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This is the Snt UI library project, which includes common UI components, hooks, and utils for building great applications. The project is built using React and TypeScript, and the components are documented in Storybook.


  • Node.js
  • PNPM to manage packages and dependencies
  • Vite to bundle packages
  • Storybook for rapid UI component development and testing
  • Changeset for changes documentation, changelog generation, and release management.


The project is divided into several packages, each with the @stn-ui/** namespace:


The STN UI library is a comprehensive set of components and utilities designed to help you build efficient and consistent user interfaces. Below is a guide on how to import and use each package:


To install a package, use the following command:

npm install @stn-ui/[package-name]
# or
yarn add @stn-ui/[package-name]

Replace `[package-name]`` with the name of the desired package.

Available Packages

# All components together
npm install @stn-ui/react

# Theme
npm install @stn-ui/theme

# Components
npm install @stn-ui/avatar
npm install @stn-ui/button
npm install @stn-ui/chat-row
npm install @stn-ui/chats-navigation
npm install @stn-ui/color-avatar
npm install @stn-ui/form
npm install @stn-ui/forms
npm install @stn-ui/heading
npm install @stn-ui/icons
npm install @stn-ui/inputs
npm install @stn-ui/layout
npm install @stn-ui/link
npm install @stn-ui/loadable
npm install @stn-ui/loader
npm install @stn-ui/logo
npm install @stn-ui/messages
npm install @stn-ui/modal
npm install @stn-ui/navigation
npm install @stn-ui/pagination
npm install @stn-ui/provider
npm install @stn-ui/sidebar
npm install @stn-ui/switcher
npm install @stn-ui/table
npm install @stn-ui/text
npm install @stn-ui/toasts

# Utilities
npm install @stn-ui/common-utils
npm install @stn-ui/react-utils
npm install @stn-ui/use-toggle-boolean

Development Setup

After cloning the repository, execute the following commands in the root folder:

  1. Install dependencies
pnpm i


pnpm install

We use Turbo Repo for the project management.

  1. If you will be working on the components source code, you can use the following command to start the dev server:
pnpm dev ## this will start the storybook server for a faster development and testing.

Commit Convention

Before you create a Pull Request, please check whether your commits comply with the commit conventions used in this repository.

When you create a commit we kindly ask you to follow the convention category(scope or module): message in your commit message while using one of the following categories:

  • feat / feature: all changes that introduce completely new code or new features

  • fix: changes that fix a bug (ideally you will additionally reference an issue if present)

  • refactor: any code related change that is not a fix nor a feature

  • docs: changing existing or creating new documentation (i.e. README, docs for usage of a lib or cli usage)

  • build: all changes regarding the build of the software, changes to dependencies or the addition of new dependencies

  • test: all changes regarding tests (adding new tests or changing existing ones)

  • ci: all changes regarding the configuration of continuous integration (i.e. github actions, ci system)

  • chore: all changes to the repository that do not fit into any of the above categories

    e.g. feat(components): add new prop to the avatar component

If you are interested in the detailed specification you can visit or check out the Angular Commit Message Guidelines.