Updated: Wed Sep 18 01:52:56 PM IST 2024
Utility for configuring your board, adjusting services, and installing applications. It comes with Armbian by default.
To start the Armbian configuration utility, use the following command:
sudo armbian-configng
- S01 - Enable Kernel/BSP upgrades
- S02 - Disable Kernel/BSP upgrades
- S03 - Edit the boot environment
- S04 - Install Linux headers
- S05 - Remove Linux headers
- S06 - Install to another storage
- S07 - Manage SSH login options
- S08 - Enable read only filesystem
- S09 - Disable read only filesystem
- S10 - Set CPU speed and governor
- S11 - Set fan control options
- S12 - Manage device tree overlays
- N01.1 - Configure network interfaces
- N15 - Install Bluetooth support
- N16 - Remove Bluetooth support
- N17 - Bluetooth Discover
- N18 - Toggle system IPv6/IPv4 internet protocol
- L00 - Change Global timezone (WIP)
- L01 - Change Locales reconfigure the language and character set
- L02 - Change Keyboard layout
- L03 - Change APT mirrors
- SW01 - Desktop Environments
- SW02 - Network tools
- SW03 - Development tools
- SW04 - Install system updates
Armbian installation
sudo apt install armbian-config
3rd party Debian based distributions
sudo wget https://apt.armbian.com/armbian.key -O key
sudo gpg --dearmor < key | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/armbian.gpg > /dev/null
sudo chmod go+r /usr/share/keyrings/armbian.gpg
sudo echo "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/armbian.gpg] http://apt.armbian.com $(lsb_release -cs) main $(lsb_release -cs)-utils $(lsb_release -cs)-desktop" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/armbian.list
sudo apt update
sudo apt install armbian-config
Command line options.
armbian-configng --help
System - System wide and admin settings (aarch64)
--cmd S01 - Enable Kernel/BSP upgrades
--cmd S02 - Disable Kernel/BSP upgrades
--cmd S03 - Edit the boot environment
--cmd S04 - Install Linux headers
--cmd S05 - Remove Linux headers
--cmd S06 - Install to another storage
S07 - Manage SSH login options
--cmd S0701 - Disable root login
--cmd S0702 - Enable root login
--cmd S0703 - Disable password login
--cmd S0704 - Enable password login
--cmd S0705 - Disable Public key authentication login
--cmd S0706 - Enable Public key authentication login
--cmd S0707 - Disable OTP authentication
--cmd S0708 - Enable OTP authentication
--cmd S0709 - Generate new OTP authentication QR code
--cmd S0710 - Show OTP authentication QR code
--cmd S08 - Enable read only filesystem
--cmd S09 - Disable read only filesystem
S10 - Set CPU speed and governor
--cmd S1001 - Disable CPU frequency utilities
--cmd S1002 - Enable CPU frequency utilities
--cmd S1003 - Set minimum CPU speed
--cmd S1004 - Set maximum CPU speed
--cmd S1005 - Set CPU scaling governor
S11 - Set fan control options
--cmd S1101 - Set fan mode
--cmd S1102 - Set fan level
--cmd S1103 - Show current fan status
--cmd S12 - Manage device tree overlays
Network - Fixed and wireless network settings (wlan0)
N01.1 - Configure network interfaces
N01.1.1 - Wired
--cmd N01 - Show configuration
--cmd N02 - Enable DHCP on all interfaces
--cmd N03 - Set fixed IP address
--cmd N04 - Disable IPV6
--cmd N05 - Enable IPV6
--cmd N06 - Disable wired networking
N01.1.2 - Wireless
--cmd N07 - Show configuration
--cmd N08 - Disable wireless networking
--cmd N09 - Disable IPV6
--cmd N10 - Enable IPV6
--cmd N11 - Enable DHCP on wireless network interface
--cmd N12 - Show common configs
--cmd N13 - Apply common configs
--cmd N14 - Display status
--cmd N15 - Install Bluetooth support
--cmd N16 - Remove Bluetooth support
--cmd N17 - Bluetooth Discover
--cmd N18 - Toggle system IPv6/IPv4 internet protocol
Localisation - Localisation (en_US.UTF-8)
--cmd L00 - Change Global timezone (WIP)
