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A Python library and command-line scripts for working with SARS-CoV-2 sequences

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A Python library and command-line scripts for working with SARS-CoV-2 sequences

sars2seq provides three general utility scripts for examining SARS-CoV-2 genome sequences and a Python library API.

The library code knows how to extract genes at the nucleotide or amino acid level, how to identify or check for expected genome changes, how to translate between aa and nt offsets, and about all SARS-CoV-2 genome features.


When giving locations within a genome or a genome feature (e.g., the spike protein), a "site" refers to a 1-based location, as would normally be used by a regular person on the command line (an oxymoron?), whereas an "offset" refers to a 0-based location, as would be used by a Python programmer. The utility scripts, run from the command line, expect the former, whereas library code called by a programmer expects the latter. This terminology is used throughout the code as well.

In code that deals with both the reference and a genome sequence, the reference is always given or returned first.


sars2seq makes an alignment between each genome you give it and a reference sequence (NC_045512.2 by default). The default alignment algorithm is MAFFT, which can be slow but is reliable. You can also run scripts with --aligner edlib (or pass aligner='edlib' to library functions) to use the Python wrapper for the extremely fast edlib library.

Utility scripts

The three scripts described below all accept a --help option. Below is some representative usage.

The simplest script is, which can be used to get information about features in a SARS-CoV-2 reference genome (you can specify a different reference by passing the name of a GenBank file with --gbFile).

If you run with no arguments, it will print summary details of all features, with their (0-based) nucleotide offsets:

Features for NC_045512.2:
2'-O-ribose methyltransferase:
  start: 20658
  stop: 21552
  length: 894
  product: 2'-O-ribose methyltransferase
3'-to-5' exonuclease:
  start: 18039
  stop: 19620
  length: 1581
  product: 3'-to-5' exonuclease
  start: 29674
  stop: 29903
  length: 229
# [Many additional output lines omitted here.]

You can also pass it a feature name:

$ --name spike
surface glycoprotein:
  start: 21562
  stop: 25384
  length: 3822
  product: surface glycoprotein

Or ask to see all known feature names. Each is printed followed by a colon and a (possibly empty) list of aliases:

$ --names
2'-O-ribose methyltransferase: 2
3'-to-5' exonuclease: exon, exonuclease, nsp14
3'UTR: 3utr
3C-like proteinase: 3clpro, mpro, nsp5
5'UTR: 5utr
endoRNAse: endornase, nsp15
envelope protein: e, envelope, orf4
helicase: nsp13
leader protein: leader, nsp1
membrane glycoprotein: m, membrane, orf5
nucleocapsid phosphoprotein: n, orf9
ORF1ab polyprotein: orf1ab
ORF1a polyprotein: orf1a
ORF3a protein: orf3a
ORF6 protein: orf6
ORF7a protein: orf7a
ORF7b: orf7b
ORF8 protein: orf8
ORF10 protein: orf10
RNA-dependent RNA polymerase: nsp12, rdrp
stem loop 1: sl1
stem loop 2: sl2
stem loop 3: sl3
stem loop 4: sl4
stem loop 5: sl5
surface glycoprotein: s, spike has many uses. It can extract multiple features from multiple given genomes, as amino acids or nucleotides (or both). It will print to standard output by default, but if you use the --outDir option to provide a directory, individual output files with (hopefully) self-explanatory names will be created in that directory. The directory will be created for you if it doesn't exist.

A small example is perhaps best. Here we pull out the spike nucleotide and amino acid sequence from B.1.1.7 and also ask for a summary of the amino acid differences:

$ --genome data/EPI_ISL_601443.fasta --outDir /tmp/out \
    --feature spike --printNtSequence --printAaSequence --printAaMatch
Examined 1 genome.

$ ls -l /tmp/out
total 24
-rw-rw-r--  1 terry  wheel   748 Apr 11 15:25 EPI_ISL_601443-spike-aa-match.txt
-rw-rw-r--  1 terry  wheel  1344 Apr 11 15:25 EPI_ISL_601443-spike-aa-sequence.fasta
-rw-rw-r--  1 terry  wheel  3886 Apr 11 15:25 EPI_ISL_601443-spike-nt-sequence.fasta

If the file given by --genome had contained more than one SARS-CoV-2 genome, the spike would have been extracted for all of them. Similarly, if --feature had been repeated, multiple features would have been extracted and compared. If no --feature is given, you'll get them all.

