This is a ROM Hack based on pokecrystal.
It aims shake up the base experience of the game by adding some fixes, new features, restored beta environments, and slight story tweaks.
- Fairy was added
- Leafeon and Glaceon (Art borrowed of polished crystal
- Sylveon (Todo: make eevee evolve into it)
- Ice Stone (To evolve Glaceon)
- Elm gives the intro talk (Sprite adapted from tumblr user Fortooate's post) and Eevee is shown during the intro text.
- Eevee is the starter
- Small insignificant map and visual tweaks all over
- Gym Leader parties and overall difficulty level
- Kadabra, Graveler, Machoke can be evolved by leveling instead of trading
- Vulpix, Mareep, Mankey, Girafarig can be found in the wild (G/S locations)
- Applicable pokemon are typed as Fairy now
- Smoochum (To make room for Sylveon)