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vlt serverless registry (vsr)

vsr aims to be a minimal "npm-compatible" registry which replicates the core features found in as well as adding net-new capabilities.

vsr api screenshot

Table of Contents:

Quick Starts


You can quickly get started by installing/executing vsr with the following command:

npx -y vltpkg/vsr


You can deploy vsr to Cloudflare in under 5 minutes, for free, with a single click (coming soon).

Deply to Cloudflare Workers

Alternatively, you can deploy to production using wrangler after following the Development quick start steps.


# clone the repo
git clone

# navigate to the repository directory
cd ./vsr

# install the project's dependencies
npm install

# run tbe development script
npm run dev



  • Cloudflare (free account at minimum)
    • Workers (free: 100k requests /day)
    • D1 Database (free: 100k writes, 5M reads /day & 5GB Storage /mo)
    • R2 Bucket (free: 1M writes, 10M reads & 10GB /mo)

Note: all usage numbers & pricing documented is as of October 24th, 2024. Plans & metering is subject to change at Cloudflare's discretion.


  • git
  • node
  • npm

Granular Access Tokens

All tokens are considered "granular access tokens" (GATs). Token entries in the database consist of 3 parts:

  • token the unique token value
  • uuid associative value representing a single user/scope
  • scope value representing the granular access/privileges

scope as a JSON Object

A scope contains an array of privileges that define both the type(s) of & access value(s) for a token.


Tokens can be associated with multiple "types" of access

  • type(s):
    • pkg:read read associated packages
    • pkg:read+write write associated packages (requires read access)
    • user:read read associated user
    • user:read+write write associated user (requires read access)
  • value(s):
    • * an ANY selector for user: or pkg: access types
    • ~<user> user selector for the user: access type
    • @<scope>/<pkg> package specific selector for the pkg: access type
    • @<scope>/* glob scope selector for pkg: access types


  • user/org/team management via @<scope> is not supported at the moment
Scope Examples
End-user/Subscriber Persona
  • specific package read access
  • individual user read+write access
    "values": ["@organization/package-name"],
    "types": {
      "pkg": {
        "read": true,
    "values": ["~johnsmith"],
    "types": {
      "user": {
        "read": true,
        "write": true,
Team Member/Maintainer Persona
  • scoped package read+write access
  • individual user read+write access
    "values": ["@organization/*"],
    "types": {
      "pkg": {
        "read": true
    "values": ["~johnsmith"],
    "types": {
      "user": {
        "read": true,
        "write": true,
Package Publish CI Persona
  • organization scoped packages read+write access
  • individual user read+write access
    "values": ["@organization/package-name"],
    "types": {
      "pkg": {
        "read": true
    "values": ["~johnsmith"],
    "types": {
      "user": {
        "read": true,
        "write": true,
Organization Admin Persona
  • organization scoped package read+write access
  • organization users read+write access
    "values": ["@company/*"],
    "types": {
      "pkg": {
        "read": true,
        "write": true
      "user": {
        "read": true,
        "write": true
Registry Owner/Admin Persona
    "values": ["*"],
    "types": {
      "pkg": {
        "read": true,
        "write": true
        "user": {
          "read": true,
          "write": true


We have rich, interactive API docs out-of-the-box with the help of our friends Scalar. The docs can be found at the registry root when running vsr locally (ex. run npx -y vltpkg/vsr &/or check out this repo & run npm run dev)

npm Client Compatibility

The following commands should work out-of-the-box with npm & any other npm "compatible" clients although their specific commands & arguments may vary (ex. vlt, yarn, pnpm & bun)


To use vsr as your registry you must either pass a registry config through a client-specific flag (ex. --registry=... for npm) or define client-specific configuration which stores the reference to your registry (ex. .npmrc for npm). Access to the registry & packages is private by default although an "admin" user is created during setup locally (for development purposes) with a default auth token of "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx".

; .npmrc

Supported npm Commands

  • βœ… implemented
  • ⏳ in progress
  • πŸ•€ planned to support
Support Commannd
βœ… access
βœ… access list packages
βœ… access get status
❌ access set status
❌ access set mfa
❌ access grant
❌ access revoke
πŸ•€ adduser - PUT /-/org/@<org>/<user>: Adds/updates a user (requires admin privileges)
❌ audit
βœ… bugs
❌ dist-tag add
❌ dist-tag rm
❌ dist-tag ls
βœ… deprecate
βœ… docs
βœ… exec
❌ hook
βœ… install
❌ login
❌ logout
❌ org
βœ… outdated
❌ owner add
❌ owner rm
❌ owner ls
βœ… ping
❌ profile enable-2fa
❌ profile disable-2fa
βœ… profile get
πŸ•€ profile set - PUT /-/npm/v1/user: Updates a user (requires auth)
βœ… publish
βœ… repo
❌ search
❌ star
❌ team
βœ… view
βœ… whoami
  • βœ… supported
  • ❌ unsupported


Feature vsr verdaccio jsr
Serverless βœ… ❌ ❌
JavaScript Backend βœ… βœ… ❌
Granular Access/Permissions βœ… βœ… ❌
Proxy Upstream Registries ⏳ βœ… ❌
Unscoped Package Names βœ… βœ… ❌
npm Package Publishing βœ… βœ… ❌
npm Package Installation βœ… βœ… βœ…*
CDN πŸ•€ ❌ βœ…
ESM πŸ•€ ❌ βœ…
Manifest Validation βœ… ❌ ❌
Plugins ⏳ βœ… ❌
Events/Hooks πŸ•€ βœ… ❌
Programmatic API ❌ βœ… ❌
Web Interface πŸ•€ βœ… βœ…
Search πŸ•€ βœ… βœ…
First-Class Typescript ❌ ❌ βœ…
API Documentation Generation ❌ ❌ βœ…
Multi-Cloud πŸ•€ βœ… βœ…
Azure DevOps Artifacts Upstream βœ… βœ… βœ…
JFrog Artifactory Upstream βœ… βœ… ❌
Google Artifact Registry Upstream βœ… βœ… ❌

* requires jsr-specific tooling or use a modified package name when using traditional npm clients (ref.


Status Feature
βœ… api: minimal package metadata
βœ… api: full package manifests
βœ… api: publishing private, scoped packages
βœ… api: package manifest validation
βœ… api: admin user management (add/update/remove users)
βœ… api: user token management (add/update/remove tokens)
βœ… web: docs portal
βœ… api: unscoped packages
⏳ web & api: custom dist-tags (latest is supported)
⏳ web & api: token rate-limiting
πŸ•€ web & api: search
πŸ•€ web & api: staging
πŸ•€ web: admin user management
πŸ•€ web: user registration
πŸ•€ web: user login (ex. npm login / --auth-type=web)
πŸ•€ web: user account management


This project is licensed under the Functional Source License (FSL-1.1-MIT).