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Database-related things

Connecting to the DB through Docker (externally)

docker compose exec -it rubbergod-postgres psql -U rubbergod

PostgreSQL prompt will open and you can now run any SQL (or Postgre-specific) commands you want. To quit, press Ctrl+D.

Enable debug prints

Add echo=True to database/

12      self.db = create_engine(self.config.db_string, echo=True)

Create a new table at the start of the Bot

Create a new module with DB structure class (example from MemeRepost):

from __future__ import annotations  # for type hint of self class

from typing import Optional

from sqlalchemy import Column, String

from database import database, session

class MemeRepostDB(database.base):
    __tablename__ = "bot_meme_reposts"

    original_message_id = Column(String, primary_key=True, nullable=False, unique=True)
    author_id = Column(String, nullable=False)
    reposted_message_id = Column(String, nullable=False)
    secondary_repost_message_id = Column(String, nullable=True)

    # example of classmethod for creating a row in database
    # calling: MemeRepostDB.find_by_id()
    def find_by_id(cls, id: str) -> Optional[MemeRepostDB]:
        return session.query(cls).filter(original_message_id == id).one_or_none()

    # example of method for deleting a row
    # calling:
    #     item = MemeRepostDB.find(id)
    #     item.delete()
    def delete(self):

Add the following into database/

from database.meme_repost import MemeRepostDB  # noqa: F401

That way, the module gets imported on startup and creates the table automatically.

The noqa formula is for linter to ignore seemingly unused import.

Database backup/restore


For most of these operations you need the database container running.

docker compose down       # first make sure the bot is not running
docker compose up -d rubbergod-postgres

To backup the database, run the following command:

docker compose exec rubbergod-postgres pg_dump -U rubbergod -d rubbergod > backup.sql

Restore the database from the backup file automatically by running the following commands:


Backup.sql with data must be in database/backup/backup.sql

docker compose down
docker volume rm rubbergod_postgres_data
docker compose up --build -d

To manually restore the database, run the following commands:

# drop and recreate the database must be separate commands
docker compose exec rubbergod-postgres psql -U rubbergod -d postgres -c "DROP DATABASE rubbergod;"
docker compose exec rubbergod-postgres psql -U rubbergod -d postgres -c "CREATE DATABASE rubbergod WITH OWNER rubbergod;"

# restore the database from the backup file
docker compose exec -T rubbergod-postgres psql -U rubbergod < backup.sql

You can drop specific table using this command:

docker compose exec rubbergod-postgres psql -U rubbergod -c "DROP TABLE [table_name] CASCADE;"

To get only specific table and it's data use this command:

docker compose exec rubbergod-postgres pg_dump -U rubbergod -d rubbergod -t [table_name] > [table_name].sql