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Viam C++ SDK - Build Instructions


The viam-cpp-sdk has a newly introduced CMake build system to replace the existing Makefile infrastructure. This document explains how to use the new infrastructure.

If you experience problems while following this guide, please see the Limitations, Known Issues, and Troubleshooting section at the bottom to see if your issue (and hopefully a workaround) is covered there.

PLEASE NOTE: It is very likely that you will need to rebuild the generated sources as part of building the SDK. Please see the documentation on VIAMCPPSDK_USE_DYNAMIC_PROTOS below, and the additional comments about mismatched protobufs in the troubleshooting guide, before continuing further.

Software Prerequisites

The project depends on CMake >= 3.25, Boost >= 1.74, gRPC >= 1.30.2, protobuf >= 3.12.4, xtensor >= 0.24.3 and on the transitive dependencies of those projects.

You will need to install these required dependencies before building the Viam C++ SDK, preferably by way of your system package manager:

  • Debian: apt-get install cmake build-essential libboost-all-dev libgrpc++-dev libprotobuf-dev libxtensor-dev
  • MacOS with Homebrew: brew install cmake boost grpc protobuf xtensor

There are also several optional or conditionally required dependencies:

  • Debian: apt-get install pkg-config ninja-build protobuf-compiler-grpc
  • MacOS with Homebrew: brew install pkg-config ninja buf

The pkg-config dependency is needed if your local system does not provide CMake find_package support for one or more required dependencies like gRPC.

The ninja[-build] dependency is only required if you want to use Ninja as the target build system, so is entirely optional.

You will need protobuf-compiler-grpc if you intend to do local dynamic protobuf generation (see the relevant SDK options below) or if your local gRPC version is too old to be used with (effectively, older than gRPC 1.41).

Installing the buf homebrew package will save you from needing to download it as part of the build, which costs a little time on every build invocation.

Note that Debian Bullseye does not ship a recent enough version of CMake by default, but it can be obtained from the Bullseye Backports repository:

apt-get install software-properties-common
apt-add-repository 'deb bullseye-backports main'
apt-get update
apt-get install -t bullseye-backports cmake

You can of course build and install any or all of these requirements manually rather than via your package manager, though this is likely to make it more difficult to correctly configure the build of the Viam C++ SDK.

Obtaining the viam-cpp-sdk Source

Just clone into a directory of your choice and checkout the branch or tag of interest.

Invoking CMake to Generate a Build System

This document doesn't intend to provide a complete guide for how CMake is used, as that is a complex topic. Please consult the CMake documentation for specific details on how CMake works and how to invoke the tool. The guidance here is intended to cover the common case builds of the viam-cpp-sdk.

CMake organizes out-of-tree builds. The first step is to create a scratch directory where you want to keep the working state of your build. A convention is to name this directory build and to create it under the root of the project. The viam-cpp-sdk top-level .gitignore file already ignores such a directory, so we recommend starting there:

git clone
cd viam-cpp-sdk
mkdir build
cd build

CMake isn't itself a build system, it is a build system generator. Our next step is to generate the build system. In these examples we use Ninja, but you can also use Makefiles or many other build systems.

When invoking CMake, you pass the path to the root CMakeLists.txt file for the project you wish to build. If you have opted to use an in-tree build directory per the above instructions, this is as simple as:

cmake .. -G Ninja

If you encounter an error about an inability to link an OpenSSL target on MacOS, try setting your PKG_CONFIG_PATH to point to your Homebrew installation.

If all went well, you should now have a file named in the build directory created above. Note that git status will not show this, since the build directory is ignored.

If you wish to use a different generator than Ninja, change the argument to -G above to the build system you wish to generate for.

Building and Installing the SDK

To compile all targets in the SDK:

ninja all

To install the SDK:

ninja install

By default, the build is configured to install the SDK to the install subdirectory of the working directory, so if you have been following the instructions above and the build worked, you should see an installation tree under build/install.

If the build did not succeed, please see the next section.