$ cat /tmp/out/EPI_ISL_601443-spike-aa-match.txt
Feature: spike amino acid match
  Matches: 1264/1274 (99.22%)
  Mismatches: 10/1274 (0.78%)
    Not involving gaps (i.e., conflicts): 7/1274 (0.55%)
    Involving a gap in one sequence: 3/1274 (0.24%)
    Involving a gap in both sequences: 0
    Id: NC_045512.2 (surface glycoprotein)
      Length: 1274
      Gaps: 0
    Id: EPI_ISL_601443 hCoV-19/England/MILK-9E05B3/2020 (surface glycoprotein)
      Length: 1274
      Gaps: 3/1274 (0.24%)
      Gap locations (1-based): 69, 70, 144
    Differences: site, aa1, aa2, ref nt codon start
        69 H - 21767
        70 V - 21770
       144 Y - 21992
       501 N Y 23063
       570 A D 23270
       614 D G 23402
       681 P H 23603
       716 T I 23708
       982 S A 24506
      1118 D H 24914

You can also ask for the changes in a variant to be checked.

$ --genome data/EPI_ISL_601443.fasta --checkVariant VOC_20201201_UK
EPI_ISL_601443 hCoV-19/England/MILK-9E05B3/2020
Variant summary:
  UK variant of concern (VOC) 202012/01:
  20 checks, 20 passed.
    orf1ab aa: PASS: 1001I, 1708D, 2230T, 3675-, 3676-, 3677-
    spike aa: PASS: 1118H, 144-, 501Y, 570D, 681H, 69-, 70-, 716I, 982A
    orf8 aa: PASS: 52I, 73C, Q27*
    n aa: PASS: 235F, 3L

There are some known variants, and you can also provide your own via a JSON file and the --variantFile option. E.g.,:

    'VOC_20201201_UK': {
        'description': 'UK variant of concern (VOC) 202012/01',
        'comment': ('From Table 1 of'
        'changes': {
            'orf1ab': {
                'aa': '1001I 1708D 2230T 3675- 3676- 3677-',
            'spike': {
                'aa': '69- 70- 144- 501Y 570D 681H 716I 982A 1118H',
            'orf8': {
                'aa': 'Q27* 52I 73C',
            'n': {
                'aa': '3L 235F',

Will print information about a given location (a "site") in the genome, showing you what's in the reference and in the genome you (optionally) pass.

In the simplest case, just give a 1-based site and you'll see what's in the reference (with 0-based Python offsets):

$ --site 26000
    "alignmentOffset": 25999,
    "featureName": "ORF3a protein",
    "featureNames": [
        "ORF3a protein"
    "reference": {
        "aa": "L",
        "aaOffset": 202,
        "codon": "TTA",
        "frame": 1,
        "id": "NC_045512.2",
        "ntOffset": 25999

At the moment, the default output is a JSON object, though this may someday change to a more verbose/readable form. Use --json to make sure you always get JSON.

You can also specify the site relative to a feature:

$ --site 1501 --feature spike --relative
    "alignmentOffset": 23062,
    "featureName": "surface glycoprotein",
    "featureNames": [
        "surface glycoprotein"
    "reference": {
        "aa": "N",
        "aaOffset": 500,
        "codon": "AAT",
        "frame": 0,
        "id": "NC_045512.2",
        "ntOffset": 23062

Or pass an amino acid site number (via --aa):

$ --site 501 --feature spike --relative --aa
    "alignmentOffset": 23062,
    "featureName": "surface glycoprotein",
    "featureNames": [
        "surface glycoprotein"
    "reference": {
        "aa": "N",
        "aaOffset": 500,
        "codon": "AAT",
        "frame": 0,
        "id": "NC_045512.2",
        "ntOffset": 23062

Of course it's more fun if you also provide a genome to compare the reference to. Here's the N501Y change in B.1.1.7 (Alpha):

$ --site 501 --relative --genome EPI_ISL_601443.fasta --feature spike --aa
    "alignmentOffset": 23062,
    "featureName": "surface glycoprotein",
    "featureNames": [
        "surface glycoprotein"
    "genome": {
        "aa": "Y",
        "aaOffset": 497,
        "codon": "TAT",
        "frame": 0,
        "id": "EPI_ISL_601443 hCoV-19/England/MILK-9E05B3/2020",
        "ntOffset": 22990
    "reference": {
        "aa": "N",
        "aaOffset": 500,
        "codon": "AAT",
        "frame": 0,
        "id": "NC_045512.2",
        "ntOffset": 23062

Other options include --genomeAaOnly to just print the amino acid at a location in the genome, --includeFeature to also receive information about the feature at the site, and --minReferenceCoverage to exclude low-coverage genomes or features from the results.

