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This repository contains components for search and items to use on external websites.


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Components React

This repository contains components for search and items to use on external websites.


  • Starting from version 2.0.0 and above will require import of @wayke-se/components-react/dist/assets/default.css in order to apply basic styling to the gallery.



npm install @wayke-se/components-react

Install peer dependencies

npm install react react-dom styled-components
import React from 'react';
import WaykeComposite from '@wayke-se/components-react'
import '@wayke-se/components-react/dist/assets/default.css';
// Optional
import '@wayke-se/ecom-web/dist/index.css';

const ProviderSettings: WaykeProviderSettings = {
  graphQlUrl: "",
  url: "",
  urlMlt: "",
  ecomSettings: {

const App = () => (

Environments for test

const ProviderSettings: WaykeProviderSettings = {
  graphQlUrl: "",
  url: "",
  urlMlt: "",
  ecomSettings: {
    url: "",

Environments for production

const ProviderSettings: WaykeProviderSettings = {
  graphQlUrl: "",
  url: "",
  urlMlt: "",
  ecomSettings: {
    url: "",

WaykeComposite uses hash-route, i want to use path-route

In this case you need to make sure that you are in control of the routing, if the user reloads the page, where same html file is served for /your/path/to/this/component and /your/path/to/this/component/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000.

Examples given the application is located in /search/vehicles:

  1. pathRoute is /search/vehicles => //
  2. pathRoute is /item => //
  3. pathRoute is /a/b => //
  4. pathRoute is item => //
  5. pathRoute is a/b => //
  6. pathRoute is =>
import React from 'react';
import { WaykeCompositePath } from '@wayke-se/components-react'
import '';
// Optional
import '@wayke-se/ecom-web/dist/index.css';

const App = () => (
      pathRoute: "your/path/to/this/component/"

I only want to use the search component

It's recomended to place WaykeProvider close to app-root in order to keep the cache

import React, { useCallback } from 'react';
import { WaykeProvider, WaykeSearch } from '@wayke-se/components-react'

const App = () => {
  const onClickSearchItem = useCallback((id: string) => {
  }, []);

  return (
    <WaykeProvider {...ProviderSettings}>
      <WaykeSearch onClickSearchItem={onClickSearchItem} />

I only want to use the Search Item component

It's recomended to place WaykeItemProvider close to app-root in order to keep the cache

import React, { useCallback } from 'react';
import { WaykeItemProvider, WaykeSearchItem } from '@wayke-se/components-react'
import '';
// Optional
import '@wayke-se/ecom-web/dist/index.css';

const App = ({}) => {
  const id = 'd01f79a3-7552-49c4-9d4d-deb3aa581c31';

  // Optional, get id when related vehicles are clicked
  const onClickSearchItem = useCallback((data) => {
  }, []);

  return (
    <WaykeItemProvider {...ProviderSettings}>
      <WaykeSearchItem id={id} onClickSearchItem={onClickSearchItem} />



Property Type Required
provider WaykeProviderSettings true
composite WaykeCompositeProps false


Property Type Required Value
id string true
marketCode MarketCode false SE
pathRoute string false
hashRoute boolean false
disableResetScrollOnInit boolean false
placeholderImage string false
onClickSearchItem function false (id: string) => void
modifyDocumentTitleItem boolean false
displayBranchName boolean false
  • Required
    • id - Guid that represents a vehicle.
  • Optional
    • marketCode - Set the language, available options are SE and NO, default to SE.
    • pathRoute - If set, then if a item is clicked it will use the provided url and append the guid. Supports both relative and absolute.
    • hashRoute - If set to true, then if a item is clicked it will append #guid to the url (is not used if pathRoute is set).
    • disableResetScrollOnInit - Loading the item page resets the scroll, here it's possible to disable it.
    • placeholderImage - Provide custom placeholder image when image is missing.
    • onClickSearchItem - Function that can be provided that will be triggered once a item is clicked.
    • modifyDocumentTitleItem - Update document title with vehicle data
    • displayBranchName - Displays branch name on related product cards and using branch name in presentation of where the vehicle exist


Property Type Values
marketCode MarketCode SE
pathRoute string
hashRoute boolean
filterList SearchFilterTypes[]
initialQueryParams URLSearchParams or string query, manufacturer, modelSeries, fuelType, gearboxType, branch, color, environmentClass, properties.segment, drivingWheel, price.min, price.max, mileage.min, mileage.max, modelYear.min, modelYear.max, leasingPrice.min, leasingPrice.max, businessLeasingPrice.min, businessLeasingPrice.max
removeSearchBar boolean
removeFilterOptions boolean
placeholderImage string
onClickSearchItem function (data: CallbackItemData) => void
modifyDocumentTitleSearch string
displayBranchName string
  • Optional
    • marketCode - Set the language, available options are SE and NO, default to SE.
    • pathRoute - If set, then if a item is clicked it will use the provided url and append the guid. Supports both relative and absolute.
    • hashRoute - If set to true, then if a item is clicked it will append #guid to the url (is not used if pathRoute is set).
    • filterList - Select what filters that should be visible and in whiched order, drivingWheel, price, mileage, modelYear, leasingPrice, businessLeasingPrice
    • initialQueryParams - Set the default filter that should be applid upon init.
    • removeSearchBar - Removes search bar.
    • removeFilterOptions - Removes filter options.
    • placeholderImage - Provide custom placeholder image when image is missing.
    • onClickSearchItem - Function that can be provided that will be triggered once a item is clicked.
    • modifyDocumentTitleSearch - Set custom document title
    • displayBranchName - Displays branch name on product cards