Building with conan

As of version 0.0.11 there is experimental support for building with the conan C++ package manager. This section will go into more detail without assuming any familiarity with conan, but please consult the conan docs for more info.

To use conan, you'll need to have python and pip on your system if you don't already. For example,

  • Debian: apt-get install python3 python3-pip
  • MacOS with Homebrew: brew install python

and then, optionally in a venv if you prefer,

pip install conan
conan profile detect

The second line detects a default conan profile encapsulating your build environment, which you can modify as needed.

Next note that there are two possible approaches here, which complement or supersede some of the other sections in this document. Namely, it is possible to

  1. use conan to build and package the SDK; OR
  2. use conan to obtain the software prerequisites for the SDK.

Option 1. makes more sense for building against the SDK as you would in module development. There we use conan to get the SDK's dependencies, and then to build, install, and package the SDK, which can then be consumed by declaring it as a conan dependency.

Option 2. makes more sense for doing locally development on the SDK while using conan to get dependencies instead of your system package manager. Note that Option 1 implies a superset of Option 2.

In either case, conan will use the Note that we build with offline_proto_generation=True by default.

Option 1. Creating and consuming the SDK conan package.

Here we use conan to package and install the SDK so that we can build against it by declaring it as a dependency in a conanfile.txt or a

To do this, call conan create . from the project root. This will build and test the viam-cpp-sdk recipe, adding it into your local cache. See the conan docs for more info on conan create, as we will omit any details about using profiles, options, or settings to customize the build.

Once this is done, the viam-cpp-sdk package is ready to be consumed. The example projects show a minimal conanfile.txt. With this conanfile.txt in the same directory as your project's CMakeLists.txt, you can then do, for example,

conan install . --output-folder=build-conan --build=missing
cmake . --preset=conan-release
cmake --build --preset=conan-release -j 8

Note that this can be done with the same CMakeLists.txt from the example project: it is agnostic of the use of conan to package the SDK as opposed to the SDK having been built and installed manually.

It is also possible to build using a rather than a conanfile.txt, see again the conan docs, or look at the test_package/ which is the test package recipe.

Option 2. Using conan to manage the SDK dependencies

Here we use conan to grab the SDK dependencies, setting ourselves up for local SDK development.

From the root of this repo, you can do

conan install . --output-folder=build-conan --build=missing

to install dependencies with conan. And then

cmake . --preset conan-release
cmake --build --preset=conan-release -j

The conan install sets up some cmake-presets which are used to resolve --preset conan-release above. Among other things, this tells CMake about the conan_toolchain.cmake generated by conan, and runs CMake with certain environment variables set.

If you do not want to use cmake-presets, you can do

cd build-conan
cmake .. -G Ninja -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=conan_toolchain.cmake

and later call source The script does the same environment variable setting as the cmake-presets, but it may be preferable if you would rather invoke your build system directly.

PLEASE NOTE: Whether by cmake-presets or, you MUST, one way or another, make the PATH entries set by conan available to CMake, because buf requires that protoc is available on PATH. If you do not do this then buf generate will fail outright, or, if you have a different version of protoc available in your PATH, it will silently fail and later cause compilation failures due to protobuf version mismatches.

Options to Configure or Customize the Build

Options for Package Search

A frequent cause of difficulty or failure is an inability for the build to find a third-party dependency like gRPC. If the build fails, first check if you have installed the right dependencies per the lists above. In some cases, you may find that a necessary direct or transitive dependency has been installed, but to a location that CMake does not search by default.


On Homebrew, OpenSSL does not get installed in the default search paths because it is "keg-only". We can inform CMake of the actual install location by customizing PKG_CONFIG_PATH in the shell environment before invoking CMake:

PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/opt/homebrew/opt/openssl@3/lib/pkgconfig" cmake ...


CMake also has its own intrinsic package search mechanism. If you have dependencies installed to locations that are not part of CMake's default search set, you can add them by configuring CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH as an argument to CMake. For instance, if you have a personal tree of installed software in $HOME/opt, you can inform CMake that this path should be searched for packages by passing it as a command line "define" to CMake:


Please see CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH for more details on CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH.

