Repository with templates and code showing how to work with Azure Container Apps (ACA)
A tool to migrate terraform resources between the AzAPI and AzureRM providers.
A demonstration of using GitHub OIDC to authenticate to HashiCorp Vault
Dockerfile examples for containerized systemd (mainly for test environments)
Learn how to manage Raspberry Pi devices with Ansible.
IaC: Ansible teaches you how to use the fundamentals of Ansible to leverage document-based automations and configure your servers with ease.
A sample showing how to configure GitHub OIDC connection to Azure with Terraform and then use that configuration to deploy resources with Terraform.
Federated credentials with Open ID Connect to Managed Identities with GitHub Actions
GitHub Custom Runner using Azure Container Apps
Provision a Custom Runner for GitHub Actions
Terraform provider for Azure Resource Manager Rest API
GitHub AT-AT (Automate the Automation with Terraform)
Azure Terraform Module Library
Convert Azure Pipelines YAML to GitHub Actions YAML
My fictional company that I use to keep on discovering Azure.
Mastering Terraform, published by Packt
Practical Automation in PowerShell reveals how you can use PowerShell to build automation solutions for a huge number of common admin and DevOps tasks. It takes you beyond scripting basics and show…
Limitless Analytics with Azure Synapse, published by Packt
Code, Notebooks and Examples from Practical Business Python