issues Search Results · repo:vitejs/vite-plugin-react language:TypeScript
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invitejs/vite-plugin-react (press backspace or delete to remove)Description
!doctype html
title react-boilerplate /title
script type= module
import { createElement } from react ;
import { createRoot } from react-dom/client ...
enhancement: pending triage
- Opened 5 days ago
- #415
Describe the bug
When returning a plain string from a function component, the fast refresh is not added. While I believe React does
consider this as a valid component.
function Foo(props) {
return ...
pending triage
- 4
- Opened 17 days ago
- #414
Describe the bug
I am Working on a Mono Repo which has thousands line of code. Previously we were on Vite Version 4.4.9 and during that
the plugin was working as expected we were not any hmr invalidate ...
- 9
- Opened on Feb 6
- #411
Describe the bug
I am writing a component library with Vite and Storybook. It has mostly regular react components but some that have
useState I ve put use client at the top in order to be compatible with ...
need reproduction
- 2
- Opened on Jan 17
- #405
Describe the bug
The [plugin:vite:esbuild] The service is no longer running error indicates that esbuild, used by Vite for code
transformation, has stopped working unexpectedly. can you give me the solutions ...
need reproduction
- 2
- Opened on Jan 10
- #403
Documentation is
- [ ] Missing
- [ ] Outdated
- [ ] Confusing
- [X] Not sure?
Explain in Detail
I am facing this issue too, there is no ...
- 4
- Opened on Jan 7
- #402
Describe the bug
I am trying render an SVG in Vite + React application. There is only probelm with one SVG that in vite 6. In vite 5 same
svg is working did anyone faced this issue ?? Help would be appreciated. ...
need reproduction
- 5
- Opened on Jan 6
- #401
Describe the bug
Try to use vite with react 16.10.0, got the error when start the dev server
Steps to reproduce
1. ...
pending triage
- 1
- Opened on Nov 28, 2024
- #391
Describe the bug
Installing vite@latest and @vitejs/plugin-react@latest Getting version conflict error Expect to run without errors
Steps ...
pending triage
- 1
- Opened on Nov 26, 2024
- #389
Describe the bug
Reproduction here:
I am trying to import json files, with code like so:
import enUs from ../locales/en-US.json with ...
bug: upstream
- 5
- Opened on Nov 22, 2024
- #385

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