docker compose exec -it rubbergod-postgres psql -U rubbergod
PostgreSQL prompt will open and you can now run any SQL (or Postgre-specific) commands you want. To quit, press Ctrl+D.
Add echo=True
to database/
12 self.db = create_engine(self.config.db_string, echo=True)
Create a new module with DB structure class (example from MemeRepost
from __future__ import annotations # for type hint of self class
from typing import Optional
from sqlalchemy import Column, String
from database import database, session
class MemeRepostDB(database.base):
__tablename__ = "bot_meme_reposts"
original_message_id = Column(String, primary_key=True, nullable=False, unique=True)
author_id = Column(String, nullable=False)
reposted_message_id = Column(String, nullable=False)
secondary_repost_message_id = Column(String, nullable=True)
# example of classmethod for creating a row in database
# calling: MemeRepostDB.find_by_id()
def find_by_id(cls, id: str) -> Optional[MemeRepostDB]:
return session.query(cls).filter(original_message_id == id).one_or_none()
# example of method for deleting a row
# calling:
# item = MemeRepostDB.find(id)
# item.delete()
def delete(self):
Add the following into database/
from database.meme_repost import MemeRepostDB # noqa: F401
That way, the module gets imported on startup and creates the table automatically.
formula is for linter to ignore seemingly unused import.
For most of these operations you need the database container running.
docker compose down # first make sure the bot is not running
docker compose up -d rubbergod-postgres
To backup the database, run the following command:
docker compose exec rubbergod-postgres pg_dump -U rubbergod -d rubbergod > backup.sql
Restore the database from the backup file automatically by running the following commands:
Backup.sql with data must be in database/backup/backup.sql
docker compose down
docker volume rm rubbergod_postgres_data
docker compose up --build -d
To manually restore the database, run the following commands:
# drop and recreate the database must be separate commands
docker compose exec rubbergod-postgres psql -U rubbergod -d postgres -c "DROP DATABASE rubbergod;"
docker compose exec rubbergod-postgres psql -U rubbergod -d postgres -c "CREATE DATABASE rubbergod WITH OWNER rubbergod;"
# restore the database from the backup file
docker compose exec -T rubbergod-postgres psql -U rubbergod < backup.sql
You can drop specific table using this command:
docker compose exec rubbergod-postgres psql -U rubbergod -c "DROP TABLE [table_name] CASCADE;"
To get only specific table and it's data use this command:
docker compose exec rubbergod-postgres pg_dump -U rubbergod -d rubbergod -t [table_name] > [table_name].sql