Can we reproduce a package with the "origin" information provided?
Features · How It Works · Configuration · Strategies · Usage · Insights · FAQs
- ✅ determines whether or not a package can be reproduced from it's referenced repository metadata (ie.
) - 🔍 validates
information againstpackage.json
if the package referenced lives on a registry (will fallback topackage.json
inside the tarball if the package is not in a registry)- 🔀 mismatching
information is considered "manifest confusion" & will returnfalse
for "reproducibility"
- 🔀 mismatching
- 🗄️ provides persistent caching of results
- 🔄 currently only supports
as a"strategy"
but will expand to support other package managers in the future
- ⬇️ fetches the package & any corresponding metadata
- 📂 if available, does a clone/checkout of the corresponding source
- 🔄 attempts to prepare & pack the source repository using one or more strategies
- 🔍 validates the integrity value of
against the package fetched in#1
- 📄 returns results and caches them for future use
import reproduce from 'reproduce'
// Basic usage
const result = await reproduce('package-name')
// With custom configuration
const result = await reproduce('package-name', {
cache: {},
cacheDir: './custom-cache',
cacheFile: 'custom-cache.json'
npx reproduce tsc # exit code 0 - reproducible
npx reproduce esbuild # exit code 1 - not reproducible
npx reproduce axios --json # exit code 1 - not reproducible
"reproduceVersion": "0.0.1-pre.1",
"timestamp": "2025-02-25T10:40:24.947Z",
"os": "darwin",
"arch": "arm64",
"strategy": "npm:10.9.1",
"reproduced": false,
"package": {
"spec": "axios",
"location": "https://registry.npmjs.org/axios/-/axios-1.7.9.tgz",
"integrity": "sha512-LhLcE7Hbiryz8oMDdDptSrWowmB4Bl6RCt6sIJKpRB4XtVf0iEgewX3au/pJqm+Py1kCASkb/FFKjxQaLtxJvw=="
"source": {
"spec": "github:axios/axios#b2cb45d5a533a5465c99559b16987e4d5fc08cbc",
"location": "git+https://github.com/axios/axios.git",
"integrity": "null"
npx reproduce require --json # exit code 0 - reproducible
"reproduceVersion": "0.0.1-pre.1",
"timestamp": "2025-02-25T10:22:09.303Z",
"os": "darwin",
"arch": "arm64",
"strategy": "npm:10.9.1",
"reproduced": true,
"package": {
"spec": "sleepover",
"location": "https://registry.npmjs.org/sleepover/-/sleepover-1.2.3.tgz",
"integrity": "sha512-yNAIVUqbQifyy5+hfzAzK2Zt21wXjwXqPyWLu+tOvhOcYKG2ffUiSoBXwt/yo4KJ51IcJfUS0Uq0ktOoMWy9Yw=="
"source": {
"spec": "github:darcyclarke/sleepover#f2586e91b3faf085583c23ed6e00819916e85c28",
"location": "git+ssh://git@github.com/darcyclarke/sleepover.git",
"integrity": "sha512-yNAIVUqbQifyy5+hfzAzK2Zt21wXjwXqPyWLu+tOvhOcYKG2ffUiSoBXwt/yo4KJ51IcJfUS0Uq0ktOoMWy9Yw=="
The reproduce
function accepts an options object with the following configuration:
cache: {}, // Optional in-memory cache object (persisted to disk if provided)
cacheDir: '~/.cache/reproduce', // OS-specific cache directory
cacheFile: 'cache.json', // Cache file name
strategy: 'npm' // Strategy to use
The cache is stored in OS-specific locations:
- macOS:
- Windows:
- Linux:
A strategy is a set of operations to take to recreate a package. Strategies should represent common patterns for preparing/building/packing packages to cast wide nets. If a set successfully recreates a package then its ID will be stored inside the returned metadata.
UUID | Notes |
npm:<version> |
clones, checks out ref, installs deps, runs prepare scripts & packs |
Note: one-off/bespoke or complex configurations will not be supported but we will continue to add more strategies as we find common patterns.
