Tags: viamrobotics/agent
Toggle v0.15.0's commit message
Let addOrUpdateConnection() handle live connection deletion (#76 )
Toggle v0.14.0's commit message
[APP-7099] [APP-7209] Integrate subsystems and use new configuration …
…proto/format (#59 )
Toggle v0.13.0's commit message
[APP-7364] [APP-7366] [RSDK-9684] [APP-7154] Add more logging, reduce…
… monitoring loop time, misc small fixes. (#56 )
Toggle v0.12.0's commit message
[APP-7257] Support older NM (>1.30.0) and hardware that cannot scan i…
…n hotspot mode (#55 )
Toggle v0.11.0's commit message
Fix wifi candidate selection to include non-interface-bound candidates (
#49 )
Toggle v0.10.0's commit message
0.10.0-rc Collected Fixes (#48 )
Toggle v0.9.1's commit message
[APP-6748] Fix deadlock when adding additional networks (#38 )
Toggle v0.9.0's commit message
[APP-6156] [APP-6480] [APP-5849] Unify agent subsystems into a single…
… binary (#37 )
Toggle v0.4.0's commit message
Bump RDK version to 0.33.1
Toggle v0.3.2's commit message
APP-5248 use NetAppender in agent (#26 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.