generated from LLVM. Both binaries and compilation of source is managed in executable.cpp. The contents of the produced binaries are used in the various kernel classes, before finally being loaded to the HAL in queue.cpp.


riscvCreateExecutable() is used to either compile a bitcode file or use a previously built binary to generate an executable. Builtin kernels are not currently supported. For both cases we create a riscv::binary_executable_data_s which is used to contain the ELF data in a dynamic array. This is created as a shared pointer so it can be passed through the various kernel types, rather than copying the data multiple times, as the executable could be deleted before the kernels are.

If it is given bitcode, it passes to an upcasted riscv version of the finalizer object, and calls createBinaryFromSource() directly on it, which is explained in more detail in Compilation.

Kernel Objects

The first stage of the kernel objects and just contains the shared executable and the kernel name.
The next stage and contains the local size as well as the shared executable.
The final stage and it is here that the global size as well as the kernel arguments are brought in. In riscvCreateSpecializedKernel(), we process the descriptors passed in as parameters. These descriptors give information about each argument. These largely map one to one for each argument to equivalent hal::hal_arg_t. In this function we create a vector of hal_arg_t objects and pass it to the created riscv::specialized_kernel_s. This object also contains the global size of hal_arg_t values can be created. This specialized kernel is later pushed onto the command queue in riscvPushNDRange() and processed in threadPoolProcessCommands() in queue.cpp.


All actual compilation is done in the finalizer class method createBinaryFromSource(). The first thing we do is upcast the hal_device_info_t and find out what extensions are supported in order to initialize the target machine. We then read in the bitcode and turn it into an LLVM Module. At this point we can run all the passes.

We also set --riscv-v-vector-bits-min based on the hal_device_info_t value vlen if it exists and is non-zero, and enable :doc:`vecz` if CA_RISCV_VF is set (or vector flags are enabled at the OpenCL options level).

CA_RISCV_VF is defined as a comma separated list as follows:

  • S - Use scalable vectorization
  • V - Vectorize only, otherwise produce both scalar and vector kernels
  • A - Let Vecz automatically choose the vectorization factor
  • 1-64 - Vectorization factor multiplier: the fixed amount itself, or the value that multiplies the scalable amount


For example, CA_RISCV_VF=4 or CA_RISCV_VF=S,1

All but one of the passes are util or LLVM passes. The util ones are detailed :doc:`/modules/compiler/utils`, but the basics are as follows:

After running these passes all kernels should have the appropriate function signature of the argument structure and the schedule struct.

We then emit to a file and call LLD to link the final object. The hal_device_info_t gives the linker script to use. At this point we have an ELF file which will be untouched until it gets passed to the HAL to load.

Processing commands

riscv::command_group_s is used to maintain a vector of commands which are later processed in queue.cpp. This is identical to the :doc:`host` code, except it does not support images and host is renamed to riscv.

The riscv device maintains a threadpool. This is more complicated than it needs to be for our needs. Its main role here is to process the queued command and signal semaphores as needed when operations are done.

The main function of interest is threadPoolProcessCommands(). This acts on the command from the queue. This command can be one of the following:

  • command_type_read_buffer
  • command_type_write_buffer
  • command_type_fill_buffer
  • command_type_copy_buffer - read, write, fill and copy map directly onto hal_device_t equivalents
  • command_type_user_callback
  • command_type_begin_query
  • command_type_end_query
  • command_type_reset_query_pool - These do not touch the HAL and use the query pool code in query_pool.cpp, which is very similar to that of host target.
  • command_type_ndrange - calls exec_command_type_ndrange(), see below.

exec_command_type_ndrange() uses multiple hal_device_t methods. It does the following:

  1. Loads the ELF file from the specialized kernel onto the device using hal_device->program_load().
  2. It finds the entry point of the kernel, using hal_device->program_find_kernel()
  3. It executes the kernel across the ndrange using hal_device->kernel_exec().