Python API

There are two main Python classes provided by sars2seq: Features and SARS2Alignment.


The Features class provides methods for accessing information about SARS-CoV-2 genome features obtained from a GenBank flat file. You've likely run across these records before. E.g., here's the SARS-CoV-2 Wuhan reference, NC_045512. To download the GenBank file for that reference, click on "Send to" and select "Complete Record", "File", and "GenBank" format. Then click "Create File".

You can pass the path to a GenBank file to the Features class. You can also just pass an accession number, and the file will be downloaded for you. If you don't pass anything, the Wuhan reference (version NC_045512.2) will be used.

You can use a Features instance like a dictionary:

from pprint import pprint as pp
from sars2seq.features import Features

>>> f = Features()
>>> pp(f['e'])
{'name': 'envelope protein',
 'note': 'ORF4; structural protein; E protein',
 'product': 'envelope protein',
 'start': 26244,
 'stop': 26472,

# You can use abbreviated names, and get the canonical names:
>>> f.canonicalName('s')
'surface glycoprotein'

# Get the list of aliases for a name:
>>> f.aliases('s')
{'spike', 'surface glycoprotein', 's'}

# Given an offset relative to a feature, get the offset in the genome:
>>> f.referenceOffset('spike', 1503)

# Same thing, but with an amino acid offset.
>>> f.referenceOffset('spike', 501, aa=True)

# What features are present at an offset?
>>> f.getFeatureNames(13450)
{'ORF1ab polyprotein', 'nsp11', 'ORF1a polyprotein', 'RNA-dependent RNA polymerase'}

# What features are present at an offset, including those that are not translated?
>>> f.getFeatureNames(21000, includeUntranslated=True)
{'ORF1ab polyprotein', "2'-O-ribose methyltransferase"}


The SARS2Alignment class can be used to extract and compare features from the reference and the given genome sequence.

You pass it a Read instance from the dark-matter module (which is installed for you when you install sars2seq).

from sars2seq.alignment import SARS2Alignment
from dark.reads import Read

alignment = SARS2Alignment(Read('id', 'AGCT...'))

These can also be read from a FASTA file:

from sars2seq.alignment import SARS2Alignment
from dark.fasta import FastaReads

for read in FastaReads('sequences.fasta'):
    alignment = SARS2Alignment(read)

Once you have a SARS2Alignment instance, you can ask it for the aligned sequences or features.

Below I'll use the GISAID EPI_ISL_601443 (B.1.1.7, or Alpha, variant) sequence, which you can find in data/EPI_ISL_601443.fasta in this repo:

>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> from pprint import pprint as pp
>>> from sars2seq.alignment import SARS2Alignment
>>> from dark.fasta import FastaReads

>>> alpha = list(FastaReads(Path('data/EPI_ISL_601443.fasta')))[0]
>>> len(alpha)
'EPI_ISL_601443 hCoV-19/England/MILK-9E05B3/2020'
>>> alpha.sequence[:50]

>>> alignment = SARS2Alignment(alpha)

You'll find the aligned reference and genome in alignment.referenceAligned and alignment.genomeAligned, both of which are Read instances:

>>> len(alignment.referenceAligned)
>>> len(alignment.genomeAligned)

# Get the nucleotide sequence for the spike protein for the reference and genome.
>>> referenceSpikeNt, genomeSpikeNt = alignment.ntSequences('spike')
>>> len(referenceSpikeNt)

# Get the amino acid sequence for the spike protein for the reference and genome.
>>> referenceSpikeAa, genomeSpikeAa = alignment.aaSequences('spike')
>>> len(referenceSpikeAa)

# There were three deletions in the alpha spike, so it only covers 3813 of the
# 3822 bases in the reference spike.
>>> alignment.coverage('s')
(3813, 3822)

