issues Search Results · repo:vuejs/vitepress language:TypeScript
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invuejs/vitepress (press backspace or delete to remove)Describe the bug
markdown 图片自定义渲染,token.attrGet( alt ) 获取不到值。 md.renderer.rules.image = (tokens, idx, options, env, self) = { const
token = tokens[idx]; let alt = token.attrGet( alt ); console.log( alt ...
bug: pending triage
- 1
- Opened 12 hours ago
- #4607
Describe the bug
build error: ReferenceError: window is not defined at file:///E:/docs/.vitepress/.temp/app.js?t=1741415492907:9826:3 at (node:internal/modules/esm/module_job:222:25) at ...
need more info
- 1
- Opened 18 hours ago
- #4606
Describe the bug
The anchor doesn t work if there s an “й” in it.
Please test. Движок авто works fine, but Настройки сессии will not scroll down
[Движок авто](#движок-авто)
[Настройки ...
needs more discussion
- 4
- Opened yesterday
- #4605
Describe the bug
A VitePress build is writing normal (non-error) messages to stderr. This causes other tools (like Rush) to interpret the
build as failing.
$ npx vitepress build stdout.txt ...
needs more discussion
- 3
- Opened yesterday
- #4603
Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
export default {
data () {
return {
msg: Removed // [!code --]
msg: Added // [!code ++] ...
- 4
- Opened 2 days ago
- #4602
Hi, I have a problem that may be the path. I want to deploy my website on github page, but only the homepage can be
accessed, but the style is also wrong. my page is, my ...
- 2
- Opened 2 days ago
- #4599
Describe the bug
I am trying to build VitePress with a directory of Markdown that was generated by typedoc. The Markdown is valid and the
VitePress dev server works fine, but the build fails:
vitepress ...
bug: pending triage
- 1
- Opened 3 days ago
- #4597
Describe the bug
当link传入的字符串是 4k ,且不带后缀时,docFooter就会无限指向自身
text: 前期 ,
collapsed: false,
base: /指南/热门玩法/前期/ ,
items: [
{text: 4K(待更新) ...
bug: pending triage
- 5
- Opened 4 days ago
- #4596
Describe the bug
When I was looking at the official documentation, I noticed that the code blocks on the official website can display
titles, just like this:
I didn t find an introduction on how ...
bug: pending triage
- 1
- Opened 4 days ago
- #4595

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