Managing Cloudflare tunnels directly from a VS Code extension has never been easier. Streamline your development workflow by creating and managing permanent and quick tunnels without leaving your IDE.
- Features
- Prerequisites
- Getting Started
- Extension Commands
- Troubleshooting
- Security
- Contributing
- License
- Support
- Installing Cloudflare Tunnel CLI
- Manage multiple Cloudflare profiles with API keys
- Securely store API keys using VS Code's built-in secret storage
- Switch between profiles easily
- Each profile maintains its own configuration and tunnels
- View all your Cloudflare tunnels with status indicators
- Start and stop tunnels
- Manage permanent and quick tunnels
- Securely access tunnel tokens for configuration
- View detailed tunnel information
- Run tunnels with persistent background operation
- Generate Docker Compose files for any tunnel with one click
- Secure token management through environment files
- Support for both host and container-based services
- Easy network configuration for Docker environments
- Simple start/stop commands with docker compose
- Built-in system service support for running tunnels as system services
- VS Code (v1.85.0 or higher)
- A Cloudflare account with API key access
- Cloudflare Tunnel CLI (
) installed - (Optional) Docker and Docker Compose for containerized tunnels
- Open VS Code
- Go to Extensions (Ctrl+Shift+X / Cmd+Shift+X)
- Search for "Tunnelfy"
- Click Install
- Follow the instructions in the Installing Cloudflare Tunnel CLI (
) section
- Click the cloud icon in the activity bar
- Click the + button in the Profiles section
- Enter a name for your profile
- Enter your Cloudflare API key. You can create one by:
- Navigating to the Cloudflare Dashboard
- Clicking on the "My Profile" icon
- Clicking on "API Tokens"
- Clicking on "Create Token"
- Selecting the following permissions:
- Account: Account Settings: Read
- Account: Cloudflare Tunnel: Edit
- Zone: DNS: Edit
- Client IP Address Filtering (OPTIONAL but recommended):
- Operator: Is in
- Value:
Your IP Address
(Can be found with - The API key will be stored securely and never displayed again
- Click the + button in the Tunnels section
- Enter a name for your tunnel
- Once created, you can:
- Start and stop the tunnel
- View tunnel information and sample configuration setups
- Copy the tunnel token
- Delete the tunnel
- Generate Docker Compose configuration
- Click the + button in the Quick Tunnels section
- Configure your local service details:
- Port number
- Once running, you can:
- Copy the Cloudflare-assigned hostname
- Stop the tunnel
Built-in Docker support for running tunnels in containers:
- Hover over any tunnel in the Persistent Tunnels view
- Click the Docker icon (leftmost button)
- Two files will be generated and opened in your editor:
- The Docker Compose configurationcloudflare.<tunnel-name>.env
- Contains the secure tunnel token
- Built-in system service support for running tunnels as system services
Rename the compose file:
mv docker-compose.<tunnel-name>.yml docker-compose.yml
Start the tunnel:
docker compose up -d
Stop the tunnel:
docker compose down
Secure Token Management
- Tunnel token stored in separate environment file
- Environment file automatically loaded by Docker Compose
- Easy to add to
for security
Service Connection Options
- Default: Connects to services on your host machine via
- Optional: Connect to other Docker services using Docker networks
- Configurable URL and port settings
- Default: Connects to services on your host machine via
Container Management
- Automatic container restart on failure
- Clean shutdown with compose down
- Standard Docker Compose workflow
The generated Docker Compose file is simple and focused:
image: cloudflare/cloudflared:latest
command: tunnel --no-autoupdate --url http://host.docker.internal:8080 run
- cloudflare.your-tunnel.env
restart: unless-stopped
To connect to other Docker services, you can add network configuration as documented in the generated file.
Built-in system service support for running tunnels as system services:
- Hover over any tunnel in the Persistent Tunnels view
- Click the gear icon (rightmost button)
- Two files will be generated and opened in your editor:
- The systemd service configurationcloudflared-<tunnel-name>.env
- Contains the secure tunnel token
Copy the service file to the systemd directory:
sudo cp cloudflared-<tunnel-name>.service /etc/systemd/system/
Create the environment file directory and copy the env file:
sudo mkdir -p /etc/cloudflared sudo cp cloudflared-<tunnel-name>.env /etc/cloudflared/
Set proper permissions:
sudo chown root:root /etc/systemd/system/cloudflared-<tunnel-name>.service sudo chmod 644 /etc/systemd/system/cloudflared-<tunnel-name>.service sudo chown cloudflared:cloudflared /etc/cloudflared/cloudflared-<tunnel-name>.env sudo chmod 600 /etc/cloudflared/cloudflared-<tunnel-name>.env
Start the service:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl enable cloudflared-<tunnel-name> sudo systemctl start cloudflared-<tunnel-name>
Secure Configuration
- Service runs as dedicated cloudflared user
- Environment file with restricted permissions
- Systemd security hardening options enabled
Service Management
- Automatic service startup on boot
- Automatic restart on failure
- Standard systemd service controls
- Proper logging to system journal
Security Hardening
- Protected system and home directories
- Private /tmp directory
- No new privileges escalation
- Restricted service user permissions
The generated service file includes comprehensive security settings:
Description=Cloudflare Tunnel - <tunnel-name>
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/cloudflared tunnel --no-autoupdate --url http://localhost:<port> run