# Get information about what's at an offset (0-based). This is what the
# utility does (though it takes a 1-based site).
# Here is the Alpha N501Y change:
>>> pp(alignment.offsetInfo(500, relativeToFeature=True, aa=True, featureName='s'))
{'featureName': 'surface glycoprotein',
 'featureNames': {'surface glycoprotein'},
 'alignmentOffset': 23062,
 'reference': {'aa': 'N',
  'codon': 'AAT',
  'frame': 0,
  'id': 'NC_045512.2',
  'aaOffset': 500,
  'ntOffset': 23062},
 'genome': {'aa': 'Y',
  'codon': 'TAT',
  'frame': 0,
  'id': 'EPI_ISL_601443 hCoV-19/England/MILK-9E05B3/2020',
  'aaOffset': 497,
  'ntOffset': 22990}}

You can check a feature for an expected change:

>>> alignment.checkFeature('spike', 'N501Y', aa=True)
(1, 0, {'N501Y': (True, 'N', True, 'Y')})

The return value gives the number of tests done (1), the number that failed (0), and a dict with information about each test. The dict values are 4-tuples, indicating whether what was in the reference was as expected (True), the value in the reference (N), whether what was in the genome was as expected (True), the value in the genome (Y).

You can test multiple things:

# Note that we use 501Y in the following, not N501Y, since we might just
# want to check that something is in the genome without knowing or caring
# about what's in the reference.
>>> pp(alignment.checkFeature('spike', '501Y 69- 70-', aa=True))
 {'501Y': (True, 'N', True, 'Y'),
  '69-': (True, 'H', True, '-'),
  '70-': (True, 'V', True, '-')})

There is also a convenience Checker class that can check whether logical combinations of amino acid and nucleotide changes are satisfied for a genome. Continuing from the above:

>>> from sars2seq.checker import AAChecker, NTChecker

# Make a Boolean checker function to test whether a genome has the N501Y
# and A570D spike changes seen in Alpha.
>>> checker = AAChecker('spike', 'N501Y') & AAChecker('spike', 'A570D')
>>> checker(alignment)

# Check for some nucleotide changes in the nucleocapsid and some amino
# acid changes in the spike.
checker = (NTChecker('N', 'G7C A8T T9A G608A G609A G610C C704T') &
           AAChecker('S', 'N501Y H69- V70- Y144-'))

# You can also use `|` to check an OR condition.
>>> checker = AAChecker('spike', 'E484K') | AAChecker('spike', 'E484Q')
>>> checker(alignment)

Note that because the Checker class takes a string argument that likely originates from a human-readable source, e.g., "N501Y", the changes specified for the checker are in terms of 1-based sites.

Similiar to the --checkVariant argument to (above), you can also check a pre-defined variant:

>>> pp(alignment.checkVariant('VOC_20201201_UK'))
 {'n': {'aa': {'235F': (True, 'S', True, 'F'), '3L': (True, 'D', True, 'L')}},
  'orf1ab': {'aa': {'1001I': (True, 'T', True, 'I'),
                    '1708D': (True, 'A', True, 'D'),
                    '2230T': (True, 'I', True, 'T'),
                    '3675-': (True, 'S', True, '-'),
                    '3676-': (True, 'G', True, '-'),
                    '3677-': (True, 'F', True, '-')}},
  'orf8': {'aa': {'52I': (True, 'R', True, 'I'),
                  '73C': (True, 'Y', True, 'C'),
                  'Q27*': (True, 'Q', True, '*')}},
  'spike': {'aa': {'1118H': (True, 'D', True, 'H'),
                   '144-': (True, 'Y', True, '-'),
                   '501Y': (True, 'N', True, 'Y'),
                   '570D': (True, 'A', True, 'D'),
                   '681H': (True, 'P', True, 'H'),
                   '69-': (True, 'H', True, '-'),
                   '70-': (True, 'V', True, '-'),
                   '716I': (True, 'T', True, 'I'),
                   '982A': (True, 'S', True, 'A')}}})

with the results summarizing the number of tests done, the number that failed, and then the features checked, with aa and nt dictionaries for the amino acid and nucleotide checks.

You can pass your own variant dictionary specifying what you want checked.

To learn more

See the Features and SARS2Alignment classes in sars2seq/ and sars2seq/ Also, the tests (e.g., in test/, test/, test/ test/ show you example uses of these classes and their methods. You can also look to see how the three utility scripts described above (which can all be found in the bin directory) call the library functions and use the results.


Run the tests via

$ pytest

More could probably be added here :-)


A Python library and command-line scripts for working with SARS-CoV-2 sequences







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