Note: "High Impact" packages are defined as having >=1M downloads per week and/or >=500 dependants. This list was originally generated here. This test was run on 2025-02-26.
- 5.78% (289) are reproducible
- 3.72% (186) have provenance
List of reproducible packages
semver tslib lru-cache readable-stream ansi-regex commander minimatch yallist glob string-width fs-extra emoji-regex which execa ws minipass cross-spawn micromatch whatwg-url tr46 mime path-type loader-utils write-file-atomic callsites ini binary-extensions is-binary-path pump read-pkg normalize-package-data open json-parse-even-better-errors cli-cursor yocto-queue restore-cursor terser fastq sax ip log-symbols reusify ssri nopt normalize-url @eslint/eslintrc @humanwhocodes/config-array mdn-data mute-stream import-local gauge spdx-license-ids test-exclude regjsparser spdx-exceptions is-unicode-supported is-ci url source-map-js regenerate-unicode-properties minizlib unicode-match-property-value-ecmascript data-urls html-encoding-sniffer whatwg-mimetype cli-spinners xml-name-validator abbrev type unicode-canonical-property-names-ecmascript unique-slug unique-filename w3c-xmlserializer dot-prop camelcase-keys @sindresorhus/is foreground-child @npmcli/fs stream-shift log-update make-fetch-happen boxen del tar-fs @hapi/hoek p-retry has-ansi minipass-fetch cli-boxes agentkeepalive sort-keys safe-stable-stringify node-gyp-build npm-normalize-package-bin builtins aws-sdk elliptic npm-package-arg validate-npm-package-name es5-ext es6-symbol strnum path-scurry registry-auth-token crypto-browserify d html-tags moment-timezone npm-bundled ignore-walk npm-packlist devtools-protocol get-port package-json p-defer p-event latest-version default-browser-id npm-registry-fetch compress-commons zip-stream lcid filter-obj npm-pick-manifest pacote read require-in-the-middle npm-install-checks throttleit @npmcli/run-script touch read-package-json-fast @npmcli/promise-spawn @npmcli/node-gyp @npmcli/git prebuild-install store2 @npmcli/installed-package-contents proc-log postgres-interval xregexp webpack-hot-middleware is-what copy-anything set-cookie-parser p-filter fast-redact known-css-properties remark-slug is-builtin-module remark-external-links is-text-path text-extensions memoizee timers-ext spawn-command find-versions debounce xmlhttprequest-ssl pino-abstract-transport run-applescript use-callback-ref use-sidecar estree-to-babel default-browser bundle-name pretty-ms postcss-normalize cli-color macos-release windows-release remark-footnotes import-in-the-middle read-cmd-shim cpy write-json-file cron-parser find-babel-config lru-memoizer unzipper winston-daily-rotate-file obliterator csv-parser mnemonist set-immediate-shim through2-filter init-package-json winston-logzio @npmcli/package-json promzard s3-streamlogger bin-links @npmcli/map-workspaces @npmcli/name-from-folder walk-up-path ast-module-types union why-is-node-running @npmcli/metavuln-calculator hot-shots parse-conflict-json oidc-token-hash prom-client marked-terminal promise-call-limit node-source-walk libmime logzio-nodejs postcss-sorting @zeit/schemas ethereum-cryptography parse-github-url light-my-request detective-stylus n comment-json detective-typescript @lezer/common @lezer/lr precinct redux-mock-store detective-postcss twilio log tocbot @hapi/podium detective-es6 get-amd-module-type detective-sass detective-scss detective-cjs generate-object-property sprintf-kit highcharts graphql-subscriptions @tailwindcss/forms jspdf chance eslint-plugin-react-native
We believe the strategy of leveraging reproducible builds for the purpose of associating artifacts with a source/repository outperforms the current provenance strategy with the added benefit of being backwards compatible.
Yes. As we add more strategies, we should see the percentatge of reproducible packages grow over time both net-new & previously published packages will benefit from the additional strategies. Feel free to contribute!
Big thanks to @siddharthkp for gifting the package name reproduce
to us!
We wrote a blog post about this project & the results we found which you can read here: https://blog.vlt.sh/blog/reproducibility