I am the co-founder, Global MD, and CTO of the Xebia Microsoft Services Serviceline. I co-founded this business, previously called Xpirit, as an individual company under the Xebia group in 2014. This has now transformed into the Microsoft service line of Xebia worldwide! Our company provides professional services to companies worldwide to build, manage, and support their business when that runs on Microsoft Azure and is built and maintained on GitHub or Azure DevOps. We build Cloud Native Software and provide Managed Services as part of our consultancy practices.
I spend most of my time working with organizations to deliver software to production multiple times a day in a secure and compliant way! I help organizations and leadership teams move the business needle by building an engineering culture.
I love to learn new technologies and use them to advance others. I share what I learn at conferences and through training. I often explain leadership in technology companies that the CEO title should have a second meaning: Coding Executive Officer. This is driven by my strong belief that great tech leaders must be technical! Only by staying on top of technology can you lead the people that live and work in tech!
I am a frequently asked public speaker at well-known industry events like Microsoft Build, Microsoft Ignite, Azure Lowlands, Visual Studio Live!, Techorama, and KCDC, to name a few.
I am part of the Techorama board and organize this event in Europe. In my spare time, I also build online courses for Pluralsight. You can find my courses here: https://app.pluralsight.com/profile/author/marcel-devries
Microsoft has awarded me the Microsoft MVP award for more than 17 consecutive years, and I have been a Microsoft Regional Director since 2008. You can always reach out to me to talk about topics like Cloud Adoption Strategies, Business Development, DevOps, Cloud Computing, Microservices, Containers, IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS.
- 🤔 I’m looking for help with the following: Finding talented people who like to work for our company. Never hesitate to reach out to me to have a chat!
- 💬 Ask me about the following: Micro Services, Software Architecture, Kubernetes, Dapr, Containers, GitHub Starting a business, Growing a business, Growth Mindset, People first, Overcoming fears
- 📫 How to reach me: Twitter: @marcelv Linked-in: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marcelv/
- 😄 Pronouns: He/Him
- ⚡ Fun fact: I am dyslexic and I sort my M&M's before I eat them in a rainbow sequence.