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TypeScript Plugin for Vue

Enables .vue file support in typescript (tsserver).


The goal of this plugin to improve developer experience in .vue files by providing features available in .ts file. To do so, a Vue SFC must:

  1. Act as an ES module.
  2. Type-check in <template> block.
  3. Provide completion in <template> expressions. Both directive and interpolation.
  4. Refactoring in <script> and <template> block.

Act as an ES module

A .vue file should act as an ES module which means it can be imported in any .ts or .js file without a shim file for typescript support.


The <template> block should be type-checked like TSX. The tsc utility does not support plugins; hence a dedicated type-check service (see @vuedx/typecheck package) is required.

Provide completion

Semantic completion should be available in both <script> and <template> block. See the implementation section for details.


The <script> block should support all refactors as provided in a .ts file. The template block should support variable renaming.


At the core of this plugin, there is a virtual file system that represents blocks in SFC as separate virtual files.

Virtual File System

The virtual file system is implemented in @vuedx/vue-virtual-textdocument package.

A .vue file is a collection of different contexts collocated and wrapped in blocks. For example, in the following file (see Fig. 1), the <script> block contains TypeScript code while <template> block contains HTML-like DSL code.

Fig. 1: component.vue file
<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent } from 'vue'

export default defineComponent({
  setup() {
    return { foo: 0 }

  <div>{{ foo }}</div>

This file can be represented with two separate files: component.vue____script.ts and component.vue____template.vue-html, we will call them virtual files as they do not exist on the file system.

Note: The dash character (-) in following code snippets represents whitespace.

Fig. 2: component.vue____script.ts file
import { defineComponent } from 'vue'

export default defineComponent({
  setup() {
    return { foo: 0 }
Fig. 3: component.vue____template.ts file

-- --------- ----------
<div>{{ foo }}</div>

The files are padded with spaces to have consistent positions with the source .vue file.

A derived virtual file is generated from <template> block for render() function: component.vue____render.ts

Fig. 3: component.vue____render.ts file
import { h as _h } from 'vue'
import { JSX } from '<not decided yet>'
import _Ctx from './component.vue'

export function render(_ctx: _Ctx) {
  return h(JSX.intrinsic.div, null, [])

We will see render() function generation in further sections.

TS render function

  • Add type for render context.

    import _Ctx from './component.vue'
    export function render(_ctx: _Ctx) {
      // ...
  • Convert HTML tags to h() calls.

    import { h } from 'vue'
    export function render(/*...*/) {
      return h('div', null, ['foo'])
  • Convert component tags to h() calls and add import statement

      import CompA from './comp-a.vue'
      export default {
        components: { CompA },
    import { h } from 'vue'
    import CompA from './comp-a.vue'
    export function render(/*...*/) {
      return h(CompA, null, {
        default: () => ['foo'],
  • Convert unresolved components.

    import { h, resolveComponent } from 'vue'
    export function render(_ctx /*...*/) {
      const CompB = resolveComponent('CompB') // Should return component type.
      return h(CompB, null, {
        default: () => ['foo'],
  • Preserve web components

    import { h } from 'vue'
    export function render(/*...*/) {
      return h('web-comp', null, ['foo'])
  • Convert v-bind and attrs to props object

    <div :foo="test" bar="test"></div>
    import { h } from 'vue'
    export function render(_ctx /*...*/) {
      return h('div', { foo:, bar: 'test' }, [])
  • Covert v-model to props object

    <input v-model="foo" />
    import { h } from 'vue'
    export function render(_ctx /*...*/) {
      return h(
          'onUpdate:modelValue': ($event) => ( = $event),
  • Convert v-on to onXxx prop

    <comp-a @foo="onFoo" @bar="bar = $event" />
    import { h } from 'vue'
    export function render(_ctx /*...*/) {
      // ...
      return h(
        { onFoo: _ctx.onFoo, onBar: ($event) => ( = $event) },
  • Convert v-show to style prop

    <div v-show="foo" style="color: red"></div>
    import { h } from 'vue'
    export function render(_ctx /*...*/) {
      return h(
        { style: [{ color: 'red' }, { display: ? null : 'none' }] },
  • Convert v-if, v-else-if, and v-else to conditional expression

    <div v-if="foo">A</div>
    <div v-else-if="bar">B</div>
    <div v-else>C</div>
    import { h } from 'vue'
    export function render(_ctx /*...*/) {
        ? h('div', {}, ['A'])
        ? h('div', {}, ['B'])
        : h('div', {}, ['C'])
  • Convert v-for to renderList

