I'm trozonsec, a hacker & Security Researcher. I'm on my way to becoming a Cybersecurity Specialists or a Bug hunter.
Technology has always fascinated me, and I've immersed myself in the captivating world of cyber security. Malwares, Viruses, Bug hunting,I hope I will become a Cybersecurity Specialists then I can protect company assests and help community.
More about me
- Name: trozonsec
- From: India
- Bug Hunter | Security Researcher | Full Stack Web Developer
- I have experience in web applications, APIs, Android apps, iOS apps, and cloud environments testing. -Reverse Engineering, Malware Analysis
- Improving knowledge in Website Vulnerabilities
- Iโm currently learning everything
- Reach me out at vishalatinfosec@gmail.com

๐ Still Learning Bug hunting & malware forensics.
๐ Managing Tech Communities & Content creator.
๐ Writing Some Useful Tools For Myself & Communities
๐ Building & Contributing To Open Source Projects
๐ Currently Learning mobile pentesting & web3
Journey to Cybersecurity Specialist๐.
"Never give up. Never back down."