This action labels pull requests by comparing their changed files to a configuration file in the repository.
For example, a configuration file at .github/triage.yml
may look like this:
- src/frontend/**/*.css
- src/frontend/**/*.png
- src/server/**/*
And the action would be used like this:
workflow "Apply PR labels" {
on = "pull_request"
resolves = "Apply labels"
action "On sync" {
uses = "actions/bin/filter@master"
args = "action synchronize"
action "Apply labels" {
uses = "actions/labeller@v1.0.0"
needs = "On sync"
env = {LABEL_SPEC_FILE=".github/triage.yml"}
secrets = ["GITHUB_TOKEN"]
Now, whenever a user pushes to a pull request, this action will determine whether any changed files in that pull request match the specification file (note: this action uses minimatch to determine matches). If there are matches, the action will apply the appropriate labels to the pull request.
Check out this doc.
This action is released under the MIT license. Container images built with this project include third party materials. See for details.
This action is in active development.