- airflow-webserver
- airflow-worker
- airflow-scheduler
- spark-master
- spark-worker-1
- kafka
- zookeper
Only the first time:
docker-compose up -d airflow-init
After thi initialization is done you can run the following command every time you need to test the full project
docker-compose up -d
It will take some minutes depending on the RAM and CPU of the machine where it is executed
so probably you would like to check the Logs in order to know if the services have finished the inisialization or not
In order to check the logs you can run
docker-compose logs
After everything is correctly loaded you can login to the Airflow UI in order to turn on the DAG that will execute the pipeline To access the Airflow UI you have to navigate in the browser to the url:
And login with the username: airflow and password: airflow
If the DAG is failing because it can't connect to spark then execute in airflow-webserver service the following command:
airflow connections add 'spark_local' --conn-json '{"conn_type": "spark", "host": "spark://spark-master", "port": 7077}'