Retroarch-Cheats-for-NESC Public
Forked from stayupthetree/Retroarch-Cheats-for-NESCRetroarch Cheats for NESC
UpdatedFeb 3, 2019 -
go-money Public
Forked from Rhymond/go-moneyGo implementation of Fowler's Money pattern
Go MIT License UpdatedJan 30, 2019 -
concourse-helloworld-resource Public
Forked from YoshiyukiKato/concourse-helloworld-resourcesay Hello World! on Concourse
Shell UpdatedDec 17, 2018 -
qt4-dev Public
Forked from msoares1979/qt4-devMinimal requirements to build a Qt 4.8.6 application with lcov support
Shell UpdatedOct 20, 2017 -
aiohttp-websockets-example Public
Forked from ftobia/aiohttp-websockets-exampleWebsockets example with Python 3.6 aiohttp and asyncio
Python UpdatedOct 13, 2017 -
kspec Public
Forked from maugsburger/kspeckeymap code generator for the humble hacker keyboard firmware
C++ UpdatedOct 6, 2017 -
MusicStore Public
Forked from aspnet/MusicStoreMusicStore test application that uses ASP.NET/EF Core
C# Other UpdatedJul 26, 2017 -
redis-cluster Public
Forked from AliyunContainerService/redis-clusterHA Redis Cluster with Sentinel by Docker Compose
Shell Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJun 26, 2017 -
AlbumViewerVNext Public
Forked from RickStrahl/AlbumViewerVNextWest Wind Album Viewer ASP.NET Core and Angular Sample
JavaScript UpdatedMay 31, 2017 -
motioneye Public
Forked from motioneye-project/motioneyeA web frontend for the motion daemon.
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedMar 25, 2017 -
mugen-tools Public
Forked from bitcraft/mugen-toolsvarious tools i've made for using mugen
Python UpdatedMar 16, 2017 -
DbUp is a .NET library that helps you to deploy changes to SQL Server databases. It tracks which SQL scripts have been run already, and runs the change scripts that are needed to get your database …
C# MIT License UpdatedDec 6, 2016 -
mugen Public
Forked from fanyer/mugena 2D fighting game engine with many customizable components
Batchfile UpdatedNov 23, 2016 -
SFFv2 Public
Forked from bmarquismarkail/SFFv2C++11 Implementation of the SFFv2 Sprite Format.
C++ UpdatedMay 15, 2016 -
packer-windows Public
Forked from StefanScherer/packer-windowsMy Retina Windows Templates for Packer
Batchfile MIT License UpdatedMay 5, 2016 -
ansiblebook Public
Forked from lorin/ansiblebookCode samples from the book "Ansible: Up and Running"
Python UpdatedFeb 6, 2016 -
multi-vagrant-puppet-vms Public
Forked from garystafford/multi-vagrant-puppet-vmsBuilds Puppet Master and multiple Puppet Agent Nodes using JSON config file.
Shell Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJan 21, 2016 -
startbootstrap-landing-page Public
Forked from StartBootstrap/startbootstrap-landing-pageA responsive, Bootstrap landing page template created by Start Bootstrap
CSS Apache License 2.0 UpdatedNov 28, 2015 -
python_koans Public
Forked from gregmalcolm/python_koansPython Koans - Learn Python through TDD
Python MIT License UpdatedOct 27, 2015 -
PostgreSQL-Dropbox-Backup Public
Forked from agiantwhale/PostgreSQL-Dropbox-BackupBackup your PostgreSQL database to Dropbox.
Shell MIT License UpdatedOct 9, 2015 -
sentinel-graylog Public
Forked from zapier/sentinel-graylogA simple script which pipes Redis Sentinel messages into Graylog
Python MIT License UpdatedOct 5, 2015 -
github3.py Public
Forked from sigmavirus24/github3.pyPython library for interfacing with the GitHub APIv3
Python Other UpdatedSep 12, 2015 -
agithub Public
Forked from mozilla/agithubAgnostic Github client API -- An EDSL for connecting to REST servers
Python MIT License UpdatedSep 1, 2015 -
balanced-python Public
Forked from balanced/balanced-pythonBalanced API library in python.
Python MIT License UpdatedJan 9, 2015