Options for Building the SDK


By default, the SDK will install into a subdirectory of the working build directory. This is not appropriate for making the SDK available for other projects. To install the SDK to a location of your choice you should customize CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX while invoking CMake and then re-run the install task. For instance, to install the SDK to /usr/local:

cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local ...
ninja install


By default, the SDK build will enforce compiler minima. If you must bypass this check for some reason, you may do so by disabling this default-on option:



Because the checked-in copies of generated sources only work with a narrow range of gRPC versions, the SDK by default will dynamically regenerate proto code. If you wish to test against the checked-in copies or cannot regenerate for any reason, you can do so by disabling this flag:



By default, the SDK will use local buf services and definitions to generate code. It is possible to instead rely on services to do code generation (note that this requies online access):


Note that this option only has an effect when VIAMCPPSDK_USE_DYNAMIC_PROTOS=ON.

Building Against the SDK

Using CMake

The Viam C++ SDK installs support files for CMake's find_package subsystem.

find_package(viam-cpp-sdk CONFIG REQUIRED COMPONENTS viamsdk)
target_link_libraries(mytarget viam-cpp-sdk::viamsdk)

Note that you will need to ensure that CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH is set appropriately in your project to include the path to the installed Viam C++ SDK.

An example project using this technique is available under examples/project/cmake and it can be built with CMake in the regular way. If you have allowed the SDK to install to the default build/install prefix, the example should build against your SDK installation automatically. If you have customized the SDK installation prefix by building it with a specific CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX that is not among CMake's default package search list (e.g. $HOME/opt), you will need to pass that information along when building the example:

cd examples/project/cmake
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=<path/to/which/the/sdk/was/installed> ...

Consuming the SDK via CMake is the preferred mechanism and likely to give the best results.

Using pkg-config

The Viam C++ SDK also installs .pc files to introspect the SDK with pkg-config. An example project using make and pkg-config is available under examples/project/pkg-config. Much like with the need to customize the CMake prefix path, you may need to customize PKG_CONFIG_PATH in order to find a Viam C++ SDK installation that is not part of pkg-config's default search list:

cd examples/project/pkg-config
PKG_CONFIG_PATH=<path/to/which/the/sdk/was/installed>/lib/pkgconfig make ...


It is of course possible to build against the Viam C++ SDK without using either CMake support or pkg-config by explicitly setting toolchain include paths, library paths, and passing -lviamcpp or similar on the link line.

Limitations, Known Issues, and Troubleshooting

Build Issue: Missing Build Dependency Edge when Using VIAMDPPSDK_USE_DYNAMIC_PROTOS

Sometimes when running ninja all or ninja install in a project using -DVIAMCPPSDK_USE_DYNAMIC_PROTOS=ON the build will fail because generated sources have not yet been produced. If that happens you can explicitly run the ninja generate-dynamic-protos command to ensure that they are pre-populated.

ninja all   # FAILS!
ninja generate-dynamic-protos
nina all    # OK!

Build Issue: Proto Mismatch

If compilation fails with a wall of compiler-generated errors that includes text like:

error: incompatible with your Protocol Buffer headers

then there is likely a mismatch between your local protobuf/gRPC version and the version used to generate the checked-in files. Switch to using dynamic proto generation:

cmake ...
ninja all    # FAILS, wall of compiler text with above message
ninja all    # OK!

Runtime Issue: The viam_rust_utils Shared Library Not Found

For some platforms (mostly macOS) the runtime and install name properties are not correctly configured for the viam_rust_utils library. This can lead to a runtime error where the viam_rust_utils shared library is not found at program startup. If this happens, set [DY]LD_LIBRARY_PATH to point into the library directory of the installation when running commands that require it:

cmake ...
ninja install
./build/install/bin/example_echo    # FAILS: libviam_rust_utils not found
export DYLD_LIBRRAY_PATH=./build/install/lib
./build/install/bin/example_echo    # OK!

Getting Help

If you are having trouble getting the SDK installed or your project built against it and running, please take advantage of our community resources.


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