A little website, trying to change how we think about code reviews in a big way!π
There's a lot of questions still to be answered and data that needs to be collected and analyzed!
Here is a rough set of TODOs/questions that would be nice to answer:
- Do years of experience and opinions on code reviews have any correlation?
- Do programmers working in a particular language/framework spend more time reviewing than others?
- Do programmers working in a particular language/framework wait for peer review than others?
- Do programmers working in a particular language/framework require more reviewers before merging a PR than others?
- What percentage of programmers do not use a Github-based pull request + review system?
- How much time, on average, do junior or entry-level developers spend reviewing a pull request? How much time do senior developers spend?
- How often do junior or entry-level developers have to make changes to their PR's? And how often do senior developers have to do the same?
- What percentage of senior or expereinced developers merge their PR's without having anyone else review them?
- What role does the reviewee's gender play in how long a code review takes to be merged? Or how many comments it receives?
If you only have a few minutes to help out, you can take the survey that is the basis for all of the code review data.
If you have more time to give: I'm looking for data scientists, graph nerds, and developers to help me analyze all this data and make this website prettier!
Please check out the CONTRIBUTING.md file for guidelines for contributing.