Ensure your local workstation is configured to be able to Sign commits
git checkout master
git pull origin master
Update the CHANGELOG.md
- Add a new version header at the top of the document, just after
# [Unreleased]
- Update links at bottom of changelog
export RELEASE_VERSION=2.x.y
git commit -a -S -m "Release $RELEASE_VERSION"
git tag -s "v$RELEASE_VERSION" # When prompted for a commit message, enter the 'release notes' style message, just like on the releases page
make test-release
- Push to Master Branch
git push origin master --follow-tags
- On your local machine again, push your tag to github
git push origin "v$RELEASE_VERSION"
- Github Actions should kick off a build and release after the tag is pushed.
- Verify that a Release gets created in Github and verify that the release notes look correct
- Github Actions should also attatch the built binaries to the release (it might take a few mins)
Update homebrew-shopify toxiproxy.rb manifest
- Update
string to your released version - Update hashes for all platforms (find the hashes in the checksums.txt from your release notes)
- Update
Do a manual check of installing toxiproxy via brew
- While in the homebrew-shopify directory...
brew install ./toxiproxy.rb --debug
Note: it's normal to get some errors when homebrew attempts to load the file as a Cask instead of a formula, just make sure that it still gets installed.
PR the version update change and merge