# Hardening options
Several commands are accessible via the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P / Cmd+Shift+P):
Tunnelfy: Create Profile
- Create a new Cloudflare profile with an API keyTunnelfy: Switch Profile
- Switch between Cloudflare profilesTunnelfy: Delete Profile
- Delete a Cloudflare profile
Tunnelfy: Create Tunnel
- Create a new permanent tunnelTunnelfy: Refresh Tunnels
- Refresh the list of tunnelsTunnelfy: Start Tunnel
- Start a tunnelTunnelfy: Stop Tunnel
- Stop a tunnelTunnelfy: View Tunnel Info
- View detailed information about a tunnelTunnelfy: Copy Tunnel Token
- Copy the token of a tunnelTunnelfy: Delete Tunnel
- Delete a tunnelTunnelfy: Generate Docker Compose
- Generate Docker Compose files for running the tunnel in Docker
Tunnelfy: Create Quick Tunnel
- Create a new quick tunnelTunnelfy: Copy Quick Tunnel URL
- Copy the URL of a quick tunnelTunnelfy: Stop Quick Tunnel
- Stop a quick tunnel
Tunnelfy: Generate Docker Compose
- Generate Docker Compose files for running the tunnel as a Docker service
- Hover over a tunnel in the Persistent Tunnels view
- Click the Docker icon (leftmost button)
- A
file will be generated in your workspace
The generated Docker Compose file includes:
- A service running the Cloudflare tunnel with your tunnel token
- A placeholder service for your application
- A shared network for communication between services
Example Docker Compose file:
version: "3"
image: cloudflare/cloudflared:latest
command: tunnel --no-autoupdate run
- TUNNEL_TOKEN=your-tunnel-token
restart: unless-stopped
- tunnel-net
# Replace this with your application's image and configuration
image: your-app-image:latest
- "8080:8080"
- tunnel-net
driver: bridge
To use the generated file:
- Replace
with your actual application image - Add any necessary environment variables or volumes for your app
- Run
docker-compose -f docker-compose.{tunnel-name}.yml up -d
Invalid API Key
- Make sure your API key has the correct permissions (Cloudflare Tunnel:Edit)
- Verify the API key is still active in your Cloudflare dashboard
- Try creating a new API key if issues persist
Profile Switching Issues
- Ensure the API key for the profile is still valid
- Check your internet connection
- Try deleting and recreating the profile if issues persist
Tunnel Creation Fails
- Verify your API key has sufficient permissions
- Check if you've reached your account's tunnel limit
- Ensure you have a stable internet connection
Connecting Tunnels to Domains/Subdomains
- Ensure you have a persistent tunnel created with any display name you choose.
- Your list of domains/subdomains will not be presented until you run a tunnel.
Quick Tunnel Issues
- Verify cloudflared is installed and accessible
- Check if the port is already in use
- Look for rate limiting messages in the output
- Ensure you have a stable internet connection
Development Environment Issues
- Run
npm install
to ensure all dependencies are installed - Clear the VS Code extension development host:
rm -rf .vscode-test
- Check the extension logs in the Output panel
- Verify cloudflared installation and permissions
- Run
Persistent Tunnel Disappears When Extension is Closed
- This is expected behavior. The tunnel will remain running in the background.
- For persistent tunnel setups:
- use the
Tunnelfy: Generate Docker Compose
command to create a Docker Compose file for your tunnel. - use a system service (systemd, etc) to start the tunnel on boot (File generation in future updates).
- use the
- API keys are stored securely using VS Code's built-in secret storage
- Keys are never displayed after initial entry
- Each profile maintains its own isolated API key
- No sensitive data is stored in plain text
We welcome contributions! Here's how you can help:
Fork the Repository
- Create a fork of the repository
- Clone your fork locally
Set Up Development Environment
# Install dependencies npm install npm install -g yo generator-code # Install recommended VS Code extensions code --install-extension dbaeumer.vscode-eslint code --install-extension esbenp.prettier-vscode
Create a Feature Branch
git checkout -b feature/your-feature
Make Your Changes
- Write code following our style guidelines
- Add tests for new functionality
- Update documentation as needed
Test Your Changes
# Run the test suite npm test # Run ESLint npm run lint
Create a Pull Request
- Push your changes to your fork
- Create a pull request to our development branch
- Follow the pull request template
- Wait for review and address any feedback
For more detailed information about development, please see our Development Guide.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
If you encounter any issues or have suggestions, please:
- Check the Troubleshooting section
- View the extension logs
- Open an issue on GitHub
- Email if all else fails (response time will be slow)
Cloudflare Tunnel CLI (cloudflared
) allows you to securely control exposing local applications to the internet without opening firewall ports. It is an essential part of Tunnelfy functionality.
sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y curl
curl -fsSL -o cloudflared
sudo chmod +x cloudflared
sudo mv cloudflared /usr/local/bin/
cloudflared --version
sudo dnf install -y curl
curl -fsSL -o cloudflared
sudo chmod +x cloudflared
sudo mv cloudflared /usr/local/bin/
cloudflared --version
yay -S cloudflared-bin
cloudflared --version
- Download the latest Cloudflare Tunnel client from:
- Run the installer and follow the prompts.
- Verify installation in Command Prompt or PowerShell:
cloudflared --version
choco install cloudflared
cloudflared --version
winget install Cloudflare.cloudflared
cloudflared --version
brew install cloudflare/cloudflare/cloudflared
brew services start cloudflared
cloudflared --version