trendly Public
0 -> 1
android-starter-template Public
Starter, two screen project for getting up and running building Android apps
microsoft-drop-ice Public
Forked from selfagency/microsoft-drop-iceTell Microsoft to drop ICE as a client or lose us as GitHub users
UpdatedJun 27, 2018 -
Unit tests I made while grading Introduction to Computer Programming
Python UpdatedMay 10, 2018 -
Catalog-App-iOS-Programming Public
This is an iOS app that keeps track of items added to a catalog
Objective-C UpdatedFeb 26, 2018 -
lsproject Public
Forked from annabfenske/lsprojectdjango web app leveraging go, redis, and postgres to offer scalable NYU ID loss protection
Python UpdatedDec 11, 2017 -
rpc Public
an RPC built in an assignment for Large Scale Web Applications at NYU that simulates a political debate
Python UpdatedDec 1, 2017 -
monitoring_server Public
go program that monitors the health of an HTTP endpoint
bitly_mobile_challenge Public
This repo contains my work for a Bitly mobile engineering internship challenge
Swift UpdatedOct 14, 2017 -
swyper-app Public
This repository contains my extension of a class project where my team and I built an iOS app to address food insecurity on campus
Swift UpdatedJun 3, 2017 -
recitation12-solutions Public
Forked from nyu-cs201-s17/recitation12-solutionsC UpdatedApr 23, 2017 -
recitation06-solutions Public
Forked from nyu-cs201-s17/recitation06-solutionsC UpdatedMar 9, 2017 -
recitation05-solutions Public
Forked from nyu-cs201-s17/recitation05-solutionsC UpdatedFeb 28, 2017 -
data_bootcamp_final Public
This project is an assignment for Data Bootcamp, a class I took during the Fall 2016 semester
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedDec 21, 2016 -