- Brazil
- 3h behind - https://vinicius-goncalves.com/
- https://withgoogle.vinicius-goncalves.com
vinicius-goncalves Public
vinicius-goncalves.com | More about me =)
angular__public-polls Public
📊 | Create polls and share them!
projects Public
👨💻 | All my projects, repositories, assets and useful links will be listed here
1 UpdatedSep 9, 2024 -
react__frame-seeker Public
🎥 | A website that extracts the video's frames - a seeker-like YouTube video seeker.
epb Public
🔨 | Extensão com funcionalidades e melhorias para os fóruns do Google
ts__pokedex98 Public
✨ | A pokedex with window 98 style
react__weather-app Public
🌧 | A weather application using React and Tailwind
perceptron-ts Public
📘 | Example of how a Perceptron works (with TS)
js__folders-structure Public
Folder structure vs-code-like using JavaScript, HTML & CSS [📙📘📒]
advanced-slide Public
📷 | An advanced slide with JavaScript, using methods for animation.
python-imc-calculator Public
Calculadora de IMC (BMI, sigla em inglês) com Python
jwt-example Public
This is a study and example project of how to use Json Web Token (JWT) for authorization purposes
rest-api-node-js-vanilla Public
Projeto de testes e estudos com uma 'REST API' com Node JS vanilla (sem Express).