A program to quickly survey security.txt files found on the Alexa Top 1 Million websites. The program takes about 15 hours to run over a 1.5Mbit residential DSL connection. It could go much faster over high-speed links.
$ ps -p 165199 -o etime
{"website" ["contacts"] "expires"}
{"github.com" ["https://hackerone.com/github"] ""}
{"google.com" ["https://g.co/vulnz" "mailto:security@google.com"] ""}
{"facebook.com" ["https://www.facebook.com/whitehat/report/"] ""}
{"linkedin.com" ["mailto:security@linkedin.com" "https://www.linkedin.com/help/linkedin/answer/62924"] ""}
{"cloudflare.com" ["https://hackerone.com/cloudflare" "mailto:security@cloudflare.com" "https://www.cloudflare.com/abuse/"] "sat, 20 mar 2021 13:24:05 -0700"}
$ make
$ ./ssdt -hosts top-1m-alexa.csv 2> err.txt > out.txt
$ grep -v "\[\]" out.txt
$ grep -v "\[\]" out.txt | wc -l
- You may need to adjust the nofile limit in /etc/security/limits.conf before running ssdt. Otherwise, you may exceed the open file limit.
- Read my blog post about why I wrote this program.