Notes on MarketCode

marketCode defines what langugage that will be used (defaults to SE - Swedish). Other things that marketCode will effect:

  • SE will exclude the filter odometerReadingValueInKm and instead use mileage, while NO will do the opposite. The difference between the two filters are the unit used. For odometerReadingValueInKm the unit is kilometer, while mileage is kilometer/10 (Scandinavian miles)



WaykeSearchItem & WaykeSearch combined without id


Property Type Required
url string true
urlMlt string true
graphQlUrl string true
apiKey string false
googleMapsApiKey string false
googleMapsMarker string false
ecomSettings EcomSettings false
useQueryParamsFromUrl boolean false
  • Required
    • url - Url to Wayke ext-api.
    • urlMlt - Url to Wayke ext-api for related vehicles. Used when displaying related vehicles for a given vehicle. If not provided url will be used, but then related vehicles are change to latest added.
    • graphQlUrl - Url to the GraphQl endpoint.
  • Optional
    • apiKey - To use with wayke ext-api. If no api key is provided, then the origin of the request is used as a api key.
    • googleMapsApiKey - Google Maps Static will be used if a googleMapsApiKey is provided, else the map will open in another tab (Google Maps). Provide a Google Maps Static API key.
    • googleMapsMarker - Provide a custom marker, url.
    • ecomSettings - Allow the use of ecom.
    • useQueryParamsFromUrl - Reading/writing query strings from/to the url. If true and initialQueryParams also exist, then initialQueryParams is added if the key doesnt exist in the url.


Property Type Required
url String true
useBankId boolean false
displayBankIdAlert boolean false
serviceLogotypeUrl string false
bankIdThumbprint string false
  • Required
    • url - Wayke ecom url.
  • Optional
    • useBankId: If you want to use Swedish Bank Id to identify the user and fetch their personal information, set this to true (false by default).
    • displayBankIdAlert: By default, the user is identified with BankId to Wayke. To clarify that the purchase is to another retailer, an optional alert can be displayed in the BankId identification step (false by default).
    • serviceLogotypeUrl: Set the logo. By default the manufacturers logo will be used.
    • bankIdThumbprint: Custom bank id certificate thumbprint .

For more information about settings and styling regarding @wayke-se/ecom see


Property Type Required
url string true
urlMlt string true
graphQlUrl string true
apiKey string false
googleMapsApiKey string false
googleMapsMarker string false
ecomSettings EcomSettings false
  • Required
    • url - Url to Wayke ext-api.
    • urlMlt - Url to Wayke ext-api for related vehicles. Used when displaying related vehicles for a given vehicle. If not provided url will be used, but then related vehicles are change to latest added.
    • graphQlUrl - Url to the GraphQl endpoint.
  • Optional
    • apiKey - To use with wayke ext-api. If no api key is provided, then the origin of the request is used as a api key.
    • googleMapsApiKey - Google Maps Static will be used if a googleMapsApiKey is provided, else the map will open in another tab (Google Maps). Provide a Google Maps Static API key.
    • googleMapsMarker - Provide a custom marker, url.
    • ecomSettings - Allow the use of ecom.


Property Type Required Values
filterName SearchFilterNameTypes true manufacturer, modelSeries, fuelType, gearboxType, branch, color, environmentClass, properties.segment, drivingWheel, price, mileage, odometerValueAsKm, modelYear, leasingPrice, businessLeasingPrice
displayName string false
  • displayName override default translation of title

Set initial query filter

import WaykeComposite from '@wayke-se/components-react'

const App = () => (

Custom usage examples

Select only some of the filters

Order will have effect

import WaykeComposite from '@wayke-se/components-react'

const filterList: SearchFilterTypes[] = [
    filterName: 'price',
    filterName: 'modelSeries',
    displayName: 'MODEL SERIES',

const App = () => (

Subscribe to events

import { WaykePubSub}  from '@wayke-se/components-react';

const event = {
  eventName: 'ItemClicked',
  callback: (data) => console.log('subscribed ItemClicked:', data),

