VLINGO XOOM platform SDK for the JVM and .NET by Kalele
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- xoom-symbio-jdbc Public
The VLINGO XOOM SYMBIO implementation for JDBC for Reactive storage using Event-Sourcing, Key-Value, and Object storage.
- xoom-lattice-exchange-camel Public
The VLINGO XOOM platform SDK implementation of XOOM LATTICE Exchange for Apache Camel.
- xoom-lattice-exchange-rabbitmq Public
The VLINGO XOOM platform SDK implementation of XOOM LATTICE Exchange for RabbitMQ.
- xoom-designer Public
The VLINGO XOOM Designer to guide you in rapid delivery of low-code to full-code Reactive, Event-Driven Microservices and Applications using DOMA, DDD, and other approaches.
- xoom-helloworld Public
VLINGO XOOM platform SDK "Hello, World!" service that demonstrates the use of the standard components commonly used.
- xoom-platform Public
Use the VLINGO XOOM OSS platform SDK for rapid delivery of low-code to full-code Reactive, Event-Driven Microservices and Applications using DOMA, DDD, and other approaches.
- xoom-turbo Public
The VLINGO XOOM platform SDK for DOMA and DDD accelerates building highly scalable and high-performance Reactive microservices and applications.
- xoom-examples Public
The VLINGO XOOM examples demonstrating features and functionality available in the reactive components. See each of the submodules for specific examples.