Releases: viamrobotics/viam-typescript-sdk
Releases · viamrobotics/viam-typescript-sdk
What's Changed
- v0.36.1-b.0 by @github-actions in #473
- Make client name field public by @micheal-parks in #472
Full Changelog: v0.36.1-b.0...v0.36.1
What's Changed
- v0.36.0 by @github-actions in #470
- Add getGeometries calls to components by @micheal-parks in #471
Full Changelog: v0.36.0...v0.36.1-b.0
What's Changed
- v0.35.2 by @github-actions in #461
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #462
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #464
- Bump vitest from 1.6.0 to 1.6.1 by @dependabot in #463
- DATA-3757 Update TabularDataByMQL to have optional bool for use_recent_data by @vijayvuyyuru in #466
- RSDK-9904 - add job to notify slack of proto failure by @stuqdog in #467
New Contributors
- @vijayvuyyuru made their first contribution in #466
Full Changelog: v0.35.2...v0.36.0
What's Changed
- v0.35.1 by @github-actions in #453
- RSDK-9621: Add exports for discovery service by @ethanlookpotts in #454
- APP-7497: Add Button interface and client by @ethanlookpotts in #451
- APP-7497: Add Switch interface and client by @ethanlookpotts in #452
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #456
- Fix deprecation warning modifiers by @njooma in #457
- v0.35.2-b.0 by @github-actions in #458
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #459
- RSDK-9890 - support extra in camera apis by @stuqdog in #460
Full Changelog: v0.35.1...v0.35.2
What's Changed
- v0.35.1 by @github-actions in #453
- RSDK-9621: Add exports for discovery service by @ethanlookpotts in #454
- APP-7497: Add Button interface and client by @ethanlookpotts in #451
- APP-7497: Add Switch interface and client by @ethanlookpotts in #452
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #456
- Fix deprecation warning modifiers by @njooma in #457
Full Changelog: v0.35.1...v0.35.2-b.0
What's Changed
- v0.35.0 by @github-actions in #446
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #449
- Bump vite from 5.4.11 to 5.4.14 by @dependabot in #448
- Bump undici from 5.28.4 to 5.28.5 in /examples/node by @dependabot in #447
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #450
- RSDK-9621: Add Discover Service and GetModelsFromModules to Typescript by @martha-johnston in #436
Full Changelog: v0.35.0...v0.35.1
What's Changed
- v0.34.0 by @github-actions in #440
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #441
- APP-7392: Add getVersion to robot client by @ethanlookpotts in #444
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #443
Full Changelog: v0.34.0...v0.35.0
What's Changed
- v0.33.0 by @github-actions in #429
- DATA-3444 Add exportTabularData to data client by @katiepeters in #428
- DATA-3444 (part 2) Add non-null assertions by @katiepeters in #430
- RSDK-9504: accept bson queries in mql function by @purplenicole730 in #431
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #427
- RSDK-8844 - Expose machine status by @cheukt in #432
- DATA-3565 Add example parameters to GetLatestTabularData documentation by @kaywux in #433
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #434
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #435
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #437
- Update to v7 of step by @njooma in #438
- Add workflow_dispatch by @njooma in #439
New Contributors
- @katiepeters made their first contribution in #428
- @kaywux made their first contribution in #433
Full Changelog: v0.33.0...v0.34.0
What's Changed
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #421
- Bump happy-dom from 15.10.1 to 15.11.7 by @dependabot in #423
- Bump path-to-regexp and express in /examples/connect-app-teleop-react by @dependabot in #424
- RSDK-9465, RSDK-9366 - Remove robot status and sensors service by @cheukt in #425
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #426
Full Changelog: v0.32.0...v0.33.0