--cmd L01 - Change Locales reconfigure the language and character set
--cmd L02 - Change Keyboard layout
--cmd L03 - Change APT mirrors
Software - Run/Install 3rd party applications (01:03:43)
SW01 - Desktop Environments
--cmd SW0101 - Install XFCE desktop
--cmd SW0102 - Install Gnome desktop
--cmd SW0103 - Install i3-wm desktop
--cmd SW0104 - Install Cinnamon desktop
--cmd SW0105 - Install kde-neon desktop
SW02 - Network tools
--cmd SW0201 - Install realtime console network usage monitor (nload)
--cmd SW0202 - Remove realtime console network usage monitor (nload)
--cmd SW0203 - Install bandwidth measuring tool (iperf3)
--cmd SW0204 - Remove bandwidth measuring tool (iperf3)
--cmd SW0205 - Install IP LAN monitor (iptraf-ng)
--cmd SW0206 - Remove IP LAN monitor (iptraf-ng)
--cmd SW0207 - Install hostname broadcast via mDNS (avahi-daemon)
--cmd SW0208 - Remove hostname broadcast via mDNS (avahi-daemon)
SW03 - Development tools
--cmd SW0301 - Install tools for cloning and managing repositories (git)
--cmd SW0302 - Remove tools for cloning and managing repositories (git)
--cmd SW0303 - Install Docker
--cmd SW0304 - Remove Docker
--cmd SW04 - Install system updates
--cmd Help - About this app
Backward Compatible options.
armbian-configng main=Help
Legacy Options (Backward Compatible)
Please use 'armbian-configng --help' for more information.
Usage: armbian-configng main=[arguments] selection=[options]
armbian-configng main=System selection=Headers - Install headers:
armbian-configng main=System selection=Headers_remove - Remove headers:
Development is divided into three sections:
Click for more info:
Jobs / JSON Object
A list of the jobs defined in the Jobs file.
Enable Kernel/BSP upgrades
fw_manipulate unhold
Disable Kernel/BSP upgrades
fw_manipulate hold
Edit the boot environment
nano /boot/uEnv.txt
Install Linux headers
Remove Linux headers
Install to another storage
Manage SSH login options
No commands available
Enable read only filesystem
manage_overlayfs enable
Disable read only filesystem
manage_overlayfs disable
Set CPU speed and governor
No commands available
Set fan control options
No commands available
Manage device tree overlays
Configure network interfaces
No commands available
Install Bluetooth support
debconf-apt-progress -- apt-get -y install bluetooth bluez bluez-tools
check_if_installed xserver-xorg && debconf-apt-progress -- apt-get -y --no-install-recommends install pulseaudio-module-bluetooth blueman
Remove Bluetooth support
debconf-apt-progress -- apt-get -y remove bluetooth bluez bluez-tools
check_if_installed xserver-xorg && debconf-apt-progress -- apt-get -y remove pulseaudio-module-bluetooth blueman
debconf-apt-progress -- apt -y -qq autoremove
Bluetooth Discover
Toggle system IPv6/IPv4 internet protocol
toggle_ipv6 | show_infobox
Change Global timezone (WIP)
dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
Change Locales reconfigure the language and character set
dpkg-reconfigure locales
source /etc/default/locale ; sed -i "s/^LANGUAGE=.*/LANGUAGE=$LANG/" /etc/default/locale
Change Keyboard layout
dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration ; setupcon
update-initramfs -u
Change APT mirrors
get_user_continue "This is only a frontend test" process_input
Desktop Environments
No commands available
Network tools
No commands available
Development tools
No commands available
Install system updates
debconf-apt-progress -- apt update
debconf-apt-progress -- apt -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confdef" -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confold" dist-upgrade -y
Jobs API / Helper Functions
These helper functions facilitate various operations related to job management, such as creation, updating, deletion, and listing of jobs, acting as a practical API for developers.
