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Application Programming Interface (API)

Sample configuration object

Here you can find an up-to-date example of the configuration object: lib/default-config.js


const selenium = require('selenium-standalone');

async function myFn() {
  //result is obj with paths to binary and some info like urls to installed files { fsPaths, urls, opts }
  const details = await selenium.install({
    // check for more recent versions of selenium here:
    version: process.env.SELENIUM_VERSION || '4.10.0',
    baseURL: '',
    drivers: {
      chrome: {
        // check for more recent versions of chrome driver here:
        version: 'latest',
        arch: process.arch,
        baseURL: ''
        channel: 'stable', //option

  const seleniumChildProcess = await selenium.start({
    drivers: {
      chrome: {
        version: 'latest',

  //staring drivers 'chrome' | 'firefox' | 'chromiumedge' without selenium-server
  const chromeDriverChildProcess = await selenium.start({
    onlyDriver: 'chrome'
    drivers: {
      chrome: {
        version: 'latest',
        onlyDriverArgs: [],//option

  // run tests

  // finally kill selenium process!


opts.version selenium version to install.

opts.drivers map of drivers to download and install along with selenium standalone server.

The current defaults can be found in lib/default-config.js.

opts.arch is either ia32 or x64, it's here because you might want to switch to a particular arch sometimes.

opts.baseURL is used to find the server having the selenium or drivers files.

opts.fullURL as an alternative to baseURL it's possible specify full url, ex

opts.ignoreExtraDrivers only downloads and installs drivers explicitly specified. Broken #421

opts.basePath sets the base directory used to store the selenium standalone .jar and drivers. Defaults to node_modules/selenium-standalone/.selenium

opts.progressCb(totalLength, progressLength, chunkLength) will be called if provided with raw bytes length numbers about the current download process. It is used by the command line to show a progress bar.

opts.logger will be called if provided with some debugging information about the installation process.

opts.requestOpts can be any valid got options object. You can use this for example to set a timeout.

opts.onlyDriver can be any valid 'chrome' | 'firefox' | 'chromiumedge' it allow to install any driver without selenium server, driver also can be parametrized with onlyDriverArgs, it's []

returns Promise<void>


opts.version selenium version to install.

opts.drivers map of drivers to run along with selenium standalone server, same as selenium.install.

opts.ignoreExtraDrivers only loads and starts drivers explicitly specified.

opts.basePath sets the base directory used to load the selenium standalone .jar and drivers, same as selenium.install.

By default all drivers are loaded, you only control and change the versions or archs.

opts.spawnOptions spawn options for the selenium server. Defaults to undefined

opts.javaArgs array of arguments for the JVM, included between java and -jar in the command line invocation. Use this option to set properties like -Xmx=512M or, for instance. Defaults to [].

opts.seleniumArgs array of arguments for the selenium server, passed directly to child_process.spawn. Defaults to [].

opts.javaPath set the javaPath manually, otherwise we use [which]('java').

opts.requestOpts can be any valid got options object. You can use this for example to set a timeout.

opts.processKiller set to falsy value, for preventing killing selenium server port.

opts.onlyDriver can be any valid 'chrome' | 'firefox' | 'chromiumedge' it allow to start any driver directly without selenium server

returns Promise<ChildProcess>

Error: Port 4444 is already in use.

If you're getting this error, it means that you didn't shut down the server successfully the last time you started it, so it's still running in the background. You can kill it by running:

pkill -f selenium-standalone

since 9.1.0 it's been checked and killed automatically

Set selenium-standalone Version as NodeJS environment parameter

You can set any version by process.env.SELENIUM_VERSION=3.141.59 before starting selenium-standalone. Default values are here: lib/default-config.js

Use the package behind corparate proxy

Should be specified process.env.HTTP_PROXY=http://proxy-url:port and process.env.HTTPS_PROXY=http://proxy-url:port or the same system envirement variables HTTP_PROXY=http://proxy-url:port, HTTPS_PROXY=http://proxy-url:port