- Production site:
- Deploy Previews:
- Branch Deploys:
- 11ty/Eleventy - static site generation
- nunjucks - templating
- netlify - building / hosting
- google fonts - fonts
- fontawesome icons - svg icons
- unDraw -- illustrations
- Install Node.js & NPM
- Run
npm install
in the project directory to install local dependencies - Run
npm run serve
to run a local dev environment - Access dev copy of the site at localhost:8080
npm run build # runs `npx eleventy` to build the site
npm run serve # builds site + serves `_site` directory
npm run update-data # gets sessionize data and updates _data directory
npm run update-and-build # gets new sessionize data and builds site
Leading up to, and for a while after the event, we set the Netlify build command to npm run update-and-build
in the netlify.toml
file. This pulls the latest data from Sessionize at build time since the schedule, session descriptions, and speaker info can change. We also set up a Zapier job to rebuild the site on a schedule via webhook. Sessionize data stops changing once the event has been over for a little while. At that point we stop the scheduled, live rebuilds. Since we do this in the fall, we call it winterization π. Here are the steps:
- Run
npm run update-data
and commit all data file changes - Change build command in
tonpm run build
so Netlify will no longer update data from Sessionize - Disable the Zapier task
βββ _site/ # generated site output
βββ .vscode/ # vs code editor configs
βββ .netlify/ # netlify dev settings
βββ node_modules/ # created by npm install
βββ src
β βββ _data # data directory for 11ty (json + js)
β β βββ config.js # environment settings
β β βββ sponsor.js # data driving sponsor section
β βββ _includes # template directory for 11ty
β β βββ defaultLayout # parent template layout page
β βββ assets # static assets to build into site
β β βββ sponsorLogos/ # sponsor logos
β βββ [PageName].md # any .md files will be built into html
β βββ [PageName].njk # any .njk files will be built into html
β βββ favicon.ico # favicon needs to be in root dir
β βββ index.njk # home page
βββ package.json # lists npm modules, package, and scripts
βββ .eleventy.js # config information for 11ty
βββ .gitignore # ignored files in git
βββ netlify.toml # deploy settings for netlify
βββ resources.md # helpful links
βββ readme.md # π [You Are Here]
Data can be added to the beginning of a page and leveraged in the templating process. The following fields are commonly used by the layout page:
layout: default-layout.njk
title: page title and header element
meta_description: description will show up in meta tags
- Add sponsor info to
- Start with
and run project locally, value can be adjusted (70...150
) to maintain consistent visual weight in each category - Logo should have an transparency channel for non-design elements (background)
- If it doesn't, add an alpha channel, and remove background with magic selector using any of the following programs:
- paint.net
- gimp
- affinity designer
- any other tools (lots available)
- If it doesn't, add an alpha channel, and remove background with magic selector using any of the following programs:
- Compress Image
- Raster
- Whatever the screen resulting resolution, the logo should be resized down to double that resolution for retina displays
- Use ImageOptim, Compressor.io, or Squoosh
- Use SVGOmg
- Note: At some point we may try to bake this into the build process if we can get node based CLIs for each optimization. Netlify is setup to perform non-lossy asset optimization, but there's still a lot of other more opinionated optimizations.
- Raster
Checkout resources.md for a bunch of docs, links, google search results that helped get us to the point where we are today. Often each resource links lives within the same commit where that feature was being worked on, so you can see a real example of how that snippet was actually implemented.
Thanks for your interest in contributing! There are many ways to contribute to this project.
Get started with contributing.md