Method Arguments
subscribe EventBase
unsubscribe -
publish eventName: string, ...arg: any


eventName callback Data
HashRouteChange (data) => void CallbackHashRouteChangeData
ItemClicked (data) => void CallbackItemData
Ecom (data) => void CallbackEcomData
ImagesClick (data) => void CallbackItemData
OptionsClick (data) => void CallbackItemData
PhonenumberVisible (data) => void CallbackItemData
PhonenumberCall (data) => void CallbackItemData
MailVisible (data) => void CallbackItemData
InsuranceInterest (data) => void CallbackItemData
InsuranceOpen (data) => void CallbackItemData
InsuranceClose (data) => void CallbackItemData
FinanceInterest (data) => void CallbackItemData
FinanceOpen (data) => void CallbackItemData
FinanceClose (data) => void CallbackItemData
SearchClearQuery (data) => void CallbackSearchClearQueryData
SearchClearAllFilters (data) => void CallbackSearchClearAllFiltersQueryData
SearchInitiated (data) => void CallbackSearchInitiatedData
SearchCompleted (data) => void CallbackSearchCompletedData
Search (data) => void CallbackSearchData
FilterApply (data) => void CallbackFilterApplyData
All (eventName, data) => void CallbackHashRouteChangeData | CallbackEcomOnUserEventData | CallbackItemData | CallbackSearchClearQueryData | CallbackSearchClearAllFiltersQueryData | CallbackSearchInitiatedData | CallbackSearchCompletedData | CallbackSearchData | CallbackFilterApplyData
  • All - Subscribes to all events.


Property Type
id string


Property Type
id string
branchName string
branchId string


Property Type
id string
branchName string
branchId string
view EcomView
event EcomView
currentStep EcomStep | undefined
data any | undefined


Property Type
query string


Property Type
query string


Property Type
query string


Property Type
query string
hits number
totalHits number


Property Type
query string


Property Type
type "checkbox" | "range"
filter string
value string | undefined
checked boolean | "range"
min number | "range"
max number | "range"


It is possible to apply a custom theme using CSS. The things that can be styled are:

  • Primary brand color
  • Secondary brand color
  • Font (regular)
  • Font (bold)

To style the components, copy the following snippet into your CSS file and modify are your needs.

/* === Color === */

  Primary (background-color)
  Used to add primary background-color to elements. Should also include
  a color for text placed on top of the primary color.
.wayke__theme.wayke__color--primary-bg {
  background-color: #ff5a1c;
  color: #fff;

  Primary (text color)
  Used to add primary color to text. Make sure to add the same color as
  in the background-color selector above.
.wayke__theme.wayke__color--primary-text {
  color: #ff5a1c;

  Secondary (background-color)
  Used to add secondary background-color to elements. Should also include
  a color for text placed on top of the primary color.
.wayke__theme.wayke__color--secondary-bg {
  background-color: #ebebeb;
  color: #ff5a1c;

  Accent (background-color)
  Used to add accent background-color to elements. Should also include
  a color for text placed on top of the primary color.
.wayke__theme.wayke__color--accent-bg {
  background-color: #f8f8f8;
  color: #000;

/* === Font === */

  This is the regular font used on most text elements. It is recommended
  to use a light (300) or regular (400) font for this type.
.wayke__theme.wayke__font--regular {
  font-family: sans-serif;
  font-weight: 300;
  font-style: normal;
  font-stretch: normal;
  letter-spacing: 0.02em;

  This font will be applied to headings and some other elements using
  the same styling.
.wayke__theme.wayke__font--bold {
  font-family: sans-serif;
  font-weight: 700;
  font-style: normal;
  font-stretch: normal;
  letter-spacing: 0.02em;

...or if you want to use it as Sass (.scss):

.wayke__theme {
  $c-primary: #ff5a1c;
  $c-primaryText: #fff; // Text placed on top of $c-primary

  &.wayke__color {
    &--primary-bg {
      background-color: $c-primary;
      color: $c-primaryText;

    &--primary-text {
      color: $c-primary;

  &.wayke__font {
    &--regular {
      font-family: sans-serif;
      font-weight: 300;

    &--bold {
      font-family: sans-serif;
      font-weight: 700;

Ecom theme

The default ecom css can be found and imported node_module/@wayke-se/ecom-web/dist/index.css.

It is highly recommended to NOT add or remove any properties defined above in the color selectors. However, since fonts usually requires more configuration we encourage you to add the necessary font styling required to match your current profile. If you add new properties to the font selectors, please be careful and ensure everything looks as intended before going into production.

Run example from repo

This repository contains a example app that uses @wayke-se/components-react.

To start the example create an .env file in root.

  • WAYKE_SEARCH_MLT_URL - An optional flag. Will fetch related vehicles to current vehicle. If not provided WAYKE_SEARCH_URL will be used instead, but will fetch latest vehicles.

Then run the following:

npm install
cd example
npm install
npm start

WAYKE_HOST can be used instead of using and exposing the WAYKE_SEARCH_X_API_KEY. If, for example, your development host is Update your local host file and add: This will change the origin, while still pointing to localhost. Start the example and open

To add more hosts, add all to your local host file and then update WAYKE_HOST (comma separated):, and can now be accessed.

Available Routes (Independent)



WaykeSearch With WaykeProvider


WaykeSearchItem With WaykeProvider


Example repositories

React and Typescript example

Non-React with/without Typescript example