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Releases: volarjs/volar.js


06 Mar 19:35
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07 Oct 05:35
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Bug Fixes

  • language-server: correctly calculate coalesced document change (#240) - Thanks to @rchl!

Please refer to for details.


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14 Sep 08:38
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Bug Fixes

  • typescript: avoid duplicate completion items in plugin mode


  • typescript: deprecated resolveLanguageServiceHost
  • kit: add setup hook for create checker functions

Please refer to for details.


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An approachable, performant and versatile framework for building web user interfaces.

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07 Sep 20:05
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Bug Fixes

  • language-server: handle completion item snippet unsupported (withastro/language-tools#948)
  • monaco: getDiagnostics throws "TypeError: response is not a function"


  • language-server: improve error handling for unsupported capabilities

Please refer to for details.


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An approachable, performant and versatile framework for building web user interfaces.

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04 Sep 13:47
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Bug Fixes

  • language-server: prepare language service for synchronized documents
  • typescript: fix inlay hints mapping for large chunks of source code mapped verbatim to generated code (#236) - Thanks to @piotrtomiak!

Please refer to for details.


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An approachable, performant and versatile framework for building web user interfaces.

Astro powers the world's fastest websites, client-side web apps, dynamic API endpoints, and everything in-between.

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28 Aug 23:28
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  • language-server: support files that do not exist in FS but are open in the editor for TS project (#235)

Bug Fixes

  • typescript: ensure unopened files are synced to project (vuejs/language-tools#4711) (vuejs/language-tools#4632) - Thanks to @davidmatter!
  • language-server: avoid project initialized twice
  • language-service: don't set item data if item has been resolved
  • language-service: don't set item data if LanguageServicePlugin does not provide resolve hook (#233)
  • test-utils: correct openUntitledDocument params order
  • typescript: runTsc does not recognize service script with preventLeadingOffset enabled
  • language-server: replace setTimeout with setImmediate (#234) - Thanks to @nieyuyao!


  • language-server: add onDidChange API for LanguageServer.workspaceFolders
  • language-core: add error, source params for verification.shouldReport hook

Please refer to for details.


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Platinum Sponsors

An approachable, performant and versatile framework for building web user interfaces.

Astro powers the world's fastest websites, client-side web apps, dynamic API endpoints, and everything in-between.

Essential tools for software developers and teams.

Open Source enables Microsoft products and services to bring choice, technology and community to our customers.

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21 Aug 12:39
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Bug Fixes

  • language-service: multi-level DocumentSymbol results from different virtual code are not merged accurately
  • typescript: use Proxy instead of modifying LanguageService instance (#216)
  • typescript: implement directoryExists for language service host
  • typescript: improve accuracy of runTsc extensions parameter behavior (#222)
  • typescript: synchronize script snapshots in a side-effect-free manner (#226)
  • typescript: add missing workspace symbols support for TS plugin (vuejs/language-tools#4595)
  • typescript: add missing code actions support for TS plugin (vuejs/language-tools#4586)
  • monaco: can't recognize the package with type definitions in @types/xxx (#81)
  • language-server: simplify asFileName result if possible (volarjs/vscode-typescript-web#4497)
  • language-server: avoid loading diagnosticMessages for en language
  • language-server: use Program.getSourceFile instead of askedFiles to more accurately determine indirect reference files
  • language-server: respect client linkSupport property for declaration, definition, typeDefinition, implementation requests
  • jsdelivr: avoid sending read file request if pkgFilePath is empty
  • jsdelivr: avoid sending flat request for xxx.ts, xxx.d.ts module names
  • jsdelivr: avoid sending flat request for @types/xxx if package xxx do not exist
  • source-map: don't throw when fromOffsets is not sorted
  • labs: associated script mappings are not visible


  • language-server: update watchFiles API to return Disposable
  • language-server: only register event handlers when the language server does support a certain language feature
  • language-server: add setup hook for createTypeScriptProject function
  • langauge-server: improve LSP diagnostic integration (#230)
  • language-server: split code based on logical concerns (#231)
  • typescript: add setup hook for runTsc function
  • typescript: add extraExtensionsToRemove option for runTsc function for glint emit support
  • typescript: createAsyncLanguageServicePlugin's scriptKind param allows pass a getter
  • monaco: add setup hook for createSimpleWorkerLanguageService, createTypeScriptWorkerService functions
  • monaco: replace activateAutomaticTypeAcquisition with createNpmFileSystem from the new @volar/jsdelivr package (#218) (#219)
  • monaco: rename servicePlugins option to languageServicePlugins
  • monaco: update to monaco-languageserver-types 0.4 (#225) - Thanks @remcohaszing
  • language-core: no longer coupled to the TypeScript context, TypeScript properties are defined via interface merging in @volar/typescript (#215)
  • language-service: move project context from Language to language service option (#217)
  • test-utils: update startLanguageServer function to accept multiple workspace folders (#229)

Please refer to for details.


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An approachable, performant and versatile framework for building web user interfaces.

Astro powers the world's fastest websites, client-side web apps, dynamic API endpoints, and everything in-between.

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24 Jun 19:45
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Bug Fixes

  • language-service: EmbeddedCodeFormattingOptions.level value incorrect

Please refer to for details.


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Platinum Sponsors

An approachable, performant and versatile framework for building web user interfaces.

Astro powers the world's fastest websites, client-side web apps, dynamic API endpoints, and everything in-between.

Essential tools for software developers and teams.

Open Source enables Microsoft products and services to bring choice, technology and community to our customers.

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24 Jun 08:26
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Bug Fixes

Please refer to for details.


Special Sponsor

Stay in the flow with instant dev experiences.
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β€” just click, and start coding.

Platinum Sponsors

An approachable, performant and versatile framework for building web user interfaces.

Astro powers the world's fastest websites, client-side web apps, dynamic API endpoints, and everything in-between.

Essential tools for software developers and teams.

Open Source enables Microsoft products and services to bring choice, technology and community to our customers.

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23 Jun 19:22
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Bug Fixes

  • language-core: re-export SourceMap (#210) - Thanks @kermanx
  • language-service: make sure provideSelectionRanges array length is valid
  • language-service: don't format parent virtual code if formatting range inside embedded code
  • language-core: assert virtual code ID must be lowercase
  • language-server: fix Webpack compatibility

Please refer to for details.


Special Sponsor

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Platinum Sponsors

An approachable, performant and versatile framework for building web user interfaces.

Astro powers the world's fastest websites, client-side web apps, dynamic API endpoints, and everything in-between.

Essential tools for software developers and teams.

Open Source enables Microsoft products and services to bring choice, technology and community to our customers.

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