- Madrid, Spain
- dev.to/valerybriz
python-docs-es Public
Forked from python/python-docs-esSpanish translation of the Python documentation.
Python Other UpdatedMay 13, 2020 -
docker-spark-jupyter Public
Forked from ctorresm-cj/docker-spark-jupyterThis project contains everything needed to build a working environment Spark and use it through the IDE Jupyter
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedApr 21, 2020 -
CursoPandas2020 Public
Forked from mar-esther23/CursoPandas2020Curso de pandas usando datos abiertos de carpetas de investigación de la CdMx
HTML MIT License UpdatedMar 2, 2020 -
python_para_data_scientists Public
Curso básico de conceptos de optimización y herramientas para mejorar el desarrollo en Python
clipenv Public
Forked from BentoBox-Project/clipenvAttach your venv variables with a clip to your project
Python Other UpdatedDec 2, 2019 -
realtime-web-analytics-workshop Public
Forked from matteofigus/realtime-web-analytics-workshopAWS Realtime Web Analytics Workshop with Kinesis Data Analytics
Python MIT No Attribution UpdatedNov 20, 2019 -
pylint Public
Forked from pylint-dev/pylintIt's not just a linter that annoys you!
Python GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedNov 18, 2019 -
django_tech_test Public
Forked from urbvantransit/django_tech_testUrbvan backend test written in django 2.x and python3.7
Python UpdatedOct 28, 2019 -
vanguard-kit Public
Forked from BentoBox-Project/vanguard-kitA convenient way to calculate the difference between html files to scrape with confidence
Python MIT License UpdatedOct 13, 2019 -
responder Public
Forked from kennethreitz/responderA familiar HTTP Service Framework for Python.
Python Other UpdatedOct 2, 2019 -
cli-games Public
Forked from salif/cli-gamesGames in the terminal
Python MIT License UpdatedOct 1, 2019 -
th-data-science Public
Docker image with main data science tools already installed
Dockerfile UpdatedSep 30, 2019 -
data_mining_tools Public
Scripts used recurrently on data mining and scraping
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedAug 25, 2019 -
tools Public
Forked from googlecodelabs/toolsCodelabs management & hosting tools
HTML Apache License 2.0 UpdatedAug 21, 2019 -
pyladies Public
Forked from pyladies/pyladiesPyLadies is a group of women who use and love the Python programming language. Our goal is to expand the local Python community to be 50% women.
JavaScript zlib License UpdatedMay 21, 2019 -
scrapying_tools Public
Forked from Prescrypto/scrapying_toolsScrapying Tools
odooku Public
Forked from odooku/odookuRun Odoo as a service
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 17, 2018 -
heroku-buildpack-tex Public
Forked from thermondo/heroku-buildpack-texA Heroku buildpack to run TeX Live inside a dyno.
Shell MIT License UpdatedSep 10, 2018 -
mongo-sync Public
Forked from sheharyarn/mongo-syncSync Remote and Local MongoDB Databases 🔥
Shell UpdatedAug 29, 2018 -
clustaar_webhook Public
Simple clustaar (chatbot) webhook
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedAug 19, 2018 -
odoo_export_list_view Public
Forked from OdooTeamCI/odoo_export_list_viewOdoo 11 module to export current list view in xls
HTML UpdatedJul 20, 2018 -
odoo Public
Forked from Prescrypto/odooOdoo. Open Source Apps To Grow Your Business.
Python Other UpdatedJun 27, 2018 -
RxGithubSearcher Public
This script demonstrates how to use ReactiveX to process a data stream asynchronously using it to retrive repositories information
intro_to_sprinting_codeless_project Public
Forked from chalmerlowe/intro_to_sprinting_codeless_projectA sample "code-less" project in support of the "Intro to Sprinting" workshop.
UpdatedMay 13, 2018 -
pystats502 Public
Forked from PythonGuatemala/pystats502package of statistics tools for python
Python MIT License UpdatedFeb 4, 2018 -
guest-writer Public
A repository to smooth the process for guest writers.
PressSecBotPlus Public
Forked from robmathers/PressSecBotPlusInspired by @RealPressSecBot, with a few niceties added
Python MIT License UpdatedNov 12, 2017