Description | Example | Credit |
Wrapping Netplan commands | netplan_wrapper | Igor Pecovnik |
Generate a Help message legacy cli commands. | see_cli_legacy | Joey Turner |
Run time variables Migrated procedures from Armbian config. | set_runtime_variables | Igor Pecovnik |
Set Armbian to rolling release | set_rolling | Tearran |
Generate this markdown table of all module_options | see_function_table_md | Joey Turner |
Set root filesystem to read only | manage_overlayfs enable | disable |
Remove Linux headers | headers_remove | Joey Turner |
Display a menu from pipe | show_menu <<< armbianmonitor -h ; | Joey Turner |
Install kernel headers | headers_install | Joey Turner |
Migrated procedures from Armbian config. | is_package_manager_running | Igor Pecovnik |
Migrated procedures from Armbian config. | check_desktop | Igor Pecovnik |
Generate Document files. | generate_readme | Joey Turner |
freeze/unhold/reinstall kernel & bsp related packages. | fw_manipulate unhold | freeze |
Needed by generate_menu | Joey Turner | |
Display a Yes/No dialog box and process continue/exit | get_user_continue 'Do you wish to continue?' process_input | Joey Turner |
Display a menu a given list of options with a provided prompt | generic_select "true false" "Select an option" | Gunjan Gupta |
Display a message box | show_message <<< 'hello world' | Joey Turner |
Migrated procedures from Armbian config. | connect_bt_interface | Igor Pecovnik |
Menu for armbianmonitor features | see_monitoring | Joey Turner |
Enable/disable device tree overlays | manage_dtoverlays | Gunjan Gupta |
Show or generate QR code for Google OTP | qr_code generate | Igor Pecovnik |
Check if kernel headers are installed | are_headers_installed | Gunjan Gupta |
Check when apt list was last updated | see_current_apt | Joey Turner |
Migrated procedures from Armbian config. | check_if_installed nano | Igor Pecovnik |
Generate 'Armbian CPU logo' SVG for document file. | generate_svg | Joey Turner |
Displays available adapters | choose_adapter | Igor Pecovnik |
Update submenu descriptions based on conditions | update_submenu_data | Joey Turner |
sanitize input cli | sanitize_input | |
Check if a domain is reachable via IPv4 and IPv6 | check_ip_version google.com | Joey Turner |
Generate a submenu from a parent_id | generate_menu 'parent_id' | Joey Turner |
Install docker | install_docker | Gunjan Gupta |
Generate a markdown list json objects using jq. | see_jq_menu_list | Joey Turner |
Generate jobs from JSON file. | generate_jobs_from_json | Joey Turner |
Set up a WiFi hotspot on the device | hotspot_setup | Joey Turner |
Toggle IPv6 on or off | toggle_ipv6 | Joey Turner |
Generate JSON-like object file. | generate_json | Joey Turner |
Install DE | install_de | Igor Pecovnik |
Change the background color of the terminal or dialog box | set_colors 0-7 | Joey Turner |
Serve the edit and debug server. | serve_doc | Joey Turner |
Update JSON data with system information | update_json_data | Joey Turner |
pipeline strings to an infobox | show_infobox <<< 'hello world' ; | Joey Turner |
Remove docker | remove_docker | Gunjan Gupta |
Parse json to get list of desired menu or submenu items | parse_menu_items 'menu_options_array' | Gunjan Gupta |
Show the usage of the functions. | see_use | Joey Turner |
Set cpufreq options like minimum/maximum speed and governor | set_cpufreq_option MIN_SPEED | MAX_SPEED |
Set fan control options | set_fan_controls [mode | level] |
List and connect to wireless network | wifi_connect | Igor Pecovnik |
Generate a Help message for cli commands. | see_cmd_list [catagory] | Joey Turner |
Check the internet connection with fallback DNS | see_ping | Joey Turner |
Update the /etc/skel files in users directories | update_skel | Igor Pecovnik |
Set Armbian to stable release | set_stable | Tearran |
Secure version of get_user_continue | get_user_continue_secure 'Do you wish to continue?' process_input | Joey Turner |
Runtime / Board Statuses
This section outlines the runtime environment to check configurations and statuses for dynamically managing jobs based on JSON data.
Get Development
Install the dependencies:
sudo apt install git jq whiptail
Get Development and contribute:
git clone https://github.com/armbian/configng
cd configng
./armbian-configng --help
Install and test Development deb:
sudo apt install whiptail
latest_release=$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/armbian/configng/releases/latest)
deb_url=$(echo "$latest_release" | jq -r '.assets[] | select(.name | endswith(".deb")) | .browser_download_url')
curl -LO "$deb_url"
deb_file=$(echo "$deb_url" | awk -F"/" '{print $NF}')
sudo dpkg -i "$deb_file"
sudo dpkg --configure -a
sudo apt --fix-broken install