gin-rest-api-example Public
Forked from zacscoding/gin-rest-api-exampleExemplary RESTFul API built with go, gin, gorm
Go UpdatedDec 29, 2023 -
av-shell-scripting-projects Public
Forked from iam-veeramalla/shell-scripting-projectsShell UpdatedJul 9, 2023 -
kompose-DWO-poc Public
Forked from kernelpanic77/kompose-DWO-pocThis repo demonstrated how we reuse the kompose pkgs for creating k8s object on the cluster from a compose file.
python-for-devops Public
Forked from techiescamp/python-for-devopsPython for DevOps repo with useful python scripts to learn and implement in your day-to-day devops automation tasks.
Python UpdatedDec 20, 2022 -
api Public
Forked from devfile/apiKube-native API for cloud development workspaces specification
devworkspace-operator Public
Forked from devfile/devworkspace-operator -
kompose Public
Forked from kubernetes/komposeGo from Docker Compose to Kubernetes
awscommunityday.in Public
Forked from awsug/awscommunityday.inThe AWS Community Day India website
helm-example Public
Forked from harness-community/helm-exampleThis repository contains a simple Helm chart that you can deploy on your public Kubernetes cluster to demo Helm with Harness!
docs-1 Public
Forked from github/docsThe open-source repo for docs.github.com
india Public
Forked from github/indiaGitHub resources and information for the developer community in India
subo Public
Forked from suborbital/suboThe Suborbital CLI
website-3 Public
Forked from KlasenK/websiteGitpod website and documentation
Auto-Pilot Public
🔰 Created a Automated python menu for performing some tasks and setups of Linux, AWS, Docker, Ansible, Webserver and many more on Local machine or Remote machine.
hoppscotch Public
Forked from hoppscotch/hoppscotch👽 Open source API development ecosystem https://hoppscotch.io
meshery Public
Forked from meshery/mesheryMeshery, the service mesh management plane
meshery-smi-conformance-action Public
Forked from layer5io/meshery-smi-conformance-actionGitHub Action to run SMI Conformance tests in CI/CD pipelines
community-website Public
Forked from moja-global/community-websiteCommunity Website of moja global
service-mesh-patterns Public
Forked from service-mesh-patterns/service-mesh-patterns -
layer5 Public
Forked from layer5io/layer5Layer5, the service mesh company, representing every service mesh
helm-chart-releaser Public
Forked from layer5io/helm-chart-releaserA Helm chart releaser action for Layer5 Projects
postman-docs Public
Forked from webiscool/postman-docsDocumentation for Postman, a collaboration platform for API development. Available for Mac, Windows, and Linux.