    <div v-for="(item, index) of items"></div>
    import { h, renderList } from 'vue'
    export function render(_ctx /*...*/) {
      return renderList(_ctx.items, (item, index) => h('div', {}, []))
  • Convert v-text and v-html to children

    <div v-text="foo"></div>
    import { h } from 'vue'
    export function render(_ctx /*...*/) {
      return h('div', {}, [])
    <div v-html="foo"></div>
    import { h } from 'vue'
    export function render(_ctx /*...*/) {
      return h('div', {}, [])
  • No runtime for v-pre

  • Drop v-cloak and v-once

  • Custom directive to import statements

      <div v-custom:argument.modifier="foo"></div>
      import custom from './custom-directive'
      export default {
        directives: { custom },
    import { h, withDirectives } from 'vue'
    import custom from './custom-directive'
    export function render(_ctx /*...*/) {
      return withDirectives(h('div', {}, []), [
        [custom,, 'argument', { modifier: true }],
  • Convert v-slot to slot object

  • Unresolved custom directive

    <div v-custom:argument.modifier="foo"></div>
    import { h, withDirectives, custom } from 'vue'
    export function render(_ctx /*...*/) {
      const custom = resolveDirective('custom')
      return withDirectives(h('div', {}, []), [
        [custom,, 'argument', { modifier: true }],
  • Convert <slot> to renderSlot

      <slot name="xxx" :foo="foo" />
    import { h, renderSlot } from 'vue'
    export function render(_ctx /*...*/) {
      return h(
          default: () => renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, 'xxx', { foo: }),


There are two sources of completion in template:

  • Render Context
  • v-for or v-slot context

We have to provide completions from both sources at any position. Hence, we use cursor position to generate fake completion positions.

<div v-for="item of items">{{ foo + i█ }}</div>
import { h, renderList } from 'vue'

export function render(_ctx/*...*/) {

  return renderList(_ctx.items, item => h('div', {}, [ + i█ ]))

The cursor after foo + i would generate two positions (marked by █) to get completion items.

Plugin Architecture

Plugin Architecture Diagram

The plugin overrides few methods of the Language Service Host, the Project Service and the Service Host.

Project Service

The plugin adds .vue extension to the host configuration of the project service. This enables auto discovery of .vue files.

The downside of this approach is that it triggers reload for every project. It happens once (in the lifespan of the language server) when the plugin is activated.

Service Host

Service host provides filesystem APIs. We override some methods to provide seamless access to Vue virtual filesystem.


We collect all virtual file watchers and subscribe them to the containing .vue file.


We intercept fileExists() method to check virtual file existence in the Vue virtual filesystem.


We intercept readFile() method to read virtual files from the Vue virtual filesystem.

Language Service Host

We override module resolution algorithm to include .vue files.


Replace .vue files to virtual files corresponding to <script> block and generated render function from <template> block.


Resolve .vue imports to the virtual file corresponding to the <script> block of the .vue file.

Imports not ending in .vue are handled by default module resolution algorithm.

Language Server

The Vue Language Server acts as a proxy and routes requests to the correct virtual file.

The incoming requests are from real files (.vue or .ts) which are forwarded to the actual source file (virtual or real) in TypeScript program. This requires transforming source position to generated code position.

On response from the TypeScript Language Server, the response is processed to replace virtual file references with their containing .vue files. And generated code positions are transformed to source positions (to produce correct highlights in case of diagnostics).

Compiler Limitations

SourceMap accuracy

To provide diagnostics and completions, we need accurate source maps. Sadly the VLQ notation used in sourcemap v3 does not work well with ranges, e.g., v-for, v-if or any custom directive breaks sourcemap unexpectedly.

We need an API to implement custom sourcemap format. If we allow overriding addMapping, a simple implementation can be a bi-direction map of source-generated code ranges.

This is crucial for providing good developer experience and we need a better data structure to capture precise sourcemap.

Custom export function

The compiler hard codes the render() function export. However, we need to inject type annotation for _ctx argument.

There is a work-around for this as the generated render() function has arguments, i.e., render(_ctx, _cache); which can be replaced with render(_ctx: _Ctx··) without affecting sourcemaps. (· represents space)

Further explorations

Detect $slots type interface

We can detect type interface of slots and that would help in completion of v-slot directive.

Provide block completion

  • Provide completion for <script>, <template>, <style>, <preview>, <i18n>

CSS Integration

  • Provide css identifier completion in class attribute
  • Declare CSS modules type render (maybe for script block too?)


This package is part of VueDX project, maintained by Rahul Kadyan. You can 💖 sponsor him for continued development of this package and other VueDX tools.