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Angular cheatsheet

JavaScript things

HTML things

CSS things


  • element - Selects elements of a specific type (e.g., div, p).
  • #id - Selects an element with a specific ID (e.g., #myElement).
  • .class - Selects elements with a specific class (e.g., .myClass).
  • selector1, selector2 - Selects multiple elements using comma-separated selectors.
  • selector1 selector2 - Selects elements that are descendants of another element.
  • selector1 > selector2 - Selects elements that are direct children of another element.
  • selector:hover - Selects elements when the mouse pointer is over them.

Box Model

  • width: value; - Specifies the width of an element.
  • height: value; - Specifies the height of an element.
  • margin: value; - Sets the margin around an element.
  • padding: value; - Sets the padding inside an element.
  • border: value; - Sets the border of an element.


  • font-family: value; - Specifies the font family of text.
  • font-size: value; - Sets the size of text.
  • font-weight: value; - Sets the weight (boldness) of text.
  • color: value; - Sets the color of text.
  • text-align: value; - Aligns text horizontally.
  • text-decoration: value; - Adds decorations to text (e.g., underline, strikethrough).

Display and Positioning

  • display: value; - Specifies how an element is displayed (e.g., block, inline, flex).
  • position: value; - Sets the positioning method of an element (e.g., static, relative, absolute).
  • top: value; - Sets the top position of an absolutely positioned element.
  • left: value; - Sets the left position of an absolutely positioned element.
  • float: value; - Specifies how an element should float within its container.
  • clear: value; - Specifies which sides of an element should not be adjacent to floating elements.


  • background-color: value; - Sets the background color of an element.
  • background-image: value; - Sets an image as the background of an element.
  • background-position: value; - Sets the starting position of a background image.
  • background-repeat: value; - Specifies how a background image should repeat.

Transitions and Animations

  • transition-property: value; - Specifies the CSS properties to which transitions should be applied.
  • transition-duration: value; - Sets the duration of a transition effect.
  • transition-timing-function: value; - Specifies the speed curve of a transition.
  • animation-name: value; - Specifies the name of an animation defined using @keyframes.
  • animation-duration: value; - Sets the duration of an animation.
  • animation-delay: value; - Sets a delay before an animation starts.
  • animation-iteration-count: value; - Specifies the number of times an animation should be played.

Box Shadows and Borders

  • box-shadow: value; - Adds a shadow effect to an element.
  • border-radius: value; - Sets the radius of the corners of an element.

Grid Layout

Container Properties

  • display: grid; - Defines the element as a grid container.
  • grid-template-columns: value; - Specifies the width of each column in the grid.
  • grid-template-rows: value; - Specifies the height of each row in the grid.
  • grid-gap: value; - Specifies the size of the gap between grid cells.
  • justify-items: value; - Aligns grid items along the horizontal axis.
  • align-items: value; - Aligns grid items along the vertical axis.

Item Properties

  • grid-column-start: value; - Specifies the start position of a grid item along the horizontal axis.
  • grid-column-end: value; - Specifies the end position of a grid item along the horizontal axis.
  • grid-row-start: value; - Specifies the start position of a grid item along the vertical axis.
  • grid-row-end: value; - Specifies the end position of a grid item along the vertical axis.

Flex Layout

Container Properties

  • display: flex; - Defines the element as a flex container.
  • flex-direction: value; - Specifies the direction of flex items.
  • flex-wrap: value; - Controls whether flex items should wrap or not.
  • justify-content: value; - Aligns flex items along the main axis.
  • align-items: value; - Aligns flex items along the cross axis.
  • align-content: value; - Aligns flex lines along the cross axis when there's extra space.

Item Properties

  • flex-grow: value; - Specifies the ability of a flex item to grow.
  • flex-shrink: value; - Specifies the ability of a flex item to shrink.
  • flex-basis: value; - Specifies the initial size of a flex item.
  • flex: value; - Shorthand for flex-grow, flex-shrink, and flex-basis.
  • align-self: value; - Overrides the alignment set by the container for a specific flex item.
  • order: value; - Controls the order in which flex items appear.

Flexbox Alignment Values

  • flex-start - Aligns flex items at the start of the container.
  • flex-end - Aligns flex items at the end of the container.
  • center - Aligns flex items at the center of the container.
  • space-between - Distributes flex items evenly with the first item at the start and the last item at the end.
  • space-around - Distributes flex items evenly with equal space around them.
  • space-evenly - Distributes flex items evenly with equal space around and between them.

Flexbox Direction Values

  • row - Displays flex items horizontally in a row.
  • row-reverse - Displays flex items horizontally in a reverse order.
  • column - Displays flex items vertically in a column.
  • column-reverse - Displays flex items vertically in a reverse order.

Git things

To download and install git

  • For Windows:
  • For Mac: brew install git
  • For Linux: sudo apt install git
  • For Linux: sudo dnf install git
  • For Linux: sudo yum install git

If you get errors about permissions

It's probably problems with your ssh key. Try this first:

eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
ssh-add -l -E sha256

Here's a link:

Browser things

To see something in the browser console

  1. Hit F12 in Windows or cmd-opt-i in MacOS
  2. Click the hamburger menu and choose other tools-developer tools then choose "Console" in the tab.
  3. Right-click the page, choose Inspect and then choose "Console" in the tab.

To view network traffic

Just like above, get the dev tools open but then hit the "Network" tab. You'll be able to see every request and response. Clicking on a request will show you its details.

Angular things