nRF Connect Device Manager library is a Flutter plugin based on Android and iOS nRF Connect Device Manager libraries.
BETA 🧪: This library is still in beta. We are working on improving it and adding more features. If you have any suggestions or find any bugs, please create an issue or a pull request. Also future versions of this library may introduce breaking changes.
- Android:
minSdkVersion 19
- iOS:
Use UpdateManagerFactory
to create an instance of FirmwareUpdateManager
final managerFactory: UpdateManagerFactory = FirmwareUpdateManagerFactory()
// `deviceId` is a String with the device's MAC address (on Android) or UUID (on iOS)
final updateManager = await managerFactory.getUpdateManager(deviceId);
// call `setup` before using the manager
final updateStream = updateManager.setup();
To update the device, call update
method on the FirmwareUpdateManager
// `firmware` is a List of data and index pairs
final List<Tuple2<int, Uint8List>> firmwareScheme = ...;
final configuration = const FirmwareUpgradeConfiguration(
estimatedSwapTime: const Duration(seconds: 0),
byteAlignment: ImageUploadAlignment.fourByte,
eraseAppSettings: true,
pipelineDepth: 1,
// `configuration` is an optional parameter. If not provided, default values will be used.
updateManager.update(firmware.firmwareScheme, configuration: configuration);
To listen for updates, subscribe to the updateStream
and progressStream
updateManager.updateStateStream?.listen((event) {
if (event == FirmwareUpgradeState.success) {
print("Update Success");
} else {
updateManager.progressStream.listen((event) {
print("${event.bytesSent} / ${event.imageSize}} bytes sent");
To control the update, use FirmwareUpdateManager
/// Pause the update process.
Future<void> pause();
/// Resume the update process.
Future<void> resume();
/// Cancel update.
Future<void> cancel();
/// Check if the progress is in process.
Future<bool> inProgress();
/// Check if the progress is paused.
Future<bool> isPaused();
After the update is finished, call kill
to kill the manager, otherwise it will lead to memory leaks and other issues:
To read logs from the device, use FirmwareUpdateLogger
final logger = updateManager.logger;
logger.logMessageStream.listen((event) {
for (var msg in event) {
print("${msg.level.shortName} ${msg.message}");