normalize package file name before uploading to pypi for PEP 625
normalize package file name before uploading to pypi for PEP 625
Stop waiting for async tasks after exception raised
Stop waiting for async tasks after exception raised
Clarify tasks can be async or normal functions
Clarify tasks can be async or normal functions
Fix raising asyncio.exceptions.CancelledError when async tasks run in…
Fix raising asyncio.exceptions.CancelledError when async tasks run in…
Fix UnboundLocalError for async task context
Fix UnboundLocalError for async task context
Support older python versions pre 3.11
Support older python versions pre 3.11
Prefer SoftTimeout, but also raise asyncio.CancelledError
Prefer SoftTimeout, but also raise asyncio.CancelledError
Cancel async tasks when soft_timeout reached, fix setting current asy…
Cancel async tasks when soft_timeout reached, fix setting current asy…