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Wavefront by VMware SDK for C++ is the core library for sending metrics, histograms and trace data from your C++ application to Wavefront using either a Wavefront proxy or direct ingestion.


The only explicit requirements are:

  • A C++11 compatible compiler such as Clang or GCC.
  • CMake (version >= 3.12)
  • Boost (version >= 1.63)
  • curl and its development libraries


# fetch third-party dependencies
git submodule init
git submodule update

# compile and build
mkdir -p build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j 2

# to run the example

# to generate shared lib 
make install

Set Up a Wavefront Sender

You can choose to send metrics, histograms, or trace data from your application to the Wavefront service using one of the following techniques:

  • Use direct ingestion to send the data directly to the Wavefront service. This is the simplest way to get up and running quickly.
  • Use a Wavefront proxy, which then forwards the data to the Wavefront service. This is the recommended choice for a large-scale deployment that needs resilience to internet outages, control over data queuing and filtering, and more.

Create a Wavefront sender that corresponds to your choice:

Option 1. Create a WavefrontDirectIngestionClient

To create a WavefrontDirectIngestionClient, you build it with the information it needs to send data directly to Wavefront.

Step 1. Obtain Wavefront Access Information

Gather the following access information:

  • Identify the URL of your Wavefront instance. This is the URL you connect to when you log in to Wavefront, typically something like https://<domain>
  • In Wavefront, verify that you have Direct Data Ingestion permission, and obtain an API token.

Step 2. Initialize the WavefrontDirectIngestionClient

Initialize a WavefrontDirectIngestionClient by building it with the required URL and token you obtained in Step 1.

You can optionally call builder methods to tune the following ingestion properties:

  • Max queue size - Internal buffer capacity of the WavefrontSender. Any data in excess of this size is dropped.
  • Flush interval - Interval for flushing data from the WavefrontSender directly to Wavefront.
  • Batch size - Amount of data to send to Wavefront in each flush interval.

Together, the batch size and flush interval control the maximum theoretical data throughput. You should override the defaults only to set higher values.

#include "direct_ingestion/WavefrontDirectIngestionClient.h"

// Create a builder with the URL of the form ""
// and a Wavefront API token with direct ingestion permission granted
WavefrontDirectIngestionClient::Builder directBuilder(<server>, <token>);

// Optionally configure the builder to override default tuning properties
//   Max queue size (in data points). Default: 50000 
//   Batch Size (in data points). Default: 10000
//   Flush interval (in seconds). Default: 1 second 

// Build the Wavefront sender
WavefrontDirectIngestionClient *wavefrontSender =;

// Explicitly start the flushing thread (required for direct ingestion)

Option 2: Create a WavefrontProxyClient

Note: Before your application can use a WavefrontProxyClient, you must set up and start a Wavefront proxy.

To create a WavefrontProxyClient, you build it with the information it needs to send data to the Wavefront proxy, including:

  • The name of the host that will run the Wavefront proxy.
  • One or more proxy listening ports to send data to. The ports you specify depend on the kinds of data you want to send (metrics, histograms, and/or trace data). You must specify at least one listener port.
  • Optional settings for tuning communication with the proxy.
#include "proxy/WavefrontProxyClient.h"

// Create a builder with the proxy hostname or address
WavefrontProxyClient::Builder proxyBuilder(<host>);

// Configure the builder with proxy listening ports:
//   the default listener port (2878) for sending metrics to
//   the recommended port (2878) for sending histograms to
//   the recommended port (30000) for sending trace data to
// And then build the WavefrontProxyClient
WavefrontProxyClient *wavefrontSender = proxyBuilder.setMetricsPort(2878).

Note: When you set up a Wavefront proxy on the specified proxy host, you specify the port it will listen to for each type of data to be sent. The WavefrontProxyClient must send data to the same ports that the Wavefront proxy listens to. Consequently, the port-related builder methods must specify the same port numbers as the corresponding proxy configuration properties:

WavefrontProxyClient builder method Corresponding property in wavefront.conf
setMetricsPort() pushListenerPorts=
setDistributionPort() histogramDistListenerPorts=
setTracingPort() traceListenerPorts=

Send Data to Wavefront

You send a data point to Wavefront by calling a method on the Wavefront sender you built.

Note: Direct ingestion usually sends data in batch and compressed format.

Metrics and Delta Counters

// Wavefront Metrics Data format
// <metricName> <metricValue> [<timestamp>] source=<source> [pointTags]
// Example: "new-york.power.usage 42422 1533529977 source=localhost datacenter=dc1"
wavefrontSender->sendMetric("new-york.power.usage", 42422.0, 1533529977L,
    "localhost", {{"datacenter", "dc1"}});

Distributions (Histograms)

//  Wavefront Histogram Data format
//  {!M | !H | !D} [<timestamp>] #<count> <mean> [centroids] <histogramName> source=<source> [pointTags]
//  Example: You can choose to send to atmost 3 bins: Minute, Hour, Day
//  "!M 1533529977 #20 30.0 #10 5.1 request.latency source=appServer1 region=us-west"
//  "!H 1533529977 #20 30.0 #10 5.1 request.latency source=appServer1 region=us-west"
//  "!D 1533529977 #20 30.0 #10 5.1 request.latency source=appServer1 region=us-west"
std::set<HistogramGranularity> histogramGranularities;

std::list<std::pair<double, int>> centroids;
centroids.push_back(std::make_pair(20.1, 32));
centroids.push_back(std::make_pair(10.9, 20));
wavefrontSender->sendDistribution("request.latency", centroids, histogramGranularities, 
    1533529977L, "appServer1", {{"region", "west"}});

Tracing Spans

//  Wavefront Tracing Span Data format
//  <tracingSpanName> source=<source> [pointTags] <start_millis> <duration_milliseconds>
//  Example: "getAllUsers source=localhost
//            traceId=7b3bf470-9456-11e8-9eb6-529269fb1459
//            spanId=0313bafe-9457-11e8-9eb6-529269fb1459
//            parent=2f64e538-9457-11e8-9eb6-529269fb1459
//            application=Wavefront http.method=GET
//            1552949776000 343"
boost::uuids::string_generator string_gen;
wavefrontSender->sendSpan("getAllUsers",1552949776000L, 343L, "localhost",
      {{"application", "Wavefront"}, {"http.method", "GET"}};

Close the Wavefront Sender

Remember to flush the buffer and close the Wavefront sender before shutting down your application.

// If there are any failures observed while sending metrics/histograms/tracing-spans above, 
// you can get the total failure count using the below API
int total_failures = wavefrontSender->getFailureCount();
// Close existing proxy connections, or 
// flush current buffers and stop the flushing thread for direct ingestion