Tags: vim/vim-win32-installer
vim: Import v9.1.1194 * 9.1.1194: filetype: false positive help filetype detection * runtime(man): improve :Man completion for man-db * 9.1.1193: Unnecessary use of STRCAT() in au_event_disable() * translation(sr): Update Serbian messages translation * runtime(doc): document vim syntax switches * runtime(vim): Update base-syntax, improve :syntax highlighting
vim: Import v9.1.1192 * 9.1.1192: Vim crashes with term response debug logging enabled * runtime(vim): Update base-syntax and generator, only match valid predefined variables * runtime(plsql): move fold option from syntax to filetype plugin * 9.1.1191: tests: test for patch 9.1.1186 doesn't fail without the patch * 9.1.1190: C indentation does not detect multibyte labels * CI: Update clang to version 20 * runtime(sh): set b:match_skip to ignore matches for matchit * 9.1.1189: if_python: build error due to incompatible pointer types * 9.1.1188: runtime(tera): tera support can be improved * 9.1.1187: matchparen plugin wrong highlights shell case statement * runtime(doc): use GNOME instead of Gnome
vim: Import v9.1.1186 * 9.1.1186: filetype: help files in git repos are not detected * runtime(nohlsearch): fix CursorHold loop * runtime(doc): warn users about potentially risky hotkey * runtime(syntax-tests): Improve parts of "runtest.vim" * 9.1.1185: endless loop with completefuzzycollect and no match found * runtime(doc): CmdUndefined and FuncUndefined can always be nested * 9.1.1184: Unnecessary use of vim_tolower() in vim_strnicmp_asc() * 9.1.1083: "above" virtual text breaks cursorlineopt=number
vim: Import v9.1.1182 * runtime(go): add 'keywordprg' and 'formatprg' to ftplugin * runtime(syntax-tests): Re-introduce support for "phoney" languages * 9.1.1182: No cmdline completion for 'completefuzzycollect' * 9.1.1181: Unnecessary STRLEN() calls in insexpand.c * 9.1.1180: short-description * runtime(vim): Update base-syntax, bug fixes
vim: Import v9.1.1179 * 9.1.1179: too many strlen() calls in misc2.c * 9.1.1178: not possible to generate completion candidates using fuzzy matching * editorconfig: set editing style for comment and hlsearch package * 9.1.1177: filetype: tera files not detected * runtime(doc): revert modeline change in vim9.txt
vim: Import v9.1.1176 * runtime(new-tutor): add chapter two to the interactive tutorial * 9.1.1176: wrong indent when expanding multiple lines * test(runtime/syntax): improve syntax tests * editorconfig: set indent config for *.vim files * runtime(doc): mention alternative check for vim9script * 9.1.1175: inconsistent behaviour with exclusive selection and motion commands * runtime(man): don't add jumps when loading a manpage * runtime(vim): recognize <...> strings (and keys) for 'keywordprg' * 9.1.1174: tests: Test_complete_cmdline() may fail * runtime(doc): mention bzip3 in gzip plugin documentation * 9.1.1173: filetype: ABNF files are not detected * 9.1.1172: [security]: overflow with 'nostartofline' and Ex command in tag file
vim: Import v9.1.1169 * runtime(doc): fix typo "bet" in :h 'completeopt' * 9.1.1169: using global variable for get_insert()/get_lambda_name() * 9.1.1168: wrong flags passed down to nextwild() * 9.1.1167: mark '] wrong after copying text object * runtime(doc): update how to get Vim
vim: Import v9.1.1166 * 9.1.1166: command-line auto-completion hard with wildmenu * runtime(tar): use readblob() instead of shelling out to file(1) * 9.1.1165: diff: regression with multi-file diff blocks * 9.1.1164: [security]: code execution with tar.vim and special crafted tar files
vim: Import v9.1.1163 * translation(it): Update Italian translation * runtime(tar): fix syntax error in tar.vim * 9.1.1163: $MYVIMDIR is set too late * runtime(syntax-tests): Apply stronger synchronisation between buffers * 9.1.1162: completion popup not cleared in cmdline * 9.1.1161: preinsert requires bot "menu" and "menuone" to be set