A telegram bot written in Go
- /avatar - Create an avatar
- /bodegem - A place that is real and exists
- /bol - Help someone out by subscribing them to the bol.com mailing lists!
- /count - Get your current message count
- /doubt - When in doubt...
- /iasip - Get a random It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia quote
- /img - Search possible NSFW images
- /img_sfw - Search possible SFW images
- /issues - Show a list of open issues
- /kalirank - Show the kali rankings
- /m8ball - Let fate decide your future
- /mcaffee - Will McAffee eat his down dick?
- /next_launch - Show the next 5 rocket launches
- /quote - Get or store random kali quotes
- /roll - Praise kek
- /search - Search stuff on DuckDuckGo with safe search on
- /search_nsfw - Search dirty stuff on DuckDuckGo
- /stallman - I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux.
- /weather - Get the weather of a city
- /what - Explains what something is
- /where - Find places on earth
- /xkcd - Get a random XKCD comic
- a telegram bot account
- you can use telegram for this
- install postgresql
pacman -S postgresql
(or any other package manager)sudo -u postgres -i
initdb --locale en_US.UTF-8 -E UTF8 -D '/var/lib/postgres/data'
- Create your first DB user
- a google api key (optional)
cp config/.env.dist config/.env
cp config/database.yml.dist config/database.yml
- Enter the correct values in both config files